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Brokerage event

October 22nd 2013

SPIRE 7 – 2015:

Recovery technologies for metals and

other minerals

Project Idea Presentation

Organizations (consortium)
THIS PROPOSAL IS PRESENTED BY the estep community, specifically the organizations listed

 ESTEP is the Steel Community's European Steel

Technology Platform
 ARCELORMITTAL, the major steel producers in
 IRT-M2P, a French national research organization
devoted to technology R&I in the field of metals,
 etc…

Europe exports a lot of end-of-life (EoL) materials (metals, plastics,
paper, cardboard,...) and imports virgin raw materials to produce
new material. For example, in 2010 Europe exported more than 44
Mt of ferrous scrap while importing tens of millions of tons of iron ore
and coal.

The objective of the project proposed is to find solutions to use

currently exported EoL material, such as steel scrap, inside Europe
and thus to reduce the need for virgin raw materials such as iron ore
and coal.

Because the EoL material exported from Europe is generally of low

quality, the solution to be investigated & developed to reach this aim
is to design a complete full-loop recycling route based on
technologies & tools to treat EoL material and turn it into a purer raw
material than has been the case until now.

• To upgrade the EoL material, such as steel scrap,
presently leaving Europe we will further develop and
combine advanced & complementary solutions:
– pre-dismantling of end of life goods
– improved mechanical separation of the different
materials (by enhanced shredding, shearing and
separation technologies)
– improved automatic sorting of the different materials
based on detection tools using all physical and
chemical properties available
… and thus set up an effective and ambitious co-
recycling of the materials, most especially metals,
assembled in consumption & investment goods
The objective is thus to narrow the gap between export of secondary
and the import of primary resources.

Note that this is different from increasing the collection of material from
the urban/industrial mine, but rather to turn an already high throughput
into a high-quality output that can be used locally rather than exported.

The objective is thus to reduce the dependency of Europe on imports

of resources and to increase the intensity of the close-loop economy
at regional level, rather than close the loop at world level. This will
also have positive consequences on the import and use of fossil fuels
(coal & coke, in the case of the steel sector) and reduce the
environmental burden, especially the carbon footprint but also air and
water quality.

The development of more sophisticated EoL materials treatment

technologies will raise the level of competency in the sector, create
more jobs and higher level5 jobs.
Looking for partners…

1. Companies producing new material from EoL ones, such as the

metal industry or the paper industry
2. Companies & organizations collecting EoL goods and separating
the different materials
3. Companies & organizations developing separation tools
4. Companies & organizations developing sorting tools

Contact details
LOcally Closing the LOOP on EoL materials by QUALity upgrade

Coordinator: Gaël Fick


Mobile: +33 (0)6 42 16 85 01
Address: IRT-M2P – office C124
4, rue Augustin Fresnel - 57050 Metz - France

Presentation of consortium partners
•ArcelorMittalArcelorMittal Global R&D – Recycling team
•ArcelorMittal is the largest steel producer in the world. Around 1300
people work in R&D worldwide in ArcelorMittal laboratories, offering a broad
expertise in most technical fields related to the steel industry. The company
holds leadership positions in its main markets: automotive, construction,
household appliances and packaging as well as general industry.
•ArcelorMittal employs 280,000 people in over 60 countries. The company
places its
•commitment to sustainable development at the heart of its strategy and
ambitions to be a benchmark for economic performance, labour relations
and social responsibility. A steel recycling and scrap quality research group
pursues R&D in this area, in connection with scrap dealers, steelmakers
and manufacturers using steel.

Presentation of consortium partners
IRT: Institute for Technological Research
M2P: Materials – Metallurgy – Process.
 Focus on multi-materials especially metals

Research institute, in creation:

Status: Scientific cooperation foundation
Fundings: 50% public, 50% private
Forecast: around 60 people by end of 2016
Industrial Targets:
Manufacturing lighter parts through microstructure
Improved Surface Functions
Promote materials recycling, lower environmental
Improve productivity & lower the energy
consumption & improve the products quality

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