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LNG Shipping Pioneer

HYPROC Shipping Company -2018 1

1982 Creation of SNTM HYPROC

HYPROC S.C. is a Sonatrach

1997 fully owned subsidiary

The company integrated in Sonatrach

Holding SVH, Hydrocarbons' Valorization
2001 Company; and became HYPROC Shipping

It amended its statutes and raised its registered

2003 capital to 12 Billion Algerian Dinars

The registered capital has been

2017 raised to 33 Billion Algerian Dinars

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HYPROC Shipping Company - 2018
• Main shipping pillar of Sonatrach for LNG & LPG exportation contracts,
• Naftal’s main partner for Domestic Maritime Transport of Gas and Clean Petroleum Products, mainly from
Arzew and Skikda Gas Terminals,
• With its ship-management proven know-how , HYPROC SC has become a key member within Sonatrach
• HYPROC SC owns 4 shipping agencies located in the main ports of Algeria, (Arzew, Algiers, Béjaïa & Skikda).

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Volume of shipments for the year 2017 & 2018 (09 months) : LNG, LPG, CPP & DPP are as follows:

HYPROC SC fleet has performed 494 voyages, serving 35 terminals throughout the world during both 2017 &
2018 (until now).

 LNG Transportation:

• 11 972 000 cbm shipped on board owned Ships,

• 17 252 000 cbm shipped by joint venture Vessels,

• 25 LNG terminals served in the world,

• 128 voyages by owned ships,

• 197 voyages by joint venture vessels.

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 LPG Transports:

 Coastal Trade :
• 200 000 MT shipped by owned ship,
• 450 500 MT shipped by chartered vessels,
• 52 voyages performed by owned ship,
• 110 voyages performed by chartered vessels.

 International Trade :
• 2 100 000 MT shipped by owned ships,
• 235 voyages performed by owned ships.
• 16 Terminals served in the world.

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 Clean Petroleum Products Transports:

- Coastal Trade:
• 6 340 000 MT shipped by chartered vessels,
• 650 voyages performed by chartered vessels.

 Fuel Oil Transports:

- Coastal Trade:
• 857 370 MT shipped by chartered vessels,
• 101 voyages performed by chartered vessels.

 Bitumen (imports):
• 156 000 MT shipped by owned vessels,
• 38 voyages by fully owned vessels.

HYPROC Shipping Company - 2018 6

LNG Physical Production Evolution (1000 m3)

10,000 8,950
8,000 7,145
6,602 6,695
Year 2015 Year 2016 Year 2017 Year 2018

HYPROC Shipping Company - 2018 7

HYPROC SC transported more than 400 million cubic meters of LNG, supplied throughout the world.
Up to now, HYPROC LNG fleet has performed more than 4000 voyages around the world which is equivalent to
some 5 million miles distance.
HYPROC SC fleet is, currently, composed of 15 ships:
- LNG Fleet:
• Tessala ……………….. 171 800 m3
• Ougarta ……………….. 171 800 m3
• Didouche Mourad… 126 132 m3
• Abane Ramdane…… 126 132 m3

Joint venture Vessels:

• Lalla Fatma N’Soumer…………….. 145 445 m3
• Cheikh El Mokrani….................. 74 365 m3
• Cheikh Bouamama…………………. 74 365 m3

HYPROC Shipping Company - 2018 8

- LPG Fleet:
• Rhourd El Fares.. .35 000 m3
• Berga II……………. .35 000 m3
• Rhourd El Adra… .22 500 m3
• Rhourd El Hamra.22 500 m3
• Barouda………….. .6 525 m3

- Asphalt Fleet:
• Ain Zeft…………… 4 577 MT
• Ras Tomb………… 4 577 MT

HYPROC Shipping Company - 2018 9

Technical Data Sheet - LPG/C HULLS N° 2576 & N° 2577

Port of registry………………………………….…………ORAN
Built at…………………………………………………… JIANGNAN SHIPYARD (China).
Delivery ……………………………………………………... End December 2018 / End November 2019
IMO NUMBER ……………………………………………. 9809045
Classification ……………………………………………… BUREAU VERITAS
Crew number …………………………………………….. 25
Length overall ……………………………………………. 146,20 m
Length between perpendiculars ………………… 138,20 m
Breadth moulded……………………………………….. 21,60 m
Depth moulded………………………………………….. 14,20 m
Draught moulded……………………………………….. 7,30 m
Dead-weight……………………………………………….. 9 500 mt
Capacity …………………………………………………….. 13 000 m3
Tanks ………………………………………………………….. 03
Main engine………………………………………........... MAN B&W 5S40ME-B9.5-HPSCR
Propulsion …………………………………………………… 4 650 kw
Speed ……………………………………………………….. 15,00 knots

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Today, the company target is to develop new projects in the shipping market by purchasing new LNG, LPG
and Product carriers in order to fulfil our partners’ transportation program;

 02 LPG carriers (13 000 cbm) each have been ordered to Jiangnan Shipyard.

 01 Product tanker (40,000 MT) has been ordered to Hyundai Mipo Shipyard.

 02 Small size LPG carriers of about 6/8 000 cbm each, currently under prospects.

 02 LNG carriers of about 75 000 cbm (Medmax type) still under prospects.

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HYPROC S.C. has a total of 1711 employees in front and back offices;

Sedentary Per-
sonnel 42%

Seagoing Per-
sonnel 58%

- Seagoing manpower: (front office) Cadets High Staff

8% 13%
It consists of 938 seafarers split as follows : Officers
Petty Of -
• 130 High Staff ficers 32%
• 302 Officers (including 05 women)

• 146 Subordinates

• 302 Petty Officers

• 58 Cadets (including 08 women).

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- Shore-based Manpower : (back office)
It consists of 678 employees split as follows

Senior Ex-
• 112 Senior Executives (including 01 foreigner) Minor ecutives 17%
Staff 25%

• 245 Junior Executives

Subordinates Staff Execu-
• 153 Subordinate Staff 22% tives 36%

• 168 Minor Staff

• NB : 201 Female employees 07 of whom are Senior Executives.

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HYPROC Shipping Company - 2018

HYPROC SC projects in the future to:

 Increase its fleet capacity by the purchase of new, LNG, LPG and Product tankers.
 Strengthen its role and position within Sonatrach Group as the major shipping arm of Sonatrach
 Sustain its leadership in the strategy of upgrading Oil & Gas maritime transport,

 HYPROC Shipping Company is permanently seeking to comply with national and international
standards which made the company to be too demanding in terms of updating and upgrading
HYPROC’s personnel knowledge and keep the whole fleet performing & in good seaworthiness.
 A constant training program is performed for the whole company’s personnel.
 HYPROC SC Training Center in Mostaganem is displaying several and various training programmes for a
good range of personnel seagoing and shore based, mainly by using the Engine-room Simulator that
displays courses for the whole ship-handling programme.
 In addition to the simulator, the Training Center is equipped with an ECDIS machine and CBT with a
good number of modules regarding shipping in general.

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HYPROC Shipping Company - 2018
Thank you
for your attention


PB : 7200, ES-SEDDIKIA, 31025 ORAN - ALGERIA - Website : 15

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