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Project status update

By Noah Hoyt Reporting period: 11/7 -11/21

Work completed

Over the last period of time, from November 7th to November 21st, I have completed the research
needed to decide which of the different options for hosting my site, like Godaddy or Wix, and I have
decided I will work with Wix to build my website and have begun the preliminary work into setting up
the site through their hosting platform.
Work to be completed

The primary work to be completed is to make the initial build of the site to ensure that all of the
functions I need are working properly and hopefully I will be able to get to the next portion of the site
design by making it look similar to the mock ups that were made previously. Of course, bug fixing will
always be a needed task as working on the site will inevitably introduce bugs and unintended issues.
What’s going well

The easiest part of the project and the part that is mainly going well is the initial build of the site, as it is
helped by the guidance of the hosting platform, Wix, however i don’t expect it to stay this easy as I
introduce several things to the site.
What’s not going well

Not much has been going terribly with the project in this recent reporting period, as the most difficult
task I had to do and work with was researching and deciding which hosting platform I should use for my

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