CHM 111 Questions

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CHM 111

Q.  1
Which scientist discovered the electron, which helped
him develop a model of the atom?
Q.  2
Which scientist conducted experiments using alpha
particles and thin gold foil, which later helped him develop
his model for the atom? 
Q.  3
The distinct pattern of colors emitted by excited atoms is
Q.  4
Who was the person to propose the theory of atomic
structure based on line spectra?
Q.  5
Under Bohr's theory of line spectra, the energy in atoms
 Q.  6
A wave with a long wavelength will have a ______
frequency and _____ energy.
Q.  7
What is the energy of light if its frequency is 1.55 × 10 10 s−1?
Answer to Q. 7

Using the formula for the energy of light, we have

E = hν
E = (6.626 × 10−34 J·s)(1.55 × 1010 s−1)
Seconds are in the numerator and the denominator, so they
cancel, leaving us with joules, the unit of energy. So

E = 1.03 × 10−23 J

This is an extremely small amount of energy — but this is for

only one light wave.
 Q.  8
The wavelength of a violet light is 400 nm. Calculate the
frequency and wavenumber.
 Answer to Q. 8
The wavelength of the violet light = 400 nm
To find:
The frequency and the wave number of the violet light used.

The frequency is given as: ν = c/λ
Where c is the speed of light in vacuum. Therefore:
ν = 3 x 10⁸ ms-1/ 400*10⁻⁹ m = 7.5*10¹⁴ s-1 (Hz)
Wave number is given as: ṽ = 1/λ
w = 1/ 400*10⁻⁹ m = 2.5*10⁶ m⁻¹
Q.  9
When light falls on a metal surface, the maximum kinetic
energy of the emitted photo-electrons depends upon
(a) The time for which light falls on the metal
(b) Frequency of the incident light
(c) Intensity of the incident light
(d) Velocity of the incident light
Q.  10
An electronic transition from 1s orbital of an atom causes
Q.  11
Calculate the wavelength of the radiations emitted when an
electron in a hydrogen atom undergoes a transition
from 4th energy level to the 2nd energy level. In which part
of the electromagnetic spectrum does this line lie?
Answer to Q. 11
Using Rydberg equation

On substituting n1​= 2, n2 ​= 4, R ​= 109678 cm-1  in equation,

Also, λ = ​

or λ = 486 nm
Hence, visible region is the answer
Q.  12
Calculate the wavelength in meters of an electron traveling at
3.66 x 106 m/s. The mass of an electron is 9.11 x 10-28 g.
Answer to Q. 12
1) To calculate this we will use De Broglie wavelength
λ - the wavelength
h - Plank's constant: h = 6.626 × 10⁻³⁴ Js
v - speed
m - mass
It is given:
m = 9.11 × 10⁻²⁸ g
v = 3.66 × 10⁶ m/s

Q.  13
Bohr model of atom is contradicted by
(a) Pauli’s exclusion principle
(b) Planck quantum theory
(c) Heisenberg uncertainty principle
(d) All of these
Q.  14
Quantum Numbers are solutions of _____________
Q.  15
Which of the following quantum numbers governs the
spatial orientation of an atomic orbital?
Q.  16
What is the range of Azimuthal Quantum Number, l?
Q.  17
What are the possible subshells when n = 4? How many
orbitals are contained by each of these subshells?

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