B Ing Rizky Kelas 5 Sabtu Ini

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Penyusun :


Expressing how to
ask for and give help
Modul 9

Are you looking
for a Math Book ?
No, I am not.
I am looking for a
science book.
1. Are you looking for a math book ?
No. I am not.

I am looking for a science book.

2. Are you reading an Art book ?

No, …………………………………………………….

I ……………………………………….. a Music book

3. Are you Studying History ?

…………………………., I am not

……………………………………….. Geography

4. Are you writing a letter in indonesian?

No, …………………………………………………….

………………………………………..in English.
5. Are you buying a computer book?

Yes, …………………………………………………….

6. Are you looking for a physics book?

Yes, …………………………………………………….
Present continuous Tense

We use Present continuous Tense to talk

about activities happening now.

1. Positive Form : S + to be + verb-ing + O

contoh : I am Studying English

2. Negative Form : S + to be + not + verb-ing + O

contoh : I am not Studying English

3. Interrogative Form : to be + S + verb-ing + O

contoh : Are you Studying English ?

Yes, I am
No, I am not

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