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Career Planning & Development

Career Planning & Development

From Employees view point career planning can be defined as a systematic process by which one decides his/her career goals and the path to reach these goals From Organizations view point career planning stands for the forward looking employment policies in which employees are helped to plan their careers in terms of their capabilities within the context of organizations needs

Aim and Objectives of Career Planning

To secure the right person at the right time for the right job To provide adequate career avenues to employees to higher levels of responsibilities To maintain a contended team of employees To strengthen the retention team of employees

Needs for Career Planning

To attract competent persons and retain them in the organization To provide suitable promotional opportunities Map out careers of employees suitable to their ability, and their willingness to be trained and developed for higher position To reduce employee dissatisfaction and turnover To correct employee placement

Benefits of Career Planning

Benefits to Managers Increased skill in careers Greater retention of valued employees Better communication between manager and employee More realistic staff development Productive performance appraisal discussions Greater understanding of the organization Enhanced reputation as a people developer

Benefits of Career Planning

Benefits to Employees Helpful assistance with career decisions Enrichment of present job and increased job satisfaction Better communication between employee and manager More realistic goal planning and expectations Better feedback on performance Current information of the firm and the future Greater personal responsibility for career

Benefits of Career Planning

Benefits to Organization Better use of managing own employee skills Dissemination of information at all organizational levels Better communication with the organization as a whole Greater retention of valued employees Expanded public image as a people developer Increased effectiveness of personnel systems Greater clarification of goals of the organization

Process of Career Planning

Identifying Individual Needs and Aspirations

Analyzing Career Opportunities

Indentifying Congruence and Incongruence

Action Plans and Periodic Review

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