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Human Computer Interaction

What is Design (Kelley)

• Not just problem solving – Creative leap (fly)
• Takes a point of view – or many
• Calls for vision and multiple minds
• Open attitude – many solutions
• Learned from experience with reflection
• Requires a feel for the materials
• Starts with broadening, followed by narrowing
Design and Usability
• Design is …
– creative
– Unpredictable (changeable)
• Interactive system designers must blend knowledge
of technical feasibility with a mystical esthetic sense
of what attracts users.
• Carroll and Rosson design characterization:
– Design is a process, not a state.
– The design process is nonhierarchical.
– The process is radically (totally) transformational.
– Design basically involves the discovery of new goals.
What is interaction design?
• Designing interactive products to support the way people
communicate and interact in their everyday and working lives
– Sharp, Rogers and Preece (2011)

• Interaction design is the umbrella term covering

– user interface design, software design, user-centred design, product
design, web design, experience design (UX)
What is Interaction Design?
• It is a process:
– a goal-directed problem solving activity informed by intended use,
target domain, materials, cost, and feasibility
– a creative activity
– a decision-making activity to balance trade-offs
Core characteristics of interaction design
• Users should be involved through the development of the project.

• Specific usability and user experience goals need to be:

– Identified

– clearly documented and

– agreed at the beginning of the project

• Iteration is needed through the core activities

Importance of involving users
• Expectation management
– Realistic expectations
– No surprises, no disappointments
– Timely training
– Communication, but no hype
• Ownership
– Make the users active stakeholders
– More likely to forgive or accept problems
– Can make a big difference to acceptance and success of product
Degrees of user involvement
• Member of the design team
– Full time: constant input.
– Part time: patchy (irregular) input, and very stressful
– Short term: inconsistent across project life
– Long term: consistent.

• User involvement after product is released.

• Combination of these approaches

User-Centered Approach to ID
– Early focus on users and tasks
• directly studying cognitive and behavioural.
– Empirical measurement
• users’ reactions and performance to scenarios, manuals, simulations &
prototypes are observed, recorded and analysed
– Iterative design
• when problems are found in user testing, fix them and carry out more
Developmental Methodologies
The Logical User-Centered Interactive Design Methodology
(LUCID) (Kreitzberg):
– Stage 1: Envision
• Develop clear, shaped product vision
– Stage 2: Discovery
• Determine high-level user requirements
– Stage 3: Design Foundation
• Conceptual design, screen prototype, usability test and redesign
– Stage 4: Design Detail
• Determine complete specifications
– Stage 5: Build
• Support production process through review and late-changes
– Stage 6: Release
• Develop roll-out plan, final usability test, document, assess
Design phases
• Understand
• Observe
• Visualize and Predict
• Evaluate and Refine
• Implement
UCD: ISO 9241-210
Six principles
• The design is based upon an explicit understanding of
users, tasks and environments.
• Users are involved throughout design and
• The design is driven and refined by user-centred
• The process is iterative.
• The design addresses the whole user experience.
• The design team includes multidisciplinary skills and
Simple Iterative Model




 you won’t get it right the first time.

The spiral model offers a way out of the
dilemma. We build room for several iterations
into our design process, and we do it by
making the early iterations as cheap as
A simple interaction design lifecycle



Some practical issues
• Who are the users?

• What do we mean by ‘needs’?

• How to generate alternatives?

• How to choose among alternatives?

• How to integrate interaction design activities with other

Who are the users/stakeholders?
• Not as obvious as you think:
– those who interact directly with the product
– those who manage direct users
– those who receive output from the product
– those who make the purchasing decision
– those who use competitor’s products
• Two categories of user (Eason, 1987):
– primary: frequent hands-on
– secondary: occasional or via someone else
Who are the stakeholders?

Check-out operators

• Suppliers
• Local shop

Managers and owners
What do we mean by ‘needs’?

• Users rarely know what is possible

• Users can’t tell you what they ‘need’ to help
them achieve their goals
• Instead, look at existing tasks:
– their context
– what information do they require?
– who collaborates to achieve the task?
– why is the task achieved the way it is?

• Envisioned tasks:
– can be rooted in existing behaviour
– can be described as future scenarios
How to generate alternatives
• Humans stick to what they know works
• But considering alternatives is important to
‘break out of the box’
• Designers are trained to consider alternatives,
software people generally are not
• How do you generate alternatives?
– ‘Flair and creativity’: research and synthesis
– Seek inspiration: look at similar products or look at
very different products
How to choose among

• Evaluation with users or with peers, e.g. prototypes

• Technical feasibility
• Quality thresholds: Usability goals lead to usability criteria
set early on and check regularly
• safety: how safe?
• utility: which functions are not required?
• effectiveness: appropriate support? task coverage, information
• efficiency: performance measurements
Testing prototypes to choose among
How to integrate interaction design in other
• Lifecycle models from other disciplines
• Agile software development promising
– have development and design running in separate
– maintain a coherent vision of the interface
– Four basic activities in the design process
• Establishing requirements
• Designing alternatives
• Prototyping
• Evaluating
– User-centered design rests on three principles
• Early focus on users and tasks
• Empirical measurement using quantifiable & measurable usability criteria
• Iterative design
• Chapter 9, Interaction Design

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