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Bitcoin (BTC)

 Bitcoin (BTC)
Originally invented in 2008, the cryptocurrency named Bitcoin, abbreviated BTC, entered the
market in 2009 as open source software. Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency that can be
sent from one user to another without the need for intermediaries. The currency is created as a
reward for a process known as mining.
Yearn finance (YFI)

 yearn.finance (YFI)
Although many consider YFI to be just a token, it is actually the native currency of the
yearn.finance protocol, based on Ethereum. The entire protocol aims to allow users to make
deposits and earn a percentage of the investment, while the algorithm minimizes risk and
increases earnings.
 The recent price action in Ethereum left the tokens market capitalization at
$178,741,467,155.92. So far this year, Ethereum has a change of -60.17%.
 Ethereum is classified as a Smart Contract Platform under CoinDesks Digital
Asset Classification Standard (DACS).
 Ethereum is a blockchain-based software platform that can be used for sending
and receiving value globally with its native cryptocurrency, ether, without any
third-party interference. But it can also do much more than that.
Maker (MKR)

 Maker (MKR)
Another Ethereum-based token, MKR is a project that aims to operate a
decentralized cryptocurrency (DAI) whose value is relatively stable against the
US dollar. What is distinctive about MKR is that every user who has Maker
tokens has the right to vote when it comes to changes to the Maker protocol. The
value of their vote directly depends on how many tokens the user has. Voting is
possible for a variety of things, such as platform upgrades, changes to savings
made available to users, etc…
Ether (ETH)

 Ether (ETH)
Currently the most widespread blockchain, Ethereum is an open source platform
that has smart contract functionality. The platform’s official cryptocurrency is
Ether (ETH), and Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin originally proposed the idea
in 2013, along with eToro CEO Yoni Assia. After a disagreement about how the
project should continue, Buterin along with several other founders continue to
work on it.

The value of ETH is currently $1,814, and has been on the rise since last August.
Bitcoin cash (BHC)

 Bitcoin Cash (BCH)

A cryptocurrency that is actually a fork of Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash was created in
2017 as an altcoin, to later split into Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin SV.
 The main reason for its emergence is the growing need to enable more
transactions per second. This need has been critical for people who want to trade
the cryptocurrency instead of holding it as an investment. The initial value in
2017 was around $240, while the value of BTC at that time was around $2,700.
 Generally, when investors contemplate investing in cryptocurrencies, they think about either
mining crypto or purchasing it outright on a crypto exchange. But crypto staking—or staking
coins, as it’s often called—is another viable alternative for the crypto-curious to get assets in
their crypto wallets.
While “staking” may be a relatively new addition to the financial lexicon, it’s important for
those interested in crypto investing to understand what it is, how it works, and what
cryptocurrencies it can be used to obtain.

Crypto staking may feel like it’s a step beyond simply learning how to buy Bitcoin or how a
crypto exchange works, but learning about cryptocurrency staking can broaden your
knowledge, making you a more informed investor.
This article will run through it all, from staking basics to the platforms investors can use for
staking coins.
 Crypto staking is the process of locking up crypto holdings in order to obtain rewards or earn interest.
Cryptocurrencies are built with blockchain technology, in which crypto transactions are verified, and the
resulting data is stored on the blockchain. Staking is another way to describe validating those transactions
on a blockchain.
Depending on the types of cryptocurrency you’re working with and its supporting technologies, these
validation processes are called “proof-of-stake” or “proof-of-work.” Each of these processes help crypto
networks achieve consensus, or confirmation that all of the transaction data adds up to what it should.
But achieving that consensus requires participants.
 That’s what staking is—investors who actively hold onto, or lock up their crypto holdings in their crypto
wallet are participating in these networks’ consensus-taking processes. Stakers are, in essence, approving
and verifying transactions on the blockchain.
 For doing so, the networks reward those investors.
The specific rewards will depend on the network.
It may be helpful to think of crypto staking as similar
to depositing cash in a savings account.
The depositor earns interest on their money while it’s
in the bank, as a reward from the bank, who uses the
money for other purposes (lending, etc.). Staking
coins is, then, similar to earning interest.
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