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Planning a shoot

Before my shoot I have investigated the work of Myra Greene.

What I really liked about the work was that her work was focused on race and had meaning behind
her photos.
From looking at her work I would like to incorporate in my shoot different close-up angles of the
models face.
For this shoot I would like to try to capture different skin tones, eyes, nose and lips.
The idea behind this shoot is that I crop my favourite photos using photoshop that I have taken so
that there is one feature in the image, I then turn the image monochrome and place the image on a
plain white canvas to upload to my weebly.
For my shoot I will need lights, a camera and a model.
The location I want to use for my shoot is the studio in school because I can use the lighting to light
up the picture.
I plan to take my photos inside school at day time.
To create the lighting I want for my shoot I will need studio lights in the studio at school.
For my shoot I will need a model so that I can take photos of their face and edit it.
My models will wear they’re school uniform because we will be doing the shoot during school time.
For my shoot I will try using close- up photos so that I can capture skin tones.
The reason I feel close-up photos would work best is because with close-up photos I will be able to
capture skin tones better which is important when doing a shoot in the style of Myra Greene whose
work is focused on race and features of the face.

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