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This and That

These dan Those

By: K’Ratna
This and That
This is dalam bahasa indonesia berarti 'INI' yang digunakan untuk
menunjuk orang atau benda yang dekat posisinya dengan kita. 

Sementara, that is dalam bahasa indonesia berarti 'ITU' yang

digunakan untuk menunjuk orang atau benda yang dapat kamu
lihat namun letaknya jauh dari kamu.
This is a book.
This is a pencil.
This is a ball.
This is a doll.
This is a pillow.
That is a cat.
That is a bedroom.
That is a plane.
That is a dog.
That is a flower 
Is this a chair?
Yes, it is./No, it isn’t.
2. These and Those

Sama dengan arti this dan that, these dan those juga merupakan kata
tunjuk. Bedanya adalah these dan those harus diikuti kata benda
Examples :
Those are pencils.
These are books.
Are those blue pencils?
Yes, they are./No, they aren’t.
Are these black erasers?
Yes, they are./No, they aren’t
These dogs are cute. –> benar.
These dog are cute. –> salah karena kata benda (dog) bersifat tunggal.
These dogs are cute.
Don't keep all … chocolates to yourself - pass

01 What are … men doing on the roof? 02 them around.

A. This
A. This B. That
B. Those C. Those
C. That D. These
D. These

… chicken tastes really good. Hello, … is Emily speaking, how may I help you.

03 A. This 04 A. This
B. That B. These
C. These C. That
D. Those D. Those

… pen belongs to Henny.

05 This is my …. It is English book.

A. This
B. These
A. Book
C. Those
B. Books
D. This is
C. A books
D. Some books

Those … are my cousins. … school is my school.

07 A. Child
B. Childs
08 A. This
C. Children B. These
D. Childrens C. Those
D. this are
Those … are mine.

… students are playing in the yard.
10 A. Pen
B. Pens
A. This
C. Are pen
B. That
D. This pen
C. These
D. Is this
Thank You

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