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Regulatory Matters

Availability Based Tariff (ABT)

Deviation Settlement Mechanism

Date : 17.02.2022

Regulatory & Commercial Dept 1

Session I-A
Grid participant , Scheduling done by SLDC
Availability Based tariff

Regulatory & Commercial Dept 2

Constituents of Power Grid
Area : 1010,000 SQ KMS
Population : 330 Million
Peak Demand : @ 61.65 GW
:1033 MU / Day
NORTHERN : 95.893 GW
WESTERN : 120.372 GW
SOUTHERN : 109.236 GW
Area : 255,090 SQ KMS
Population : 40 Million EASTERN : 36.047 GW
Peak Demand :@ 2.88 GW NER : 4.372 GW
: 46 MU / Day

REGION Area : 433680 SQ KMS
Population : 240 Million
WESTERNR Peak Demand :@ 23.45 GW
EGION :441 MU / Day
Area : 951470 SQ KMS
Population : 244 Million
Peak Demand : @58GW
:1180 MU / Day
Target by 2027:
SOUTHERN Installed Capacity: 685 GW
REGION Peak Demand : 520 GW
Area : 651000 SQ KMS
Population : 232 Million
Peak Demand : @45.6 GW
:966.5 MU / Day

Installed Capacity as on 30.11.2019

Source : CEA

Total 3,287,263 sq. km area

Installed Capacity 365.97 GW August 2006
North synchronized
3.2 Million Sq. Km Area With Central Grid

March 2003
West synchronized NEW Grid
With East & Northeast

October 1991 South

East and Northeast NR Grid
Central Grid


All India Grid
31st Dec. 2013,
South NEW & SR grid South
Five Regional Grids Five Regional Grid
Five Frequencies One Nation - One frequency
Grid Operation and Control in India
Formation of Electricity Policies and implementation of
ACT and Policies through NPC, RPCs and NLDC –
Authority Consultants to MoP, GoI
MoP, GoI
Commercial aspects
Inter State Regional Grid operations& Inter
National National Region / Cross Border Grid connections, Power
Power Load Exchanges. Regulatory Authority :Central
Committee Despatch Electricity Regulatory Commission (SERC)
(NPC) 1 No. (NLDC) 1 No.

Regional Power Regional Load Inter State Generation, Transmission (CTU)

Committees Inter State Open Access, Regional Grid & Inter
Region Grid connections. Regulatory
(RPCs) Centers (RLDCs) Authority :Central Electricity Regulatory
5 Regions 5 Regions Commission (SERC)

Intra State Generation, Transmission (STU) &

Distribution Companies, Intra/Inter
State Load Despatch Centers (SLDCs)
State Open Access, State Grid & Inter state
35 States & UTs Grid connections. Regulatory Authority State
Electricity Regulatory Commission (SERC)6
Intra-State Utilities Under Technical Control of MSLDC
Intra State Generating
• MS Power Generation Co. Sub LDC Trombay (Mumbai)
Maharashtra State Load
• Tata Power Co. – (G)
Despatch Centre
• AEML – (G)
( MSLDC) Sub LDC Ambazari,
RPL ,VIPL, IEPL ( Nagpur)
• All Captive Power Plants,
• NCE ( Wind, Solar, Bio-mass
Intra State Distribution Licensees
• M.S. Electricity Distribution Co.
• Tata Power Co. – (D)
Intra State Transmission Licensees • AEML – (D)
• MS Electricity Transmission Co. (MSETCL) • BEST
• Tata Power Co. – (T) • Central Railway (Maharashtra)
• AEML – (T) • MADC (SEZ)
• Jaigad Trans. Co. (JPTL) • Mindspace Properties (SEZ)
• Adani Transmission India ltd. (ATIL) • Giigaplex (SEZ)
• Amravati Power Transmission Co. Ltd. • NIDAR
(APTCL) • KRC Infrastructure (SEZ)
• Sinnar Power Transmission Co. Ltd. (SPTCL)
• Maharashtra Eastern Grid Power Transmission
Co. Ltd.( MEGPTCL)
• Vidarbha Industries Pvt. Ltd. (VIPL)
Integrated Power System Operation

Generation : Supply = Distribution : Demand

Generation :
Grid Operation
Gas Transmission Residential
Hydro Ag. Pumps
Nuclear ● Frequency Commercial
Non conventional: solar, ● Voltage Industries
wind, Bio-mass etc. ● Active & Reactive SEZ
Power flow
Exchange with National Grid Rly TSS
includes CS share and ● Equipment Loading Urban/Rural
OA transactions ( Congestion ) etc
● Network Security

- Nodal Agency

- Based on operational
Constituents of Availability Based Tariff mechanism
What is ABT and Why?

Grid problems till 2000 : Wide frequency deviations, uncontrolled drawal by states , undisciplined
generation (higher generation during night hours to achieve total generation targets , frequent
blackouts/ grid disturbances , grid voltage issues etc.

Inter – State ABT mechanism introduced at Central Level in 2001, namely Unscheduled Interchange
(UI) mechanism
Further, modified as Deviation Settlement Mechanism (DSM) since February 2014.

The Forum of Indian Regulators (FOIR) upon recommendations of its sub-committee acknowledged
that State Electricity Regulatory Commissions are competent to determine mechanism for
introduction of Availability Based Tariff mechanism at State level,

However, it needs to be ensured that Intra-State ABT mechanism is compatible with inter-State ABT

The clause 5.7.1(b) of National Electricity Policy (NEP) notified by Central Government mandates the
Appropriate Commissions to introduce Availability Based Tariff (ABT) mechanism at State level.

MERC introduced Intra-state ABT mechanism in Maharashtra vide order in case no 42 of 2005 dated
17th May, 2006 , however Generating companies were excluded from the settlement mechanism
Interim Balancing and Settlement Mechanism (IBSM) : October 2006.
Final Balancing and Settlement Mechanism (FBSM) : August 2011.
State Deviation Representation of State Grid & Settlements
= Actual -
Schedule Intra-state Generators InSGS
Grid ISTS Generator

Deviation Settlement
Mechanism ( Frequency Based) Transmission Lines,
Transmission System InSTS & Interconnecting Transformers


Contracted Capacity of D1 D2 D3 D4

Drawl of D1 D2 D3 D4

UI settlement at
Transmission Bus
Unscheduled Interchange (UI) (UI)

Intra-state ABT Mechanism

Weighted Average System Marginal Price (WASMP)
Principle of ABT
Discourag Encourage
e Drawl Drawl

Low 50 Hz High
Frequency Frequency

Deviation charge to be paid by: Deviation charge to be paid to:

• Buyer for over drawl • Buyer for Under drawl
• GENCO/Seller for under injection • GENCO/seller for over injection

Concept of Deviation Price (erstwhile Unscheduled Interchange)

CS Schedule 2000 MW
State Load 12500

Drawl from CS 2500 MW (= 12500- 10000 – 2000)

State Gen
10000 MW CS Deviation
500 MW

If System frequency is below 49.7 Hz, the State has to pay at Rs 8.0 PU is Rs.10,00,000 in 15 minutes!
( Deviation of 500 MW in one block -- > Deviation charge Rs. 1 million )

Components of Tariff for MSPGCL units under present system

Two part tariff

Tariff (Thermal Power)

Fixed Charge Variable Charge

• Interest on loan capital • Recovery on Actual

• Depreciation Sent out generation.
• Return on equity • The energy
(variable) charges
• O&M Expenses shall cover fuel cost
• Interest on Working Capital

Recovery of Fixed charges

is based on Target Availability

Recovery of Fixed charges < level of target

availability shall be on pro-rata basis
Components of Tariff under ABT
Three part tariff

Tariff (Thermal Power)

Fixed Charge Variable Charge

• Interest on loan capital

• Depreciation • Recovery on • Recovery on
• Return on equity Scheduled Deviation w.r.t.
generation. schedule
• O&M Expenses
• The energy • Rate varying as
• Interest on Working Capital (variable) per Frequency as
charges shall well as per market
cover fuel cost condition
Recovery of Fixed charges
is based on Target Availability

Recovery of Fixed charges < level of target

availability shall be on pro-rata basis
Generation Capacity in various terms

Name Plate Capacity (MW) =

Installed Capacity (IC)
Auxiliary Down
DC < IC (MW)
SG < = DC
Maximum Actual DC
Scheduled Under-
Declared Generation injection
Capacity Linked to Fixed
(MW) Charges
by Beneficiary

Technical Minimum
Capacity (MW) –
Presently 55% of IC


Key Definitions
“Declared Capacity” means, in relation to a generating Station, the capability to
deliver ex-bus electricity in MW declared by such generating Station in respect of
any time-block of the day as defined in the State Grid Code or whole of the day,
taking into account the availability of fuel and/or water, and subject to further
qualification in the relevant Regulation;

“Scheduled Generation” at any time or for a time block or any period means
schedule of generation in MW or MWh ex-bus given by the concerned Load
Despatch Centre;

“Actual injection” in a time-block means electricity generated or supplied by

the Seller, as the case may be, and measured by the interface meters;

“Deviation” in a time-block for a Seller means its total actual injection minus its
total scheduled generation and for a Buyer means its total actual drawal minus
its total scheduled drawal and shall form part of the State Energy Accounts to be
prepared by the State Load Despatch Centre;
Key Definitions


Key Definitions
Session I-B
Introduction to DSM Regulations

Regulatory & Commercial Dept 20

Changes in Intra-state ABT mechanism under
Deviation Settlement Mechanism Regulation, 2019
similar to CERC mechanism
Changes in Intra-state ABT mechanism as per Deviation Settlement Mechanism, Regulations
2019 similar to CERC mechanism

Hon’ble Commission has issued the Deviation Settlement Regulations, 2019 for introduction of Deviation
Settlement Mechanism in Maharashtra , in line with CERC mechanism.
• DSM under these Regulations shall be applicable for all seller(s), including OA generators, captive generators

(excluding In-Situ captive generators) connected to Intra-State Transmission System but excluding wind and

solar generating station(s).

• ‘Deviation’ in a time-block for Seller (i.e. generator) = Total actual injection – (minus) Total scheduled


• The Commission had proposed to implement this DSM Framework in phased manner by April 2020

considering implementation period of 12 to 15 months , to allow adequate time for all key stakeholders

including MSLDC for preparedness and to provide sufficient time to set up necessary hardware/software and to

undertake pilot test runs.

• As per the original schedule, the Regulations was to become applicable from 1 st April, 2020.However due

to Covid-19 difficulties and as the DSM software was not stabilised the implementation was postponed.
MERC DSM Regulation 2019 for Intra-State ABT
• Deviation = Actual Injection - Scheduled Generation

•IEGC frequency Band 49.85 – 50.05 Hz.

• The deviation charges are to be paid for

1. Deviation of actual energy w.r.t. to scheduled energy
2. Additional charge for Volume deviation beyond 12% of schedule or above 50 MW , whichever is lower
3. Additional Charge for violation of sign change stipulation -- presently not applicable not notified yet

• The price for the deviation i.e. Deviation Price or DSM vector is linked to Daily Area Clearing Price (ACP)
for the Power Exchange as daily published on NLDC (National Load Despatch Center website). This price will
be applicable for 50 Hz.
• Deviation Price rate changes daily . Ceiling for Cap rate is 394.35 paise/unit for domestic coal based units
and also APM gas based units.

• Volume limit of generator is 50 MW or 12 % of Schedule , whichever is lower

• Additional charges at rate of 20%, 40%, 100% of applicable Deviation Charges in steps of deviation [ 12%-
15%, 15%-20%, > 20% (when SG =< 83.33 MW) ] or [ 12% of SG to 12% of SG +10 MW , 12% of SG +10 MW to
12% of SG + 20 MW , above 12% of SG + 20 MW ( for 416.66 MW >SG >83.33 MW) ] or [ 50-60 MW, 60-70 MW, >
70 MW (when SG > =416.66 MW) ]
Additional condition for a change in sign of the deviation shall be met once every 6-time blocks by
Buyer/Seller, failing which, additional charges @20% of the Deviation Charges on daily base DSM payable/
receivable as the case may be shall be levied for the duration of continuance of violation.
Various capacities and DSM implications

Name Plate Over

Capacity (MW) Injection
Schedule Injection
DSM Charges Receivable
(subject to Price & Volume CAP)

Declared DSM Charges Payable

Capacity (subject to Price CAP)

15 min
Payment by
Beneficiary at
PPA rate

DSM Price Vector

Area Clearing Price

Rs. 8.00 / kWh

49.85 Hz
50.05 Hz 50.00 Hz

Area Clearing Price :

Indian Energy Exchange is discovering area clearing price based on sell and purchase bids for each
time block for particular bid area. ACP is average of clearing price for the day and is declared by
NLDC every day by 18:00 hrs applicable for next day which applicable as DSM rate in that bid
area. 25
900 Deviation charges

 Applicable for general generators




^ Applicable for MSPGCL

300 309.98



4 5 6 7 8
.8 9.8 9.8 9.8 9.8 9.8
9 .9 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 50 1 2 3 4
.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
49 4 4 4 4 4 49 49. 49. 49. 49. 49. 49. 49. 49. 49. 50 5 5 5 5
Tabular representation of Deviation and Additional Deviation Charges for Seller as per MERC DSM
Over injection (Positive deviation) Under -injection (Negative Deviation)

Frequency band Within volume limit (12% Above volume limit (12% Within volume limit (12% of Above volume limit (12% of
of schedule or 50 MW of schedule or 50 MW schedule or 50 MW schedule or 50 MW whichever is
whichever is lower) whichever is lower) whichever is lower) lower)

Normal DSM charge for

Deviation upto volume Normal DSM charge +
Normal DSM charge , No Normal DSM charge + Additional
49.85 Hz > Actual frequency limit , zero charge for Additional DSM charge for
Additional DSM charge DSM charge for all deviation
overinjection above all deviation
volume limit

Normal DSM charge + Additional

DSM charge on deviation exceeding
Normal DSM charge for
volume limit (e.g. when volume
Deviation upto volume
49.85 Hz=< Actual freq.< 50.05 Normal DSM charge , No Normal DSM charge , No limit is 50 MW, @20% rate for
limit , zero charge for
Hz Additional DSM charge Additional DSM charge deviation between 50 MW to 60
overinjection above
MW, @40% for deviation between
volume limit
60 MW to 70 MW, @100% for
deviation above 70 MW)

50.05 Hz =< Actual freq. < 50.1 Zero DSM charge, No Zero DSM charge, No Zero DSM charge , No Zero DSM charge , No Additional
Hz Additional DSM charge Additional DSM charge Additional DSM charge DSM charge

Zero DSM charge but Additional DSM charge on all

50.1 Hz =< Actual frequency Zero DSM charge , No Additional DSM charge
over-injection at rate equal to ACP rate for the day.

No DSM charge will be computed if all the units under the tariff group are under Zero schedule shutdown
during the period.
-- For Additional DSM Rates in Table I of Annexure –II of MERC DSM Regulations (reproduced as Annexure –II with this Procedure) shall be
-- For Additional DSM Rates for under-injection by Gen. stations using Coal or Lignite or Gas supplied under APM Table II of Annexure –II of
MERC DSM Regulations
•Specific modalities for Intra-state Generators :

•Declaration of Day Ahead capacity by 09:00 Hrs every day.

•Deviation for Seller shall be computed by MSLDC for each time block and accounted on
weekly basis.
•While computing deviation the Sellers whose Tariff / PPA/MoU/Bilateral Agreement or any
contractual arrangement is Unit-wise, Deviation for such Seller(s) shall be computed Unit-wise.
In case of Sellers whose contractual arrangement is Station-wise, the Deviation for such Seller(s)
shall be computed Unit-wise, however the deviation charges shall be computed Station-wise.
•The Volume limit for individual station/unit is 50MW or 12% of Scheduled generation,
whichever is lower.
•Revised DC will be applicable from 4th block from intimation of change through
Scheduling software
•In case of Hydro stations > 25 MW, at the time of Deviation charge computations, the
Actual generation will be considered as the Scheduled generation i.e. no Deviation charges to be
paid / received for Hydro stations. However , other provisions like submission of technical details
for registration, Declaration of DC are applicable for Hydro stations also.

•Specific modalities for Intra-state Generators :

•Total deviation for a station /unit over the day should not exceed 1% . In case of violation of this
limit, 20% additional charge of daily DSM is to be paid. – Yet to be notified
•No over-injection of electricity by any Seller shall be permissible when grid frequency is “50.1 Hz
and above”
•Additional condition for a change in sign of the deviation shall be met once every 6-time blocks by
Buyer/Seller, failing which, additional charges @20% of the Deviation Charges on daily base DSM
payable/ receivable as the case may be shall be levied for the duration of continuance of violation.
To illustrate, if a state entity has positive deviation from schedule, i.e. from 07.30hours to9.00 hours,
sign of its deviation from schedule shall be changed in the 7thtime block, i.e. 9.00 hours to 9.15 hours either
from positive to negative or from negative to positive. The additional Charge for violation of sign change
stipulation shall be leviable for each such violation during a day from the date to be notified separately by
the Commission.
•The issue regarding DSM charges being levied when the units are under “zero schedule shutdown” /
RSD was raised by MSPGCL. Thus Hon’ble Commission has modified the provision and now. When all
the units are under Zero schedule shutdown or RSD , there will be no DSM charge computed.

Timelines for Scheduling and Despatch Procedure

Responsibility From To Form No.

By 0600 Station wise ex-power plant MW and MWh Capabilities foreseen for the next Day ISGS WRLDC  

Available on
Availability of ISGS Station wise ex-power plant MW and MWh capabilities
foreseen for the next Day

Available on
Availability of ISGS Station wise ex-power plant MW and MWh capabilities
By 0830 MSLDC Beneficiary WRLDC's
foreseen for the next Day

Sellers including RE
Unit-wise ex-power plant generation availability in MW and MWh taking into
By 0900 Generators MSLDC Form IS
consideration any outage of its generating unit for the next day.
connected to InSTS
By 0900 Consent for ISGS capacities by Beneficiaries Beneficiary MSLDC  
By 0900 Consent for ISGS capacities by Beneficiaries to WRLDC MSLDC WRLDC  
Consent for Beneficiary to the ISGS for quantum and duration of power for next
By 0945 WRLDC ISGS  
day for sale in the market
QCA to upload Pooling Sub-Station wise and Buyer-wise day ahead Forecast and
By 1000 QCA. MSLDC Form IS
Abailable Capacity on 15-min time block basis
Buyers to upload Pooling Sub-Station wise and Buyer-wise day ahead Forecast
By 1000 Buyers MSLDC Form IS
and Abailable Capacity on 15-min time block basis for next day in MW and MWh
Full Transmission Open Access Consumers furnish detailed Drawal schedule on Form
By 1000 Full TOA consumers MSLDC
15 minutes time block basis for next day in MW and MWh IB/Form IS

By 1100 Preparation of Load Generation Balance and URS if any MSLDC   On web site

Buyers and
By 1115 Target deshpatch Schedule for Seller and Target Drawal Schedule for Buyers. MSLDC Form 3S

Regulatory & Commercial Dept 30

Timelines for Scheduling and Despatch Procedure

Responsibility From To Form No.
By 1400 ISGS drawal schedule of Beneficiaries Beneficiaries MSLDC  
By 1500 ISGS drawal schedule of Beneficiaries MSLDC WRLDC  

Available on
By 1800 "Net drawal schedule" of the State in MW and MWh for the next day WRLDC MSLDC WRLDC's
Sellers QCAs
Unit wise ex-bus generation revised availability in MW and MWh taking into
By 2000 connected to MSLDC Form IS-R
consideration any outage of its generating unit for the next day.
Revised drawal schedule for next day against bilateral power and IPP requisition
By 2000 Buyers MSLDC Form IB-R
they have contracted in short term and long term basis.
By 2000 Revised ISGS Drawal Schedule by Beneficiaries Beneficiaries MSLDC  
By 2200 Revised ISGS Drawal Schedule by Beneficiaries MSLDC WRLDC  

By 2300 Final Load Generation Balance and URS available if any MSLDC   MSLDC Website

Final targeted despatch schedules for Sellers and targeted drawal Schedules for MSLDC
By 2330 MSLDC Form No. 2S
Buyers. Website

Regulatory & Commercial Dept 31

DSM Development

Deviation Settlement Mechanism (DSM)

 Hon’ble MERC issued DSM Regulation on 01st March, 2019.
 Directed MSLDC to submit Scheduling and Despatch (S&D) Code and DSM Procedure.
 Accordingly, S&D Code and DSM procedure is approved by Hon’ble MERC.
 Software Development work is entrusted to M/s PwC, which includes following modules
Core modules: Additional modules:
 1. State Entity Registration  1. Active/Reactive Energy Accounting
 2. Scheduling  2. Transmission Loss Accounting
 3. Meter Data Management (MDM)  3. Fees & Charges
 4. DSM  4. MIS (Reports)
 5. Big Data Analytics

 Entire database and software will be on cloud.

 Software development work is in progress.
 DSM is expected to be implemented from October 2021.
Billing cycle
 Weekly bills for DSM charges for Monday to Sunday will be raised by SLDC - By next Tuesday ( 10 th
day from week-end Sunday)
 State Entity to pay the bill by 10th day , irrespective of any error/ correction
 Any discrepancy to be intimated to SLDC within 15 days of billing date and SLDC to resolve the issue
within 6 days from intimation by the Entity
 Penalty charges applicable from 12th day from billing date.
 If Entity does not pays the bills for 4 consecutive weeks, the entity will not barred from scheduling
activity. 32
Further intricacies of the Deviation Settlement
Mechanism Regulation, 2019
De-centralised and Centralised MOD

Buyer wise MoD or De-centralised MOD

Merit Order Despatch schedule for respective distribution licecese considering only generators
contracted that Discom.
Generator can revise DC during intra day operation, such revision shall become effective from
the 4th time block, counting the time block in which the revised schedule

Centralised MOD
MSLDC shall issue necessary despatch or curtailment instructions in accordance with
Centralised MoD principles for the state as whole, considering the grid parameters including
frequency, voltage, transmission line loading, substation loading conditions or State volume
limits to maintain the Load-Generation balance and comply with conditions stipulated under
IEGC and State Grid Code.

In such cases, the revised schedules shall become effective from the 4th time block, counting
the time block in which the revised schedule is issued by the MSLDC to be the first one.

Centralized and De-centralized MoD

De-Centralized MoD
Discom Forcasted Contracted Generators Sum Short Fall After
Drawl Contracte / Surplus MoD
Embaded d Capacity


Discom 1 D1- Gen 1 D1-Gen 2 …. D1-Gen n B+C+….+n E-F E=F

Discom 2 D2- Gen 1 D2-Gen 2 …. D2-Gen n B+C+….+n E-F E=F

Discom 3 D-3Gen 1 D3-Gen 2 …. D3-Gen n B+C+….+n E-F E=F

Centralized MoD
State Demand Contracted Generators Sum Contracted Short After
Capacity Fall / MoD

Discom 1 D1- Gen 1 D2-Gen 2 …. D1-Gen n D1 Gen1 .. Gen n + E-F E=F

+Discom 2 D2 Gen 1 … Gen n +
+Discom 3 D1- Gen 1 D3-Gen 2 …. D2-Gen n D3 Gen 1… Gen n
D2Gen 1 D3-Gen 2 …. D3-Gen n

Virtual State Entity

Every intra-state entity under DSM Regulation has to Register with MSLDC and furnish all
relevant technical details.

In Day ahead scheduling de-centralized MoD will be run i.e. MoD within contracted
generators of concern Discom.

In real time operation, any Discom is deviating from drawl schedule more than allowed limit
or on revision of its contracted generator effecting on availability of concern Discom, De-
centralized MoD will be run to match load-generation balance.

During intra-day operation, Centralized MoD is required to be run considering the grid
parameters including frequency, voltage, transmission line loading, substation loading
conditions or State volume limits to maintain the Load-Generation balance and comply with
conditions stipulated under IEGC and State Grid Code or on direction from WRLDC.

During Centralized MoD run schedules of the Generators are subjected to revision, even if
concern Discom is not requiring the power enhanced or reduced for its generators.

A Virtual State Entity (VSE) is created, such enhancement or reduction of power due to
Centralized MoD shall be allocated to (VSE) and settlement will be between VSE and
Generator at prevalent DSM rate.
Virtual State Entity settlement

Day Ahead Schedule issued by SLDC (MWh)

Implement Schedule to Discom for payment to Generator(MWh)

Final Implement Schedule for DSM settlement (MWh)

Energy allocation from Generator to VSE, Generator will receive from VSE at DSM rate subject to Cap.

Energy allocation from VSE to Generator, Generator will pay to VSE at DSM rate subject to Cap.

in MW
Day ahead Declared Capacity (MW)

Technical Minimum Capacity

0 24 30 96
48 52 72 80
Time Blocks De-centralized MoD Centralized MoD Centralized MoD

Recovery of energy charge under DSM
Provision in MYT Regulations for consideration of DSM charges for Annual
Revenue requirement

Expected impact on recovery

A) ENERGY CHARGE = Schedule x EC

Based on Scheduled Generation and Drawl and NOT on actual generation and Drawl
B) Deviation Price (previously Unscheduled Interchange Charge)
Deviation charge = (Act. Gen.- Sch. Gen.) x Deviation Price as per DSM Vector.

Case 1 : Below freq. of 50 Hz , the deviation price ramps from Rs.3.09 /unit at a rate of 30.68 paise per 0.01 Hz.
(subject to cap rate of 3.943 / unit for domestic coal based units)
It will be better to increase the generation above the Schedule to the extent possible . As the Deviation will be
positive, there can be additional recovery . If the actual fuel cost per unit is lower than Deviation Price, this will
give additional gain. However, it is to be noted that in case of generation lower than schedule, the penalty will
also be at the same rate.
Case 2 : Above freq. of 50.05 Hz , the deviation price is 0 (zero) .
It will be better to reduce the generation below the Schedule , to the extent possible. As there will be no Deviation
Price, the total recovery will be at Scheduled energy , there will be saving in fuel expense to the extent of
generation below schedule. Generation more than schedule under such circumstances will lead to non
recovery of fuel cost for such excess generation.

Case 2 : A. Over-injection when frequency is above 50 Hz. (assumed ACP = DSM charge at 50 Hz = Rs.
Scheduled Actual
Block No. Frequency (Hz) generation Actual generation Generation Deviation (MW) Deviation (MUs) Energy charge Actual Fuel
(MW) Generation (MW) (MUs) (MUs) Rs./kWh Expense Rs. Lakh
22 50.02 200 220 0.05 0.055 20 0.005 2.75 1.513
23 50.05 200 218 0.05 0.0545 18 0.0045 2.75 1.499
24 50.01 200 210 0.05 0.0525 10 0.0025 2.75 1.444
25 50.03 200 216 0.05 0.054 16 0.004 2.75 1.485
26 50.05 200 208 0.05 0.052 8 0.002 2.75 1.430
27 50.06 200 205 0.05 0.05125 5 0.00125 2.75 1.409
28 50.1 200 210 0.05 0.0525 10 0.0025 2.75 1.444

Billing under DSM Unrecovered

Energy charge Billing as per
Frequency Scheduled Actual DSM rate fuel cost
Block No. present method ( on actual Energy Charge (on DSM Total
(Hz) generation (MW) Generation (MW) Rs./kWh under DSM
generation) Rs. Lakh the schedule basis) charge recovery (Rs. Lakh)
Rs. Lakh Rs. Lakh Rs. Lakh
22 50.02 200 220 1.854 1.513 1.375 0.093 1.468 0.045
23 50.05 200 218 0 1.499 1.375 0.000 1.375 0.124
24 50.01 200 210 2.472 1.444 1.375 0.062 1.437 0.007
25 50.03 200 216 1.236 1.485 1.375 0.049 1.424 0.061
26 50.05 200 208 0 1.430 1.375 0.000 1.375 0.055
27 50.06 200 205 0 1.409 1.375 0.000 1.375 0.034
28 50.1 200 210 0 1.444 1.375 0.000 1.375 0.069
10.223 9.829 0.394

With over-injection at frequency above 50 Hz, there is under recovery of fuel cost.

Regulatory & Commercial Dept 41

Case 2 : B. Under-injection when frequency is above 50 Hz. (assumed ACP = DSM charge at 50 Hz = Rs.
Scheduled Actual
Frequency Scheduled Actual Energy charge Actual Fuel
Block No. generation Generation Deviation (MW) Deviation (MUs)
(Hz) generation (MW) Generation (MW) Rs./kWh Expense Rs. Lakh
(MUs) (MUs)

22 50.02 200 190 0.05 0.0475 -10 -0.0025 2.75 1.306

23 50.05 200 185 0.05 0.04625 -15 -0.00375 2.75 1.272
24 50.01 200 192 0.05 0.048 -8 -0.002 2.75 1.320
25 50.03 200 185 0.05 0.04625 -15 -0.00375 2.75 1.272
26 50.05 200 180 0.05 0.045 -20 -0.005 2.75 1.238
27 50.06 200 183 0.05 0.04575 -17 -0.00425 2.75 1.258
28 50.1 200 184 0.05 0.046 -16 -0.004 2.75 1.265

Billing under DSM
Energy charge Billing as per recovered
Frequency Scheduled Actual DSM rate
Block No. present method ( on actual Energy Charge (on DSM Total fuel cost
(Hz) generation (MW) Generation (MW) Rs./kWh
generation) Rs. Lakh the schedule basis) charge recovery under DSM
Rs. Lakh Rs. Lakh Rs. Lakh (Rs. Lakh)
22 50.02 200 190 0 1.306 1.375 0.000 1.375 0.069
23 50.05 200 185 0 1.272 1.375 0.000 1.375 0.103
24 50.01 200 192 0 1.320 1.375 0.000 1.375 0.055
25 50.03 200 185 0 1.272 1.375 0.000 1.375 0.103
26 50.05 200 180 0 1.238 1.375 0.000 1.375 0.138
27 50.06 200 183 0 1.258 1.375 0.000 1.375 0.117
28 50.1 200 184 0 1.265 1.375 0.000 1.375 0.110
8.931 9.625 0.694

With under-injection at frequency above 50 Hz, there is over-recovery of fuel cost.

Regulatory & Commercial Dept 42

Illustration : Over-injection

Energy Total
Schedule Actual Deviation Volume % Deviation Price Approved add.DSM Total Actual billing as
Charge As DSM Billing
Block Freq. Generation Generation MW =Actual w.r.t.Sche Rate(ps/unit) as Rate(MOD charge on DSM Generation per present Diff.
per DSM Charge Rs. under
Mw Mw -Scheduled du. Gen per matrix rate) (ps/unit) sign change charge (Kwh) mechanism

1 49.98 200 205 5 2.50% 371.2 309.98 154990 4640 0 4640 159630 51250 158865 766

2 49.95 200 212 12 6.00% 463.1 309.98 154990 13893 0 13893 168883 53000 164289 4594

3 50.04 200 208 8 4.00% 62.0 309.98 154990 1240 0 1240 156230 52000 161190 -4960

4 50.01 200 212 12 6.00% 248.0 309.98 154990 7440 0 7440 162430 53000 164289 -1860

5 50.02 200 215 15 7.50% 186.0 309.98 154990 6975 0 6975 161965 53750 166614 -4650

6 50.04 200 220 20 10.00% 62.0 309.98 154990 3100 0 3100 158090 55000 170489 -12399

7 49.99 200 226 26 13.00% 340.6 309.98 154990 22139 -7457 14682 169672 56500 175139 -5467

Sign change violation 

Total impact for 7 blocks LOSS Over-injection on lower
freq.  GAIN
Energy Billing under DSM 1136899
Over-injection on higher
Energy Billing under present mechanism 1160875 freq.  LOSS
Difference -23976
Illustration : Under-injection

add.DS add.DS
M M add.DS add.D
Deviation Deviation Total Energy 
Deviation Deviation Energy -12% of charge charge M SM
Approved generatio generatio Deviation add.DS Total Charge
Schedule Actual MW Volume % Price Charge DSM schedu on on charge chargeTotal Actul
Bloc Rate(MO n n generatio M Billing as per
Freq. Generation Generatio=Actual - w.r.t.Sche Rate(ps/un As per Charge ed deviatio deviatio on on DSM Generatio Diff.
k D rate) between between n above charge under present
Mw n Mw Scheduled du. Gen  it) as per DSM Rs. generat n n deviatio sign charge  n (Kwh)
(ps/unit) 12% to 15% to 20% limit on DSM  mechani
  matrix Rs. ion betwee betwee n above chang
15% limit 20% limit volume sm  Rs.
n 12% n 15% 20% e
to 15% to 20%

68 49.99 200 205 5 2.50% 340.6 309.98 154990 4258 -6000                 4258 159248 51250 158865 383
69 50.01 200 201 1 0.50% 248.0 309.98 154990 620 -6000                 620 155610 50250 155765 -155
70 49.95 200 185 -15 -7.50% 463.1 309.98 154990 -17367 -6000                 -17367 137623 46250 143366 -5742
71 49.92 200 172 -28 -14.00% 555.0 309.98 154990 -38849 -6000 1000 0 0 -1110 0 0 -1110 0 -39959 115031 43000 133291 -18261
72 49.88 200 162 -38 -19.00% 677.5 309.98 154990 -64362 -6000 1500 2000 0 -2032 -5420 0 -7452 0 -71814 83176 40500 125542 -42366
73 49.88 200 155 -45 -22.50% 677.5 309.98 154990 -76218 -6000 1500 2500 1250.00 -2032 -6775 -8469 -17276 0 -93494 61496 38750 120117 -58622
74 49.94 200 185 -15 -7.50% 493.7 309.98 154990 -18515 -6000                 -18515 136475 46250 143366 -6891
75 49.92 200 200 0 0.00% 555.0 309.98 154990 0 -6000 0               0 154990 50000 154990 0

Frequency lower
Heavy Loss
Generation drops below Deviations exceed
Schedule due to coal mill volume limits

Total impact for 7 blocks

Energy Billing under DSM 1003648

Energy Billing under present mechanism 1135302
Difference -131654
Provisions / relaxations provided by Hon’ble
Commission for DSM Go-live w.e.f. 10.10.2021
Sharing of experience and learning from operations during trial run

1. Though the DSM Regulations, 2019 were expected to be implemented from 1 st April, 2020, due to

difficulties in finalisation of the DSM Software, the implementation was delayed. However, due to

considerate and supportive approach taken by Hon’ble Commission , the delay has proved to be

fruitful in smooth implementation of DSM.

2. The formation of Working Group Committee as per instruction of Hon’ble Commission and pro-active

actions taken by the Working committee has helped in providing adequate period for proper testing

of the software . Also through regular interactions in DSM Working Group Committee meetings, the

difficulties faced by the stakeholders were discussed in details along with possible solutions.

3. Based on such discussions, Hon’ble Commission has provided necessary clarifications /

amendments on many contentious issues and has even provided stabilization period of 6 months

after Go-live.

… Conti. 46
Sharing of experience and learning from operations during trial run

4. This has helped to over-come many of the issues/ difficulties of the utilities , especially generators,

and utilities could improve the ground-level preparedness.

5. The extended time period helped MSPGCL in better understanding of the new system , increasing

awareness amongst the station staff and taking appropriate corrective actions at Station level to

improve preparedness .

6. Due to the support provided by Hon’ble Commission as well as DSM Working Group , the plant

operations after DSM Go-live are much smoother as compared to the expectations regarding

heavy DSM charges considering the earlier level of preparedness.

Some of the main issues raised by MSPGCL during trail run and support
provided by Hon’ble Commission.

Relief / clarification provided by Hon'ble

Issue raised by MSPGCL

Computation of deviation charges to be done

on unit or group of units basis whose energy
Already allowed by Hon'ble Commission.
charge is same i.e. Tariff wise, instead of
Station-as a whole

Auxiliary consumption during zero schedule

outage / planned outage to be adjusted in Already allowed by Hon'ble Commission
Discom schedule.

Volume limit allowed in view of difference in

station capacities (same 30 MW volume limit Volume limit increased to 50 MW during
for 1980 MW Koradi U # 8 to 10 as well as stabilization period
250 MW Parli U # 8) .

Some of the main issues raised by MSPGCL during trail run and support provided
by Hon’ble Commission.

Relief / clarification provided by Hon'ble

Issue raised by MSPGCL
Operational difficulties at Uran GTPS for
which the station needs to be considered
Already allowed by Hon'ble Commission.
as “constrained generator” for the purpose
of MOD stack

Hands on experience not possible for

MSPGCL's station staff as schedule on
DSM Software is not yet applicable &
Hon'ble Commission has provided Stabilization
schedules are given by SLDC on manual
period of 6 months provided till 31.03.2022 and
basis. This is a hurdle for MSPGCL,
going forward , the Additional DSM charges were
leading to higher deviations.
not levied on Generators for the first four weeks.
Accordingly, relaxation in commercial
implications is required for at least 3-6

Session II-A
DSM preparedness by MSPGCL

Regulatory & Commercial Dept 50

Expected impact on MSPGCL
Expected impact and Actions required for improving Preparedness

 Currently on many occasions it is observed that the actual generation at some of the MSPGCL stations
is lower than the schedule. In case if the frequency is on lower side during such deviation, the State may
require to draw excess power from RLDC and such exchange will be at high Deviation Price. When
Gencos are included in the settlement, naturally these charges for excess power drawal will have to
borne by MSPGCL on such occasions of low injection.

 In view of this, MSPGCL stations will have to be alert in declaring capacity as well as timely
rescheduling in case of difficulties to follow the declared capacity.
 For achieving Scheduled generation in each block the following become very critical
 Co-ordination between CHP and Plant Operations , without which accuracy in declaration can’t be
 Ensuring reliable operations of auxiliaries – Best O & M efforts
 Better assessment of outage situations and timely corrections in declared capacity accordingly.
 Tapping opportunities for gain during “lower frequency” regime
Expected impact and Actions required at Hydro stations

 In normal course , for Hydro stations, while computing the DSM charges
Scheduled Energy will be considered to be equal to Actual injection.
Thus there is no Deviation and no DSM charge for Hydro stations.
 However , as per Scheduling and Dispatch Code, the Hydro units above 25 MW capacity have to
declare their capacity on regular basis. Thus specific input modules are prepared for
-Koyana Units ( all 1956 MW capacity), Tillari , Bhira and Vaitarana HPS and Ghatghar PSS, which are
of capacity more than 25 MW.
- For other hydro stations, monthly data for next month , based on water availability / water release
programme , to be provided to MSEDCL and SLDC by 21 st of every month . In case there is any
change in planning for utilisation of water during the month, same shall be informed by Generating
Station or concerned Distribution Licensee to MSLDC in advance.
-In normal case , the schedule for small hydro stations will be as per their declaration as above.
 For above 25 MW units , the day-ahead schedule is as per requisition given by MSEDCL but in real
time, the schedule may be changed by SLDC as per grid requirement.
DSM preparedness at our end
MSPGCL DSM Readiness

• During the Trial run process, all the MSPGCL Management including CMD Sir , were regularly
apprised on the related developments and the management had pro-actively issued necessary
directions to the Stations as well as HO offices to ensure that MSPGCL stations remain well
prepared for changes under the new regime.
• For TPS level internal DSM real-time Dashboard is developed by MSPGCL IT team for online
monitoring .
• DSM groups were formed at local level to co-ordinate the activities at station level.
• Awareness training given to all operation staff .
• Monitoring & issuance of necessary directions by Director (Operations) for effective and
successful adoptin of DSM regime.
• With all these collective efforts , all MSPGCL stations are generally trying to follow DSM Schedule
and minimise DSM charge implication.

DSM preparedness for MSPGCL

 Preparation of DSM Dashboard for ready reference for Plant control room Operations staff – IT

section with DSM Group

- Providing the input signals for the DSM dashboard – Testing , I & C / Electrical

- Updation of live data available from SLDC software – IT section with DSM Group

- Computation of expected DSM charges to help decision making – IT section / DSM group

- Working out strategies for loss reduction and then gain maximization – DSM group

 Improving awareness amongst the different wings – Operations & CHP , Operations and

Maintenance , CHP & Chemists etc. So that declaration of capacity is correct and then plant

operations are as per schedule or as per DSM charges optimization strategy - S.E of the

concerned departments

 Timely verification of Metered data and DSM bills received from SLDC.- DSM group / Testing , I &

C / Electrical
DSM web page available in control room for Talcher TPS NTPC

Regulatory & Commercial Dept 57

DSM web page developed by MSPGCL IT team

Regulatory & Commercial Dept 58

DSM web page developed by MSPGCL IT team

Regulatory & Commercial Dept 59

DSM web page developed by MSPGCL IT team

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DSM web page developed by MSPGCL IT team

Regulatory & Commercial Dept 61

Session II-B
Observations on MSPGCL’s performance under DSM
Way Forward

Regulatory & Commercial Dept 62

Observations on MSPGCL’s performance under DSM
during the Stabilization period
DSM bill summary period 11.10.2021 to 30.01.2022 (4 weeks without additional charges
and 12 weeks with additional charges)
Deviation Addl. UI Total Deviation Expected Gain/(Loss)
Schedule Actual Total
Sr. Charges Charges Charges Fuel in fuel cost
Station Generation Generation Recovery
No. Receivable payables (Rs. Receivables expenses recovery
(MUs) (MUs) (Rs. Crs.)
(Rs. Crs.) Crs.) (Rs. Crs.) (Rs. Crs. ) (Rs. Crs.)
    a b c d e=c-d f g h=g-f
1 BTPS-3 211.56 209.47 0.43 0.018 0.414 72.530 73.418 0.887
2 BTPS-4&5 1645.45 1649.46 1.31 0.059 1.254 471.101 471.200 0.099
3 NTPS 546.53 546.55 0.14 0.117 0.019 207.617 207.635 0.019
4 CSTPS 3-7 2367.32 2408.64 10.35 0.162 10.189 680.997 679.460 -1.537
5 CSTPS 8-9 1915.05 1928.38 3.87 0.017 3.856 498.995 499.429 0.434
6 Parli 6-7 574.63 600.49 4.02 0.447 3.577 205.333 200.132 -5.201
7 Parli 8 369.49 389.62 4.91 0.006 4.907 128.098 126.451 -1.647
8 Paras 3-4 736.51 734.85 0.21 0.020 0.192 232.887 233.490 0.602
9 KTPS - 6 329.94 326.31 -0.87 0.015 -0.890 98.657 98.857 0.199
10 KTPS 8-9 3474.75 3478.00 0.46 0.344 0.117 885.118 884.374 -0.744
11 KPKD 1-4 881.87 900.80 5.98 0.064 5.921 272.381 272.319 -0.062
12 KPKD- 5 984.03 994.81 3.14 0.000 3.135 264.149 264.438 0.289
Coal based
14037.13 14167.39 33.961 1.268 32.693 4017.864 4011.202 -6.662
13 Uran 548.06 551.53 1.421 0.008 1.413 116.216 116.898 0.681
  Total thermal 14585.18 14718.92 35.382 1.276 34.106 4134.081 4128.100 -5.981

 Average Additional charges payables are Rs. 10 lakh per week which are relatively low.
 It shows that the Stations are generally following the given schedule , by & large .
 Occasional over-injection at higher frequency at some stations, is leading under-recovery of fuel cost.
BTPS-3 NTPS Paras Parli-8 Uran
  4&5 S 3-7 S 8-9 1-4 5 6 8-10 6-7
Blocks 1097 1841 1551 2173 1372 1151 3559 2266 1605 2315 1499 648 1341
Amount -8.4 -54.7 -122.7 -94.0 -44.8 -30.1 -35.4 -155.4 -12.2 -45.2 -69.7 -6.1 -21.4
Under Injection
Blocks 3939 1900 1015 1465 1080 1025 2778 1473 2706 2583 2359 1105 1443
Amount 130.5 100.2 127.1 69.2 59.5 49.5 84.7 82.9 100.7 119.5 124.2 43.8 12.8

Blocks 2359 2272 3325 2058 2549 2824 1855 2055 3543 2151 4456 4598 1252
Amount -47.9 -104.4 -423.0 -115.6 -183.6 -88.1 -45.5 -124.1 -92.2 -58.6 -589.7 -238.6 -6.3
Over Injection
Blocks 1998 4718 4832 5024 3714 5727 2538 4922 2801 3681 2417 4280 6715
Amount 10.9 68.8 263.0 187.1 120.9 97.5 16.2 122.2 5.6 44.6 32.6 43.5 83.1

Balance (Transmission
    15 21 28 32 21 25 22 36 97 22 21 22 1
Constraint/ Central MOD

Gain/(Loss) in fuel cost

    85.1 9.9 -155.5 46.8 -48.0 28.9 19.9 -74.4 1.9 60.2 -502.5 -157.5 68.1
recovery (Rs. Lkhs.)

Regulatory & Commercial Dept 65

BTPS-3 NTPS Paras Parli-8 Uran
  &5 S 3-7 S 8-9 1-4 5 6 8-10 7
Blocks 122 113 142 149 140 80 345 158 189 183 224 79 73
Applicable DSM Loss
Rate higher than Amount -1.2 -3.4 -11.8 -8.7 -4.0 -2.8 -4.9 -9.7 -1.3 -4.5 -15.3 -0.8 -1.2
MOD Rate
below 49.9 HZ Blocks 103 13 0 0 0 7 22 0 0 7 61 27 0
(A) Gain
Amount 8.3 1.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.2 0.0 0.0 0.5 2.1 2.0 0.0

Blocks 570 772 1101 897 826 1137 599 810 818 631 1053 1295 626
Applicable DSM Loss
Rate lower than Amount -18.8 -39.1 -181.8 -39.1 -83.1 -42.6 -16.5 -36.4 -35.9 -27.6 -180.9 -95.7 -3.4
MOD Rate
above 50.02 HZ Blocks 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
(B) Gain
Amount 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Blocks 692 885 1243 1046 966 1217 944 968 1007 814 1277 1374 699
Amount -20.0 -42.4 -193.6 -47.8 -87.1 -45.4 -21.4 -46.1 -37.1 -32.0 -196.2 -96.5 -4.6
Total for A&B
Blocks 103 13 0 0 0 7 22 0 0 7 61 27 0
Amount 8.3 1.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.2 0.0 0.0 0.5 2.1 2.0 0.0

Regulatory & Commercial Dept 66

BTPS-3 NTPS Paras Parli-8 Uran
  4&5 S 3-7 S 8-9 1-4 5 6 8-10 6-7

  Blocks 23 33 27 26 37 18 75 24 31 35 42 19 17
Under Injection
when freq is
below 49.85   Amount -0.5 -1.0 -1.5 -2.0 -1.1 -0.6 -1.3 -3.4 -0.6 -1.0 -9.0 -0.2 -0.2

  Blocks 20 11 32 17 17 25 18 10 21 4 32 36 10
Over Injection
when freq is
ADSM above 50.1   Amount -0.6 -0.4 -7.8 -0.8 -1.8 -1.2 -0.4 -0.4 -1.5 -1.0 -4.8 -3.6 -0.1

  Blocks 40 5 50 4 13 0 20 40 31 9 101 10 6

Under injection
beyond volume
limit when freq   Amount 1.8 -7.4 -21.0 -1.2 -1.5 0.0 -1.4 -41.4 -7.6 -2.3 -38.9 -0.5 -1.5
is in between
49.85 to 50.01
Blocks 27 6 49 6 37 0 4 16 28 0 126 7 10
Amount 1.1 5.9 10.2 0.9 6.2 0.0 0.0 8.6 10.6 0.0 41.9 0.0 0.8

5376 0.502 0.112 0.911 0.112 0.688 0.000 0.074 0.298 0.521 0.000 2.344 0.130 0.186
% of ADSM Blocks wrt Total Blocks

Regulatory & Commercial Dept 67

Way forward
Till now the journey under DSM is much better than expected. However from 1 st April 2022, the
volume limit is expected to reduced to 30 MW. Thus following precautions are necessary.

1. To avoid applicability of Additional DSM , to the extent possible.

2. To avoid Over-injection when freq. is higher than 50.01 Hz ( unless DSM rates are higher).
--- This is essential for units with higher MOD rates like Nashik, Parli , Bhusawal # 3.
3. To increase generation under low frequency to get higher DSM receivables.
4. To avoid mis-declaration.

Regulatory & Commercial Dept 69

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