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Anne Frank

Anne Frank… early childhood
 Anne frank was born on June 12, 1929 in
Frankfurt , Germany. She lived with her parents,
Otto Frank and Edith Hollander, & her elder sister
Anne Frank… growing

She grew up in a community of Jewish and

Non-Jewish people with friends of many
religions. They were a well off family.
Anne Frank… as a
student  Anne showed
aptitude for
reading and
writing and her
sister margot
ability with
Margot was really
studios but anne
was outsopken.
Anne Frank‘s diary …
 When she turned
13, her family
gave her a diary
where she wrote
all her feelings It
was one way she
could express her
self during those
hard times of
holocaust, plus it
was a way of
Anne Frank‘s diary …
 She wrote all the details of her life in the hiding . The
difficulties they went through , the harsh experiences, and
the cruelty in hands of German Nazis in the concentration
The hiding begins
 On Monday, July 6
Anne and her family
moved to the secret
annex because they
received a call up
for margot. That
meant that if margot
didn’t assist to the
work camp they
would arrest all the
family. They left
their home making
people belive they
had moved to
Anne Frank—life in the hiding
•The secret annex
was a small “house”
that Jews used in
the holocoust for
hiding from the
Germans. Where
Anne stayed it was
located behind her
dad’s office. The
Annex door was
covered with a book
shelf for making sure
the place was safe
and undiscovered.
FRANK & other people in the hiding
There were 8 people in the hiding and 6 others
helped them to bring food and supplies . Anne
spent 761 days in that hiding annex
Anne Frank…just before arrest

Every time Anne got older

 and smarter
she wrote on mature subjects such as
God and Human nature.
Her last entry was on August 1, 1944
just four days before her arrest.
The Arrest…
 In August 4, 1944
the German
security found the
Anne Frank hiding
place and they
took them to a
camp. This took
them a 3 day
The First Concentration
 It was the first Camps…
concentration camp they
where in. In this concentration camp they
worked though it wasn’t that hard. They
still had some rights.
The Second Concentration Camp

 The second
camp was
 The men and
women where
separated and
they where
forced to do
heavy labor.
The Gas Chambers
Anne was not killed
immediately in the

gas champers. The
Nazis shaved
Anne’s head and
put a tattoo on her
arm with an
identified number.
They where treated
as slaves and
They did harsh
Third Concentration Camp

Then Anne and Margot were moved to the third

and last concentration camp. Edith (Anne’s
mother) stayed in the second camp and died of
starvation. In this camp Anne and Margot died of
Typhus some weeks before the camp was free
from the Nazis.
Death of Anne Frank…
 Anne frank and her sister died of typhus in March
Anne Frank’s Diary…
The only survivor from Anne’s family was
Otto (Anne’s Dad) who later published
Anne’s diary.

Anne’s Diary…
 Anne’s diary has  It been translated in
become one of the more than 50
most famous books languages with
of the holocaust world thousands of
wide… editions.

1-melancholy- a feeling of sadness or sorrow

2-anxious – showing worry, nervousness, or unease
3-glimpse – catch sight of , glance, or peep
4-enhance – increase or improve the quality or value of
5-stubborn – not ready to change attitude or position
6-unwillingly- against one’s wish, reluctantly
7-forbidden – not allowed, banned, prohibited
8-impact – effect, influence, or impression on something
9-decree – an official order that has force of law
10-restrictions – limitation or control on something

1- -------------------was the only member of the Frank family to survive
concentration camps.
2-Anne did not want to show this cardboard-covered notebook bearing
the proud name --------------------- to anyone.
3-The reason for starting the diary was that she had no ----------------------- .
4-Anne was -------------------- and her sister ----------------- years old.
5-She had around ------------------ people whom she could call friends.
6-Anne wanted the diary itself to be her -------------- and she named
7-Margot was born in the year----------------- and Anne in the year------------
8-Frank family had emigrated to-------------------- in the year-----------------
9-Anne father was appointed as---------------- of Travis N.V. which was in
close relationship with ----------------------
10-Good times rapidly fled after May ----------- after the arrival of -----------
11-In 1934 Anne went to ------------------------- and in 1941 she and Margot
went to ------------------------- school.
12-No one was spared- the babies, sick mothers, old people- each and all
joined in the ----------------------
13-Close friends had delivered in the hands of cruelest brutes that
walked on earth- all because they were-----------------
Q-1) Give a few details about Anne’s family and friends.
Ans) Anne had darling parents and a sister of sixteen, Margot. They had
about thirty friends. She also had darling aunts and uncles.
Q-2) What do you know about the diary of Anne Frank?
Ans) Anne believed that the diary was like a friend she always wanted.
She called it Kitty. She thought that she would start by sketching in brief
the story of her life.
Q-3) What happened after May 1940 as told by Anne?
Ans) After 1940 good times rapidly fled. First the war, then the
capitulation, followed by the arrival of Germans ,which is when the
sufferings of Jews really began.
Q-4) What do you know about anti-Jewish laws?.
Ans) Anti-Jewish decrees followed each other in quick succession. Jews must
wear a yellow star. They must hand in their bicycles. They are banned from
trains. They are forbidden to visit cinemas and theatres. They should remain
indoors after 8pm.
Q-5) Tell briefly about Anne’s schooling.
Ans) In 1934 Anne went to Montessori Kindergarten. When she was in form 6B
she had to say goodbye to Mrs.K. In 1941 she went with her sister Margot to
Jewish Secondary School.
Q-6) Explain briefly ‘the march of death’.
Ans) In the evening, when it is dark, a row of innocent people accompanied by
crying children, walking on and on. The incharges bullied and knocked them .
No one was spared- old people, mothers, the sick or children. It was the march of

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