Social Media and Media Listening BRM

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Social media and media listening

• Social media
Social media represents a virtual simulation of everyday life and this means that you can
gather useful information about human behavior by observing interactions as they occur
on these channels. A social media questionnaire or survey is a full-proof method that can
help you gather and interpret online behaviors. 
• Why Conduct Social Media Surveys?
1. Market Research
2. Monitoring Societal Issues
3. Track Harassment and Bullying
• Media listening
Social listening is a powerful solution for brands who want to connect with their consumers, but it's not perfect
for every situation. There are several advantages and disadvantages to consider before determining whether it's
the right fit for your organization's strategy.
• Advantages
1. unfiltered opinions
2. travel back in time
3. possibilities within other forms of media
• Disadvantages
1. no guarantees
2. findings gain power with supporting information

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