Android Flight

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College Name:-Ajay Binay Degree College

Students Name :- Slip Das

Subhasmita Nayak
Subrat Sarati Nayak
Sudhalaxmi Mohanty

• Android Flight E-Ticket means making a reservation or booking ticket for

flight via the internet.
• This application enable user to book tickets easily form anywhere and any
time without waste time and physical effort.

• The objective of our project is to developed an android application which

will serve as medium for people to book a ticket and to travel through
• The main motive of this app is to easy the process of ticket booking by
avoiding the hetic process.

• The proposed system made the ticket booking process easy and simple.
• This system made Users to easily get information about flights and the
information about offers available on the tickets.
• This system reduces a lot of time waste and physical effort to both users and
admin in adding the information and in booking tickets.
• All the information related to flights and the offers are maintained in the
database in which we can easily search, modify or delete any information

• Flight e-ticket basically has two main modules for proper functioning
• The Admin needs to enter valid username and password to get logged into the application.
Admin can view all the details of the flight available
• The User needs to enter all the details in the registration form to get credentials. User need
to enter unique username and password to get logged into the application. User can view
all the details of the flights and the available offers and can book tickets.

• The system should be designed in such a way that only authorized people should
be allowed to access some particular modules. The records should be modified by only
administrators and no one else. The user should always be in control of the application
and not the vice versa.

• The user interface should be consistent so that the user can handle the application
with ease and speed. The application should be visually, conceptually clear.

•The tickets issued should have the details such as plane number, ticket number, seat
number, traveler’s name, time of departure. The traveler should be informed about the
check-in time.The names of the fields involved in the airline reservation system are
•->VIEW SINGLE PASSENGER RECORD (by taking the ticket number)
•MODULE 1: FLIGHT DETAILS: -This module is used to view the flight details with ease and it tends the
passenger to book tickets without much difficulty.
•• MODULE 2: CHECK AVAILABILITY: - This module is used to check the availability of the flights and the
information of the seats in that flight.
• • MODULE 3: SINGLE PASSENGER RECORD: -This module is used to view the single passenger details
with the help of the ticket number issued after booking with input support information.
• • MODULE 4: BOOK TICKET: - This module is used to book the ticket after checking the availability of
tickets I the flights. A ticket can be booked to a maximum of five just by entering the passenger's name, age and
their details.
• • MODULE 5: EXIT This module is used to exit from the reservation form

• Input design is part of overall system design that requires special attention designing input data is to
make the data entered easy and free from errors. Validation is made for each and every data that is
entered. Help information is provided for the users during when the customer feels difficult.
• Input design is the process of converting the user originated inputs to a computer-based format. A
system user interacting through a workstation must be able to tell the system whether to accept the
input to produce reports. The collection of input data is considered to be most expensive part of the
system design.

• Output design this application “FLIGHT E-TICKET” generally refers to the results and information
that are generated by the system for many end-users; output is the main reason for developing the
system and the basis on which they evaluate the usefulness of the application

•The output is designed in such a way that it is attractive, convenient and informative.
Forms are designed with various features, which make the console output more pleasing.
• As the outputs are the most important sources of information to the users, better design
should improve the system’s relationships with us and also will help in decision making.
Form design elaborates the way output is presented and the layout available for capturing

•To conclude, Project Data Grid works like a component which can access all the
databases and picks up different functions. It overcomes the many limitations incorporated
in the attendance.

•Easy implementation Enviroment

•Generate report flexibly.

• The project has a very vast scope in future. The project can be implemented on intranet in future. Project can be
updated in near future as and when requirement for the same arises, as it is very flexible in terms of expansion.
With the proposed software of database Space Manager ready and fully functional the client is now able to manage
and hence run the entire work in a much better, accurate and error free manner. The following are the future scope
for the project.
• The systenis simple to operate and easy to understand.
• To make the data more secur the software has provided he facility to the user to create their own password.
• System much flexible ,so in future it can increases easily and new module can be added easily.

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