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Research and Analytics Methodology

Bangalore, India

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Methodology Market Entry Strategy

Methodology Market Entry Strategy

Business Objective
Planning to enter into Milk and Milk Products, in Chhattishgarh and Madhya Pradesh circle. As a Prelaunch activity we want to identify the Key focus areas in Milk industry and milk product Markets.

Research Objective :
Desires to conduct a preliminary study of Milk and Milk products market to understand the big picture and also to identify few areas to do in-depth analysis later. Research would include :
History, current status and future growth projections Technologies being used Government Policies, Plan, initiatives in these areas Regulatory agencies, standardization bodies, Industry bodies involved in these areas Challenges for the industry and for all the stakeholders Opportunities available immediate and long term Other Information's related to Market Entry


Methodology Market Entry Strategy

Research Methods/Sources
Project involves extensive use of Secondary Research . This Includes
Inputs from past research by Consulting companies Government Institutions Reports and Forecasts by Existing players in the markets. Research Journals Technology Journals Expert Blogs/Websites Surveys will be done in the field and online to understand the dynamics of market


Methodology Market Entry Strategy

Key Questions Answered
 Is there is any space for us to enter in the Milk and Milk products markets in Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh circle.  How is these industries performed in the past in India  What is the market size and its segmentation  What is the growth pattern of various players  Are there any growth challenges/barriers for the industry in near future and past  Are there any sweet zones in terms of demography, technology, consumer segmentation which we can focus during product design and marketing campaigns  Is there any one feature in the milk products which will drive the future growth of mobile market  How many players are there in the market and growth in industry in terms of number of players in the past- Competitive landscape  Is the industry dominated by few players  Is the industry too competitive  Are there chances of making positive profits in this industry  Is the market is going to saturate in near future Contd ..

Methodology Market Entry Strategy

Key Questions Answered (Contd.)
 Is it beneficial to target Rural market as compared to Urban or vice versa. Growth rate of rural mobile market in the past  SWOT Analysis of these markets at various levels such as technology, type of phones, industry level etc.  Is there any scope of innovation in the current market scenario  Is there any feature absent in the current players products which people are looking for in future  How much is the milk products penetration in rural and urban households  What is the government regulatory environment in India regarding these industries in terms of technology used, health issue, environment issues etc. Is it too stringent . Information about the Regulatory agencies, standardization bodies, Industry bodies involved in these areas. Is government providing any benefits to the upcoming players in this industry. Government plans, policies and other initiatives in this area in past and future  Is there any possibility/ benefits of making joint ventures / partnership with other firms such as service providers, Value added service providers such as social networking, gaming etc.

Many other aspects will be covered as we will proceed with the extensive research study


Project Delivery Framework

Understand client objectives and identify their expected outcomes

Access Meltdata's Qualitative and Quantitative research methodologies to develop a comprehensive research plan

Implement the latest technologies and techniques to produce better on time solutions

Provide High Quality service through continuous communication and feedback by client

Provide a deep understanding of results by developing strategic insights on client's business objective

Key Advantages
Client Requirements

Highly Qualified resources

Highly Competitive Cost

Deployment of Quantitative capabilities

Effective Solution

Meltdata Offerings
Data Collection Services Questionnaire Designing Survey Programming / Launch of Surveys Verbatim Coding Data Processing/Tabulation using SPSS , Wincross , SAS Statistical Analysis (Cluster, Factor, CHAID, Regression, Key Driver Analysis etc)  Reporting using PowerPoint /Excel /Crystal Xcelsius  Insights and Recommendations  Data Analytics  Customer Loyalty Analysis  Brand Mapping  Improvement Area Identification  Index Development  Forecasting      

Primary Market Research

High End Analytics Services


Customer Churn Analysis Web Analytics Predictive Modeling Optimization Purchase Behavior Analysis Comparison of Private Brand in comparison with other Brands

Automation Tools / Dashboards

Dashboard Development  Excel Based Dashboards using VBA and integration with Database  Web Based Dashboards  Development of Automated Tools for Data Management and to automate repetitive tasks 

Meltdata has proposed various analytical approaches to address client business issues
Primary Market Research and Analytics Click here for more details Verbatim Analysis Click here for more details Forecasting, Trend analysis and driver analysis Click here for more details Churn analysis Click here for more details Web Analytics Click here for more details Survey Designing and Analytics Click here for more details Automated Business Management Tools Click here for more details

Primary Market Research and Analytics

Sample results

Analysis Plan

 Validate the Data and create a road map for any modifications  Segment the market on basis of geographies, customers, age groups and income to target the segment accordingly.  Develop the Tabulation Plan , Reporting Plan and Verbatim coding, Statistical Analysis strategy including hypothesis testing

Statistical Techniques & Tools


Business Impact

20 10 0

 Capture customer feedback better  Quantify voice of customer, aided and unaided awareness of Product  Improve the quality of surveys  Identify Market Potential for Products  Identify significant differences across region, specialty,

Correlation analysis Classical Linear Regression modeling Multivariate ANNOVA(Analysis of variance) Other Multivariate Techniques like factor ,cluster SAS/SPSS Final deliverables would be sent as  MS Excel  Power point deck

100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2 5

65 56



Cost Tolerability Convenience Effectiveness


Total Variance Explained


Verbatim Analysis
Sample results
Identify areas of concern through Verbatim analysis

Analysis Plan

 Capture key issues customers are writing about  Proactively identify Quality problems that can lead to increased customer complaints  Automatically process millions of verbatim  Understand customer sentiment from blogs, discussion forums, reviews etc.

N 264 222 197 189

% 3 3 25 44 22 c 57 21 69 C

Statistical Techniques & Tools


Clustering Correlation analysis SPSS Text Miner, CLUTO / Perl Tools: SAS/SPSS/R Final deliverables would be sent as  Power point deck  Excel spreadsheet  Automated reports

Observation:  Cost and Expenses incurred for the support are not rated and hence should be included in the survey It is clear that the customers found the support to be expensive

Compare the responses of customers over different

Q1 Q2

Very Poor 6 7

Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7

Business Impact


Identify specific reasons for satisfaction/ dissatisfaction Proactively address customer issues Improve products by incorporating voice of customer into planning Understand customer sentiment and address them through marketing channels

8 9


Q8 Q9 0 20 40 60 80 100

Helps to identify whether the responses were consistent across questions or not. This would help in capturing the customer perception on a better scale 11

Forecasting, Trend analysis and driver analysis

Sample results
W at drives Overall Sales?

Analysis Plan

 Study the patterns of KPIs over time and forecast them. This forecasting can be done for any of the KPIs like Revenue, Price Point, demand, sale /channels  Identify drivers for metrics demand, customer satisfaction, Brand performance etc.  Identify high performing agents and analyze the things they do well and replicate them

Number of calls

Negative Drivers

Positive Drivers
Customer Satisfaction


Forecasting Revenue of a particular region

8.20 8.00

Business Impact

 Resource optimization at low cost  Make corrections to business actions by identifying attributes that influence KPIs  Know and predict how well the business is doing  Decreased costs by planning in advance with lesser error  Increased sales, customer satisfaction etc.

7.80 7.60 7.40 7.20 7.00 Jul '07 Sep Nov Jan Mar May Jul Sep Nov '07 '07 '08 '08 '08 '08 '08 '08

Enables to predict how the company would perform in region A in future. Thus giving a prospect to optimize resources & minimize expenditure

Statistical Techniques & Tools

Helps to identify specific areas w ere we ave to focus and t us we can improve overall Sales

Region A


ARIMA modeling Root cause analysis Multinomial Logistic Regression Classical Linear Regression Model (CLRI) Tools: SAS/SPSS/R Final deliverables would be sent as  Excel spreadsheet  Power point decks

Overall quality of Product

Forecast Actual Values



Churn analysis
Sample results
Churn probabilities of customers

Analysis Plan

 Incorporate data from Database and CSAT information to develop predictive models that identify customers who are likely to churn  Suggest methods to improve the save rate when customers cancels/ avoid to buy the products


c $ $ $ $

Statistical Techniques & Tools


Logistic regression Correlation analysis Linear regression SAS / SPSS / R Final deliverables would be sent as  Excel sheet showing the list of customers likely to churn  PowerPoint decks

The sample output table shows that Customer 1 is most likely to churn. Acting immediately to retain him will be more beneficial than bringing in new customers.

Business Impact


Lift in Revenue as there will be a reduction in churn Reduced customer acquisition costs More Revenue from paid service offerings Stable Revenue structure



Web Analytics
Sample results

Analysis Plan

 Awareness of the brand through web advertising  Analyzing the websites suitable to give advertisements, in order to increase traffic on site  Analyzing the traffic coming to client s website  Analyzing the time spent by a user on client s site  Increasing the end user traffic by improving the quality of client s website User Traffic Analysis Search Engine optimization SPSS/SAS/SQL/MS Excel Final deliverables would be sent as  Power point deck  Automated reports

Statistical Techniques & Tools


Business Impact


Increased Brand Awareness Higher client base Knowledge of prospective clients Ease of placing order on website by client



Survey Designing and Analytics

Sample results
Identify the question with an irrational jump of average score in a week

Analysis Plan

 Validate the survey and create a road map for any modifications  Classify the surveys based on Duration and Day of the week . This might give a pattern for the customer feedback  Find out the regions which are not highly rated and identify the metrics that would help to increase their satisfaction scores

Statistical Techniques & Tools


Correlation analysis Classical Linear Regression modeling Multivariate ANNOVA(Analysis of variance) Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) SAS/SPSS Final deliverables would be sent as  MS Excel  Power point deck

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 2 4 6 8

Q1 Q2 Q3

Observation: Q3 has an irrational jump Recommendation: By finding the customers who has responded to this question, suitable action plan can be formulated Based on the customer feedback, the surveys were classified with respect to Duration
Classification of customers based on the time taken to fill the survey
70% 72% 76% 67% 71% 75% 75%

Business Impact


Capture customer feedback better Quantify voice of customer Improve the quality of surveys Efficient Design of Marketing Strategy Measurement of Panel Efficiency


25% 20% 4% 3% 4%


23% 6% 5%

21% 4%

22% 3%









Too long

About right

Too short

ould help in identification of optimum time to fill in the survey. By further analysis, the reasons could also be identified


Automated Business Management Tools

Analysis Plan

 Identify the requirements for one a click solution  Develop an algorithm for automation solution with a Graphical User Interface , back end Database Interface and Web Integration  Develop the Key Performance Indicators for Dashboard Development  User Acceptance Testin

Statistical Techniques & Tools


Crystal Xcelsius Microsoft Excel OLAP Cube SSAS, SSIS and SSRS Final deliverables would be sent as Excel Dashboard s Xcelsius Dashboards Automated Softwares Database files

Business Impact


Quick Business Review at various granularities Automation of Repetitive tasks Ease of Report Generation Faster Decision Making Continuous gauge of KPI Metrics Elimination of chances of error due to manual stuff Ease of viewing the area of under performance




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