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 A. Conflict
 B. Conflict and Negotiation
A. Conflict

 Conflict is the process in which one party perceives that its interests are being
opposed or negatively affected by another party. Conflict is a process in which
people disagree over significant issues, thereby creating friction between parties.
Organizational conflict

 occurs when a stakeholder group pursues its interests at the expense of other
stakeholders. Given the different goals of stakeholders, organizational conflict is
inevitable. Conflict is associated with negative images, such as unions getting
angry and violent, but some conflict can improve effectiveness. When conflict
passes a certain point, it hurts an organization.
I. Transitions in Conflict Thought

 Under traditional view conflict is a process in which people disagree over

significant issues, creating friction between parties. One view of conflict is that it
is dysfunctional and harmful to organizations, because the struggle over
incompatible goals is a waste of time that prevents people and organizations from
being productive and reaching their potential. On the other hand, interactionist
view states that when conflict is based on issues rather than personalities, it can
enhance problem solving and creativity
II. Conflict Good or Bad

 Conflict can have both positive and negative consequences. On the positive side,
conflict can bring energy to a competition and focus participants on the task at
hand. It can also increase group cohesion and stimulate open discussion of issues.
On the negative side, conflict can cause participants to lose sight of common
goals and focus on winning at all costs. In addition, it can lead to distorted
judgments and a lack of cooperation. Finally, the losers in a conflict feel
demoralized and lose motivation; this loser effect harms long-term relationships
and overall organizational performance.
III. How can conflict improve
Conflict can overcome inertia and introduce change, because conflict
requires an organization to reassess its views. Different views are
considered, and the quality of decision-making is improved.
IV. Types and levels of Conflict

 There are four types of conflict. Inter-group conflict occurs when groups within
and outside the organization disagree on various issues. Interpersonal conflict is
due to differences in goals, values, and styles between two or more people who
are required to interact.
 Intra group conflict occurs within a work group over goals and work procedures.
Intrapersonal conflict is a person's internal conflict over divergent goals, values,
or roles. Inter group conflict can occur at two levels which are horizontal and
Types of Conflict

 z Task conflict: Conflicts over content and goals of the work

 z Relationship conflict: Conflict based on interpersonal
 z Process conflict: Conflict over how work get done
. Conflict and Negotiation

 Stakeholders compete for the resources that an organization produces.

Shareholders want dividends, employees want raises. An organization must
manage both cooperation and competition among stakeholders to grow and
survive. All stakeholders have a common goal of organizational survival, but not
all goals are identical.
 ƒ Mandatory Bargaining Issues—Fall within the definition of wages,
hours, and other terms and conditions of employment.
 ƒ Permissive Bargaining Issues—May be raised, but neither side may
insist that they be bargained over.
 ƒ Prohibited Bargaining Issues—Are statutorily outlawed.

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