Stress Mangement

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“ E V E RY O N E K N O W S W H AT S T R E S S I S ,
B U T N O O N E R E A L LY K N O W S . ”
Hans Selye

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY


Distress is a continuous experience of feeling overwhelmed, oppressed, and

behind in our responsibilities. It is the all encompassing sense of being
imposed upon by difficulties with no light at the end of the tunnel.
Examples of distress include financial difficulties, conflicts in
relationships, excessive obligations, managing a chronic illness, or
experiencing a trauma.

Eustress is the other form of stress that is positive and beneficial. We may feel
challenged, but the sources of the stress are opportunities that are meaningful to
us. Eustress helps provide us with energy and motivation to meet our
responsibilities and achieve our goals.
Examples of eustress include graduating from college, getting married,
receiving a promotion, or changing jobs.
Stress is an unavoidable
consequence of life.
Some stressors will occur regardless of your actions.
◦ Death

Some stressors can be prevented.

◦ Time management

Stress can be good.

◦ Develop skills

A prolonged bout of stress can affect your health and

ability to cope with life.
Symptoms of Stress
Disbelief and shock
Tension and irritability • Increased use of alcohol
Fear and anxiety about the and drugs
future • Sadness and other
Difficulty making decisions symptoms of depression
• Feeling powerless
Being numb to one’s feelings
• Crying
Loss of interest in normal • Sleep problems
• Headaches, back pains,
Loss of appetite and stomach problems
Nightmares and recurring • Trouble concentrating
thoughts about the event
What can you do about stress?

Find out what is causing stress in your life.

Look for ways to reduce the amount of stress in
your life.
Learn healthy ways to relieve stress or reduce its
harmful effects.
4 A’s
◦ Take control of your surroundings.
◦ Avoid people who bother you.
◦ Learn to say no.
◦ Ditch part of your list.

◦ Respectfully ask others to change their behavior.
◦ Communicate your feelings openly.
◦ Manage your time better, set priorities, and work hard.
◦ State limits in advance.
◦ Rehearse success.
4 A’s

Talk with someone.


Practice positive self-talk.

Learn from your mistakes.


Adjust your standards.

Practice thought-stopping.

Reframe the issue.

Adopt a mantra.

Create an assets column.

Look at the big picture

Blaming Others Makes Stress
The way you think and see the world around you effect your
stress level way more than any one person, no matter how
annoying, does.
Externalizing your stress
◦ I know it is all his fault.
◦ He screwed it up.
Major Stressors
A recent survey by health insurer Aetna revealed that just under a
quarter of people surveyed had lashed out at others as a result of
◦ Commonly reported major stressors included driving, work, extended family,
and romantic relationships.
Change it Up and Be
Be accountable for your actions.
◦ Take responsibility for your response to stress. You have the power to
change it.
◦ Practicing accountability:
◦ Catch yourself.
◦ See it from above.
◦ Understand your role.
◦ Own up.

You have at your fingertips multiple resources through your electronic device to help
you deal with stress:
•Complete Relaxation: Guided Meditation for a Happy, Stress Free Life
•The Mindfulness App
•Calm – Meditate, Sleep, Relax
•OmVana – Meditation for Everyone
5 Everyday Foods That
Will Stress You Out
Stress can lead to weight gain, high blood pressure, and lowered
productivity. You have control over what you eat, regardless of what is
happening around you.
1. Step away from the coffee
2. Lay off the salt
3. Avoid the vending machine.
4. Kick the fried foods habit.
5. Cut back on the booze.
Managing Stress in the
1. Create a culture that promotes stress management.
2. Manage the mindset that says I don't have time to manage stress.
3. Manage your stress while it's happening.
4. Train doctors to recognize and treat stress-related illness and allow
health practitioners to spread the word.
5. Make the message of stress management simpler.
Managing Stress in the
6. Stress science needs to include the new brain
7. Make stress management proactive.
8. Acknowledge stress sensitivity.
9. Embrace the European model.
10. Address the underlying sources of stress in your
life like time pressure, relationship problems,
disorganization and financial stress.
Keyword - Balance

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