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Leveling of

 Be aware on the different GAD concepts and tools;

 Be able to identify the various GAD policies including
the Magna Carta for Women, the GAD planning and
budgeting and accomplishment reports; and
 Be able to apply proper knowledge, skills and
attitudes as gender sensitive educator in the work
place and use the tools properly for assessment and
monitoring and evaluation.
Let’s Share…..

Quadrant 1: Quadrant 2:
What do you What will Instructions:
know about make this
Gender and training
Development? successful? 1. Respond individually to the
question in each quadrant.

Quadrant 3: Quadrant 4: 2. Share responses within the

What do you What preparations
expect to happen did you do before group.
coming to this
after this training?
Let’s Share…..

1. How did you feel about the activity?

2. What do the responses in each quadrant tell us about this
3. How will these help in achieving the training objectives?
Expected Outputs:
After the training the following are expected:

 100 % attendance and trained participants on the different GAD concepts, other
policies and tools;
 Participants can now apply appropriate knowledge, skills, and attitudes as gender
sensitive educators in the workplace, as well as use appropriate tools for assessment,
monitoring, and evaluation.
Let’s commit…..
To make the most of this training, I will

“Our success in any undertaking depends on

our present efforts’’

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