Week 11

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Course: English IV

Career: Interior design

Present perfect vs past tense
Week 11
Present perfect vs. past tense

Learning achievement Contents

• Constrasta presente perfecto y • Vocabulary: Interior Design trends

pasado simple y los redacta en vocabulary I
oraciones • Grammar: Present perfect vs Past
What are the new trends for interior design 2021 we saw the
last class? 

They are ten:

1. Cane webbing.
2. Black frames.
3. Earthy colors.
4. ______________.
5. ______________.
6. ______________.
7. ______________.
8. ______________.
9. ______________.
Look at the following conversation and underline the sentences
that are in past tense or express past events:

Mario: Have you ever been to interbank from Arequipa

Gabriela: Yes, I have. I have been there three times.
Mario: When was the last time you were there?
Gabriela: I was there four days ago. Why?
Mario: Because the decoration is trendy.
Gabriela: Really? 
Mario: Yes, they selected …
Let’s analyze the sentences: 

1. I have been there three times.

2. When was the last time you were there?

3. I was there four days ago

4.  They selected …

Do they express past events? 

Topic: Present perfect vs. past tense
Topic: Present perfect vs. past tense

I. Unscramble:

1. have/I/ selected/apartment. / the

hue / of /the
2. yesterday. /didn’t/ select/ the master
bedroom/ She
3. has/ been/ He/ to/ Cuzco.
4. wasn’t/ He/ in/last year. / Cuzco
Topic: Present perfect vs. past tense

II. Write the correct form of the verb:

1. Adriana ______________ (select) Cane • 5. Karina ______________ (pick up) the
webbing trend for my living room two days textural elements yet.
ago. • 6. Karina _______________(not/ pick up)
2. Juana ______________(select) black frames the natural materials for her dining room
for my bedroom. last week.
3. ______ you ________ (take) a shower four • 7. Pedro _______________(draw) a
hours ago? Yes, I _______. blueprint an hour ago.
4. ______ you _______ a shower yet? No, I • 8. Pedro ______________(already/ draw) a
_____________ blueprint.
Activity in class

Los estudiantes crearán una conversación

similar a la presentada al inicio de la sesión
considerando 2 oraciones en presente perfecto y
3 en pasado simple y el vocabulario de las
nuevas tendencias de diseño de interiores 2021.
(Preparándose para lo que se realizará en la
semana 12)
Extra activity

Los estudiantes subirán la redacción de su conversación creada. 


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