Philippine Drug Scene

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• Drug control policies and strategies must be

evidence-based, socially acceptable, cost-
effective, and rights-based and should be
designed to minimize the adverse health,
psychological, social, economic and criminal
justice consequences of drug abuse towards
the goal of attaining a society that is free from
crime and drug and substance abuse.
• When Rodrigo R. Duterte assumed the
presidency in 2016, his administration
launched the relentless campaign against
illegal drugs. The drug problem in the
Philippines has primarily been viewed as an
issue of law enforcement and criminality, he
made it as one of his top campaign promises
to solve the dug problem in the county and
consequently, the government has focused on
implementing a policy of criminalization and
• Since the start of the “war on drugs,” the
Duterte government has applied all types of
punitive measures and has mobilized the
Philippine National Police and local
government units in the whole nation.
President Duterte’s war on drugs is morally
and legally indefensible and has created
significant and problemativ human rights
violations; and is also counterproductive in
addressing the drug problem.
• We should recognize that the drug problem in
our country is both a complex and multi-
faceted problem. Our drug problem includes
not only criminal justice issues but also
economic and public health issues.

• Peer pressure is a strong factor in starting to

use and misuse drugs, particularly for young
people. Lack of family involvement. Difficult
family situations or lack of a bond with your
parents or siblings may increase the risk of
addiction, as can a lack of parental
What are the 10 types of drug?
• Injecting drugs
• Methamphetamine - including ice
• Cannabis
• Ecstasy
• Hallucinogens
• Cocaine
• Analgesics/painkillers
• Inhalants
• Sedatives/benzodiazepines
• Heroin and other opioids
How do Philippines Realities Affect
Individuals and Family
• Poverty, lack of education, drug or substance
abuse, vice, crime and unemployment are
among the many problems that continue to
batter them.
• recent issues on the rising number of street
children in urban centers, child abuse, forced-
labor and pedophilia are quite alarming,
aggravating the plight of the youth.

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