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•Chihiro and her parents are moving to a small
Japanese town in the countryside, much to Chihiro's
dismay. On the way to their new home, Chihiro's
father makes a wrong turn and drives down a lonely
one-lane road which dead-ends in front of a tunnel.
Her parents decide to stop the car and explore the
area. They go through the tunnel and find an
abandoned amusement park on the other side, with
its own little town. When her parents see a restaurant
with great-smelling food but no staff, they decide to
eat and pay later. However, Chihiro refuses to eat and
decides to explore the theme park a bit more. She
meets a boy named Haku who tells her that Chihiro
and her parents are in danger, and they must leave
immediately. She runs to the restaurant and finds that
her parents have turned into pigs. In addition, the
theme park turns out to be a town inhabited by
demons, spirits, and evil gods. At the center of the
town is a bathhouse where these creatures go to
relax. The owner of the bathhouse is the evil witch
Yubaba, who is intent on keeping all trespassers as
captive workers, including Chihiro. Chihiro must rely
on Haku to save her parents in hopes of returning to
their world. This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY.
Chihiro and the other characters
commit the seven deadly sins of
the Catholic way, but also the
seven heavenly virtues.
•As of the seven
deadly sins Yubaba
lusts for power and
money, but makes
Haku do all the
work for her.
• Her baby becomes
the sloth, spending
its entire life
Meanwhile her right
hand man, Haku, is
condemned by pride,
visible in his verbal
• As for gluttony we see this in one of the first
scenes.  Chihiro's parents eat food from the
spirits, while Chihiro holds back.  When she
tries to convince her parents what they are
doing is wrong her father caims it's ok
because he "has a pocket full of cash and
credit cards."  They later get turned into pigs
to prove their gluttony.
•NoFace shows complete anger in the
bathhouse  because of the greed of the
workers there.  He goes insane and
eats them as if he's trying to get rid
himself and other people of sin.  
• But by doing so creates even more
sin, and a huge mess.  NoFace only
returns to his normal self when he
leaves the bathhouse and vomits up
the things he has eaten.
•The bathhouse in these scenes
represents sin itself and a dark
force's influence.  When Chihiro
gets 'turned' into Sen she starts
working but seems to be slower
and less experienced then the
other workers.  Len (or Rin) later
asks Sen if she has ever worked a
day in her life and Sen seems to
give off the opinion that she never
did work, and she was spoiled. 
Thus making her have the attribute
of slothfulness, from before the
•The workers are very prideful and show this by shunning Sen
and showing prejudice.  Even though they have the same
status in the bathhouse, she is treated like an underling.
•Zeniba shows that she
envies her sister by playing
pranks on her.  She takes the
things she thinks her sister
loves or needs and
transforms them into a
mouse and a bird. 
•She doesn't take any
money, so that shows that
she believes her sister has
some sort of a heart and
would only truly be affected
by the absence of a
henchmen and Yubaba's
own baby.
As contradictory the
characters also show in
the move the seven
heavenly virtues.  Sen
shows faith in herself as
she tries to get to
Swamp Bottom and
seems to believe in
herself more to save

Repeatedly Sen shows that she has gained fortitude

in herself, hopes for Haku's recovery and believes in
him. she thinks Haku is a good person even though
she is is told repeatedly that he is a bad
person, thief, Yubaba's henchmen, etc. 
•The virtue of charity was shown when Zeniba
invited NoFace to live with her.  By doing this
she keeps NoFace from the bathhouse and
gives him a place to stay, and have some sort of
Sen also shows temperance when
NoFace offers her money in the
bathhouse.  She repeatedly denies the
money, also shows loyalty to her friends
• Haku shows his sense of justice
when he tried to repay Chihiro by
setting her free from Yubaba's
contract.  He also follows Chihiro
back to the bathhouse after he
remembered his real name, to make
sure Yubaba follows their deal.  And
when Chihiro has to choose which
one of the pigs is her parents she
shows a clear mind and prudence.  In
the end she chooses correctly (no of
the pigs were her parents) and is able
to return home with them.

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