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[FEM 1023]



1.1. Introduction to Differential Equations

1.2. Separable Variables Equation

1.3. Linear Equation

1.4. Exact / Non-Exact Equation

1.5. Bernoulli Equation


1.1. Introduction to Differential Equations

1.2. Separable Variables Equation

1.3. Linear Equation

1.4. Exact / Non-Exact Equation

1.5. Bernoulli Equation

1.4. Exact / Non-Exact Equation

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the section, you should be able to:

1) Identify an Exact DE

2) Solve an Exact DE
1.4. Exact / Non-Exact Equation

Partial Derivative of a Function

Consider a function of two variables: f x , y 

f x , y  is the partial derivative of fregarding x
x ( y is considered as a constant).

f x , y  is the partial derivative of fregarding y
y ( x is considered as a constant).
1.4. Exact / Non-Exact Equation


The differential of the function f x, y  is

f x, y  f x, y 
df x, y   dx  dy
x y
1.4. Exact / Non-Exact Equation

Given f x , y   x 2 y 4

f x, y   y 4 2 x  f x, y   x 4 y 

 2 3
x y
 2xy 4  4x2 y3

f x, y  f x, y 
df x, y   dx  dy
x y
df x, y   2 xy 4 dx  4 x 2 y 3dy
1.4. Exact / Non-Exact Equation

 2 x 5 y
3. e ?

4. ln xy  ?
1.4. Exact / Non-Exact Equation
Exact Differential

A differential expression : M x, y dx  N x, y dy

is an exact differential if it corresponds to the
differential of certain function of f x, y  , such that
f f
M x , y   N x , y  
x y
1.4. Exact / Non-Exact Equation
2 xydx  x dy Exact differential
Indeed f ( x, y )  x y

f f 2
 2 xy x
x y
1.4. Exact / Non-Exact Equation
Exact Differential Equation

A DE of the form: M x, y dx  N x, y dy  0

is an exact differential equation if the left side is an

exact differential.
1.4. Exact / Non-Exact Equation
x 2 y 3 dx  x 3 y 2 dy  0 Exact DE

Indeed f ( x, y )  13 x 3 y 3

 1

x3 y 3  x 2 y 3

 1
3 
x3 y 3  x3 y 2
1.4. Exact / Non-Exact Equation

A necessary and sufficient condition that
M x, y dx  N x, y dy

be an exact differential is
M x, y  N x, y 

y x
1.4. Exact / Non-Exact Equation
Example 1
Show that x 2 y 3 dx  x 3 y 2 dy  0is an exact equation.

M ( x, y )  x 2 y 3 N ( x, y )  x 3 y 2

M N
 3x 2 y 2  3x 2 y 2
y x

Exact equation
1.4. Exact / Non-Exact Equation
Example 2

Show that
is an exact equation.
1.4. Exact / Non-Exact Equation
Method of Solution

Step 1: Identify the DE (it should be in the form of )

. Check for exactness (exactitude).

1.4. Exact / Non-Exact Equation

Start with either one of the assumptions

If choose to solve,

Step 3: Integrate with respect to x

1.4. Exact / Non-Exact Equation
Step 4: Differentiate Eq. (1) with respect to y

This gives


Step 6: The implicit solution of the equation is

1.4. Exact / Non-Exact Equation
Example 1
Determine whether the given DE is exact. If it is, solve
the equation.

Step 1: Test for exactness

1.4. Exact / Non-Exact Equation

Step 3: Integrate the with respect to x

1.4. Exact / Non-Exact Equation
Step 4: Partial differentiate with respect to y

Step 5: Integrate with respect to y

1.4. Exact / Non-Exact Equation

Step 6: Solution

x  1
1.4. Exact / Non-Exact Equation
Example 2
Solve the following differential equation

e 2y
  
 y cos( xy) dx  2 xe 2 y  x cos( xy )  2 y dy  0

Example 3
Solve the following differential equation
dy xy 2  cos x sin x
 , y 0  2
dx 
y 1 x 2

1.4. Exact / Non-Exact Equation


At the end of this section you should be able to:

1) Identify Non-Exact Equation

2) Solve Non-Exact Equation

1.4. Exact / Non-Exact Equation

M ( x, y )dx  N ( x, y )dy  0 is exact if M y  Nx

M N
My  , Nx 
y x

Non-exact equation if
M y  Nx
It is possible to make a non-exact to be exact equation
by multiplying with an integrating factor (IF).
1.4. Exact / Non-Exact Equation
Integrating Factor
For the DE,

1. If i.e. in terms of x ONLY

then the IF is

2. If i.e. in terms of y ONLY

then the IF is
1.4. Exact / Non-Exact Equation

Method of Solution

Step 1: Identifying and compute an integrating factor

(IF) for the DE.

Step 2: Multiplying the DE by the IF to make it exact.

Step 3: Solve the new exact DE.

1.4. Exact / Non-Exact Equation

Example 1

Step 1: Check the exactness

Since ,then equation is non-exact.

1.4. Exact / Non-Exact Equation
Step 2: Calculate integrating factor
1.4. Exact / Non-Exact Equation
Step 3: Multiply the non-exact DE by the IF

Since ,then equation is exact.

Step 4: Solve the new exact DE
1.4. Exact / Non-Exact Equation

Example 2
xy dx  2 x 2  3 y 2  20 dy  0
Step 1: Check the exactness
M x, y   xy N x, y   2 x 2  3 y 2  20
My  x N x  4x

Since ,then equation is non-exact.

1.4. Exact / Non-Exact Equation
Step 2: Calculate integrating factor

M y  Nx x  4x
 2
N 2 x  3 y 2  20 3
 3x  y

 2  p x  e
2 x  3 y  20  e 3 ln y
ln y 3
Nx  M y
4x  x
  y3
M xy

  p y 
1.4. Exact / Non-Exact Equation
Step 3: Multiply the non-exact DE by the IF

  
y 3 xy dx  2 x 2  3 y 2  20 dy  0 
 
xy 4 dx  2 x 2 y 3  3 y 5  20 y 3 dy  0

M x, y   xy 4 
N  2 x 2 y 3  3 y 5  20 y 3 
M y  4xy 3 N x  4xy 3

Since , then equation is exact.

Step 4: Solve the new exact DE

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