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Sustainable Urban Land Use Capacity Scaling Up Planning

Support in WBI e-Learning Course Invitation to a New Urban Upgrading

Urban Sector Week 2011

Sustainable Urban Land Use Planning e learning course

Watch an intro to the course
http :// vle . worldbank . org / moodle / file . php / 515 / Html / Presentation / Overview / index . html

Objective : The course aims to ensure that participants have a functional and integrated understanding of urban land dynamics, and to demonstrate how to effectively utilize policies and planning instruments to manage urban growth and achieve sustainable, equitable, and efficient development outcomes. Target audience : urban practitioners, policymakers, and city managers from various disciplines involved in land use planning in developing countries who are confronted with the various challenges accompanying rapid urbanization. Content : Seven modules make up the course, with case studies of good practices from around the world. Understanding How Land Use Planning Contributes to Sustainable Urban Development Institutions, Policies and Tools for Effective Land Use Planning How to Integrate Land Use Planning and Infrastructure How to Manage Growth in Peri-Urban Areas How to Promote Local Economic Development through Land Use Planning Social Equity and Land Use Planning Climate Change and Land Use Planning Delivery : 200 participants from 63 countries joined the first full delivery offered in English from January 11 to February 21 2011. It was delivered entirely online with constant support and tutoring from online facilitators. Future deliveries will be offered in collaboration with institutional partners. Next Delivery : September 1 October 19, 2011 Course key: landuseFY12

I can surely say that I feel ... connected. As my first e-learning experience, I can say that really this virtual environment made me travel to all your cities, see their problems and your efforts to make them better, Evelyne Labanca Correa de Araujo, Municipal Secretary of Management and Planning, City Hall of Recife, Brazil For a practitioner like me who haven't gone into updated training for a long time, the resources and case studies were helpful and enlightening. I appreciated the diversity of participants and hence a diverse look at the same issues throughout the world. It was a great learning platform that allowed exchanging views and gain knowledge unavailable elsewhere, Elmer Mercado, Environmental Management and Governance Adviser, Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Quezon City, Philippines The course steps beyond the traditional urban planning concept and pulls together the multi-disciplines to present a comprehensive and crosscutting perspective that is exactly needed to understand the challenges in todays land use planning and management. I would recommend this course to all those working in the field of development and want to keep up with the rapidly changing world. Xiaofang Shen, Senior Economist, International Finance Corporation We look forward to hearing more from you

What the course offers?

Practitioner-oriented An integrated and interactive knowledge base Multi-disciplinary peer discussion Sharing of good and bad practices Collective action learning Connection to a global community of practice

E-Institute for Development

Platform for Practitioner Learning

WBIs Urban Practice Aiming to equip cities to handle urbanization efficiently & effectively
structured learning Executive -level leadership courses (Cities as Engines of Economic Growth, WBI Leadership Program) Technical city management courses Urban planning and land management (Sustainable Urban Land Use Planning, Street Addressing) Municipal finance and governance (Municipal Finance Tools and Methods) Urban service delivery (Upgrading Informal Settlements, Designing and Implementing Successful Water Utility Reform) Safe and resilient cities (Crime & Violence Prevention and DRM) Innovative Cities Global Dialogues (connectivity platform) Support to practitioner networks (e.g. India-Brazil-South Africa on Human
Settlements, African Center for Cities, China Urban Planning Society, League of Cities - Philippines, Vietnam)

global connector local enabler

practitioner exchange

convening & coalescing for results

Capacity building on urban management in China, India, South Africa, and Vietnam Engagement w/ Austrian government to establish a Center of Excellence and urban mgmt capacity building program for ECA

Thank you and look forward to your participation and comments!

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