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The Anesthesia Machine

By: Tasew (BSc, MSc in


Department of Anesthesia
Nov , 2022
 At the end of this cession, students are able to:
 List the components of anaesthetic machines

 Understand the routes of gas delivery through the machine

with its system of pressure reduction.
 Perform routine anaesthesia machine check
 Aware Safety features of anaesthetic machine

 Explain types vaporizers with their advantage.

 Understand how the ventilators work & their advantages
 Discuss on the different AM
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Why do we need an anaesthesia machine?

 Received compressed gases from their supplies

 To measure flow of gases
 Add vapours in known concentrations

 To deliver vapours and gases to patient via a breathing

 Scavenge waste gases
 To monitor patients

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Classification of Anesthesia machine:
 Intermittent flow machine: Gas flow only during inspiration
E.g. - Drawover machine
 Continuous flow machine: Gas flow both during inspiration
and expiration
E.g.- Boyle’s machine
- Anaesthesia Workstation

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Draw over Anesthesia Machine:

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Continuous flow machine:
• Original Continuous-flow Anaesthetic Machine designed by
Boyle a century ago.
• Most current anaesthetic machines derived from Boyles

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Parts of anaesthesia machine

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Parts cont’d…

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Measurement of pressure= Important Units
1 atm=14.7psi=1030cmh2O=1000mBar

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Pneumatic System:
 The Pneumatic part of the machine can be
conveniently divided into three parts: depending on the
pressure with in the machine
1. High-pressure system
2. Intermediate-pressure system, and
3. Low-pressure systems

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Note: the
The anaesthetic machine: a “circuit diagram” pressure of the
O2 flush is 4
O2 failure Bar
Wall alarm

! flush
cylinder regulator Rotameter
with needle

13700 kPA (=137 Bar) FGF

50-60Psi (=4 Bar) CGO
16 Psi (=1Bar) Pressure
Vaporiser relief valve
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o The pressure in the cylinder is 137 Bar; too high for the
anesthetic machine.
o The pressure is reduced to 4 Bar (Usually around 50 psig
-60psig) to protect the machine (it would still harm or
kill a patient).
o After the rotameters, the pressure is reduced to slightly
above atmospheric pressure (16psig or < 1/3 Bar) to
protect the PATIENT.
o This requires pressure regulators or pressure release
I. The High-pressure System

1. Hanger Yoke
2. Cylinder Pressure Indicator (Gauge)
3. Pressure Regulators
Hanger yoke: parts

Cylinder valve
Pin index
safety system
Retaining screw

Gas cylinder
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Cylinder Pressure Indicator

o Bourdon tube type indicators

o The lowest pressure
indication is between the 6
o'clock and 9 o'clock
Bourdon pressure gauge

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Pressure Regulators

o Pressure regulators and pressure release valves maintain a

constant pressure.
o Different regulators may protect the anesthetic machine
(providing 4 Bar) or the patient (by providing 1 Bar).
o These regulators do NOT limit flow; the pressure should
be the same whether the anesthetic machine is providing
15 L/min or is off.
o The pressure down-stream of a pressure regulator is NOT
dependent on the pressure up-stream (within wide limits)
i.e. the cylinder pressure can vary, but the down-stream

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Spring (force F)
Diaphragm (area A)

High pressure Cont’d Constant low

in to regulator pressure ‘down-


-Gas enters the high pressure chamber and passes to the low pressure
chamber via the valve

-The pressure in the low pressure chamber exerts a force on the

diaphragm which is balanced by the spring (P = F / A)

-If the pressure is too low, the valve opens; if it is too high, it closes
II. Intermediate Pressure System
1. Master Switch (Pneumatic Component)
2. Pipeline Inlet Connections
3. Pipeline Pressure Indicators
4. Oxygen Pressure Failure Devices
5. Oxygen Failure Safety Device
6. Oxygen Supply Failure Alarm
7. Second-stage Pressure Regulator
8. Oxygen Flush
9. Flow Adjustment Control
10.Control Knob
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Pipeline Inlet Connections

o Entry point for gases

from the pipelines.
o Inlet must contain a
unidirectional (check)
valve .
o Have a filter with a pore
size of 100 µm or less.
Pipeline Pressure Indicators

o Should always be checked before the machine is

used (+ve tug test).
o Adequate pressure on the pipeline indicator
does not guarantee that gas is not being drawn
from a cylinder.
o Should be between 50 and 55 psig (345 and 380
Oxygen Pressure Failure Devices
o Depletion of the oxygen supply (usually from a
cylinder) results in delivery of 100% anesthetic gas.
o Machine standard requires that an anesthesia machine
be designed so that whenever the oxygen supply
pressure is reduced below normal, the oxygen
concentration at the common gas outlet does not fall
below 19%.
Oxygen Pressure Failure Devices
• A Fail-Safe valve is present in the gas line supplying each of
the flow-meters except O2. This valve is controlled by the O2
supply pressure and proportionately decreases the supply
pressure of all other gasses as the O2 supply pressure
• Historically there are 2 kinds of fail-safe valves:

1. Pressure sensor shut-off valve (Ohmeda)

2. Oxygen failure protection device (Drager)

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1. Pressure Sensor Shut-Off Valve
• Oxygen supply pressure opens
the valve as long as it is above
a pre-set minimum value (e.g..
20 psig).
• If the oxygen supply pressure
falls below the threshold
value, the valve closes and the
gas in that limb (e.g.. N2O),
does not advance to its flow-
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2. Oxygen Failure Protection Device (OFPD)

• Based on a proportioning
principle rather than a
shut-off principle.
• The pressure of all gases
controlled by the OFPD
will decrease
proportionately with the
oxygen pressure
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Limitations of Fail-Safe
• These devices do not prevent hypoxia from accidents such
as pipeline crossovers or a cylinder containing the wrong
• These devices prevent hypoxia from some problems
occurring upstream in the machine circuitry (disconnected
oxygen hose, low oxygen pressure in the pipeline and
depletion of the oxygen cylinder).

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Limitations of Fail-Safe
• Equipment problems that occur downstream (for example
leaks or partial closure of the oxygen flow control valve) are
not prevented by these devices.

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Oxygen Supply Failure Alarm

 Usually 30 psig (205 kPa)

 At least a medium priority alarm shall be initiated within

5 seconds.
 It shall not be possible to disable this alarm.

 Oxygen failure safety device and alarm depend on

pressure and not flow, they have limitations.
 These devices do not offer total protection against a
hypoxic mixture being delivered.
Second-stage Pressure Regulator

 Some machines have;

 Just upstream of the flow indicators.

 Reduce it further to around 26 psi (177 kPa) for nitrous

oxide and 14 psi (95 kPa) for oxygen.
 The purpose of this pressure regulator is to eliminate
fluctuations 2o to fluctuations in pipeline pressure.

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Oxygen Flush
 Named as flush or emergency oxygen or by other numerous
names, this switch directs a high pressure flow of oxygen
direct to the CGO from the source, either pipeline or cylinder,
bypassing all intermediate meters and vaporizers. 
 Flush valves for gases other than oxygen are not permitted.
 Oxygen Flush can be activated regardless of weather machine
is turned on or off.
 Pressure delivered is 60 psig

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Oxygen Flush……

o Commonly labeled “O2+.”

o A flow between 35 and 75
L/minute delivered.
o Hazards
1. Accidental activation
2. stick in the ON position
3. sticking and obstructing
4. Barotrauma and
5. Awareness=due to dilution
of Inhaled anesthetics
Oxygen Flush……

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The oxygen flush:
=> This allows rapid filling of the circuit with oxygen
However caution is required:
=> The flush pressure is 4 Bar; it would cause severe
barotrauma (damage to lungs due to high pressure) – though
it is generally not transferred to the patient

=> It dilutes volatile agents in a circle circuit (since the O 2

does not go through the vaporiser)

Be CAUTIOUS if you use the oxygen flush, or

you may harm the patient
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Look where the flush is !!!
O2 failure
Wall alarm

! flush
cylinder regulator Rotameter
with needle

13700 kPA (=137 Bar) FGF

50-60Psi (=4 Bar) CGO
16 Psi (=1Bar)
Vaporiser relief valve
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Flow Adjustment Control

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o Turning the stem creates a

leak between the pin and seat
so that gas flows to the outlet.
o The stop collar prevents over-
tightening of the pin in the
o Now on closed position.
Control Knob
o Joined to the stem.
o The oxygen flow control knob must have a fluted profile
and be as large as or larger than that for any other gas.
o The flow control valves should be opened until the gas
pressure is reduced to zero and then closed.
o If the gas source is not disconnected, the flow control
valve should be turned OFF.

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III. Low-pressure System

1. Flow-meters
2. Hypoxia Prevention Safety Devices
3. Pressure Relief Device

4. Common (Fresh) Gas Outlet

5. Vaporizer
6. Unidirectional valves
o A: No gas flow.
o B: Gas enters at the base and
flows through the tube, causing
the indicator to rise.
o The gas passes through the
annular opening around the float.
o The area of this annular space
increases with the height of the
o Thus, the height of the indicator
is a measure of gas flow.

o The plumb bob and skirted

floats are kept centered in the
tube by constant rotation. The
reading is taken at the top.
o The ball indicator is kept
centered by rib guides. The
reading is taken at the center.
o The non-rotating float does
not rotate and is kept centered
by gas flow.

o Flow indicator sequence-

o A, B: Potentially
dangerous arrangements,
with the oxygen flow
indicator upstream. If a
leak occurs, oxygen will
be selectively lost.
o C, D: Oxygen is downstream from other gases, which is a
safer situation because anesthetic gas rather than oxygen will
be lost.

 Oxygen is the last gas to be added to circuit

 This reduce risk of only non oxygen gas reaching to patient.

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Flow indicators sequence (which is best?)

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Hypoxia Prevention Safety Devices
o Sprockets are secured to the
stems of the oxygen and
nitrous oxide flow control
valves ( anti- hypoxic
o A chain linking the
sprockets limits the
minimum oxygen
concentration that can be
Mechanism of working…

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 Links nitrous oxide and oxygen flows (mechanically,
pneumatically, or electronically) to prevent final inspired
oxygen concentration of less than 25% .

Ohmeda Link 25:

 A chain links nitrous oxide and oxygen flow control knobs,
allows either to be adjusted independently, yet automatically
intercedes to maintain a minimum 1:3 ratio of oxygen to
nitrous oxide.

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Pressure Relief Device:
o Device near the common gas outlet to protect the machine and
patient from high pressures.
o This valve opens to atmosphere and vents gas to atmosphere if
a preset pressure is exceeded.
o May limit the ability of an anesthesia machine to provide
adequate pressure for jet ventilation.
o Not recommend that the common gas outlet be used to
provide jet ventilation.
o Some machines offer a connection from the pipeline or
intermediate pressure system for a jet ventilation device.
Common (Fresh) Gas Outlet:

o Receives all of the gases and vapors from the machine

and delivers the mixture to the breathing system.
o Will accept a tracheal tube connector.
o Some new anesthesia machines provide two common gas
o A hazard with this arrangement is that the fresh gas may be
directed to the wrong outlet.
o Standard states that there shall be only one functional common
gas outlet at a time.
o An interlock prevents both outlets from being inadvertently
operative at the same time.
o The common gas outlet should not be used to administer
supplemental oxygen to a patient.

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Reading Assignment
Oxygen Analyzers???

General anesthesia should not be administered without

an oxygen analyzer in the breathing circuit.
Three types of oxygen analyzers are available:
- polarographic
-Clark electrode,
-galvanic (fuel cell), and

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• -Is an instrument designed to:-
o Used at ambient temperatures between 18- 30 ⁰c.

The role of vaporizers

 To add a clinically useful concentration of anaesthetic
vapour to a carrier gas.
 To produce a controlled and predictable concentration
of anaesthetic vapour.
 Ideally independent of carrier gas flow rate.
 Ideally independent of AM
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Basic concepts
Latent heat of vaporisation:
 Energy is needed to convert a substance from a liquid state into vapour or
Vapour pressure
 Partial pressure exerted by molecules escaping from the surface of a
liquid to form a vapour
 Raising the temperature of a liquid  increased molecular energy 
increased tendency for molecules to escape the liquid  increased
vapour pressure
Saturated vapour pressure (SVP)
 The vapour pressure exerted by the vapour phase of a substance
in equilibrium with the liquid phase.
 It is determined by the temperature.

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 SVP indicates the volatility of the liquid anaesthetic in
the carrier gas.
 After equilibration, the concentration of highly volatile
anaesthetics gas will be higher than that of poorly
volatile anaesthetics.
 An anaesthetics with a higher SVP requires a smaller
proportion of the total gas to pass through the
vaporising chamber to produce a given concentration.
 This explains why different volatile agents need
different vaporisers.
Rate of vaporization

Depends on:-

1. The volatility of the liquid

2. The temperature of the liquid.
3. The temperature of gas flowing over the
4. The flow rate of gas.
5. The area of contact b/n the gas and liquid.
6. The shape and vol. of the space above the
Factors affecting vaporiser output:
Gas flow rates: - By varying the ‘splitting ratio’, the vaporiser output
is controlled
For example, at high flow rates, the gas leaving the vaporising
chamber will tend to be less saturated (since the gas spends less
time in the chamber), so the output of the vaporiser will tend to fall
-As SVP increases, vaporiser output will tend to increase

Ambient pressure:
-SVP is solely a function of temperature

 Therefore, if ambient pressure is reduced, the (constant) SVP

becomes a greater proportion of the total pressure, and the
output concentration rises
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Carrier gas composition
 The composition of the carrier gas may affect vaporiser
output by: 

- Changes in the viscosity and density of the gas mixture

affecting the proportion of the total flow that passes
through the vaporising chamber 
- Nitrous oxide dissolving in the anaesthetic, thus altering
the effective volume that passes through the vaporising

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 Historic ( old design) Vs Modern design vaporizer

 Variable bypass vaporiser Vs measured flow vaporizer

 Vaporiser in circle (VIC) Vs out of circle (VOC)

 Calibrated or uncalibrated

 Plenum vaporisers Vs draw-over vaporisers

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Modern=Dragger and Ohmeda
Old=Copper Kettle and Vernitrol
-Variable bypass -Measured flow
-Temperature compensated -Non temperature compensated
-Agent specific -Multiple agent
-Out of circuit -Out of circuit

Vaporizer Interlock System

-Only 1 vaporizer can be turned on

-Gas enters only the “on” vaporizer
-Leak of trace gas is minimized
-Vaporizers are locked into the circuit
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Variable bypass vaporiser

 There are two main types of variable bypass vaporiser,

1. Plenum vaporizer
2. Draw-over vaporizer

o A: In the OFF position, all of

the inflowing gas is directed
through the bypass.
o B: In the ON position, gas
flow is divided between the
bypass and the vaporizing

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Measured flow vaporiser

– This vaporiser has a chamber in which the VA is heated by

an electrical element to produce pure vapour under
– This type of device is used for desflurane
Vaporiser in circle (VIC) Vs out of circle (VOC)

 Vaporiser in circle (VIC):

 Vaporiser is placed within the circle
 Oxygen enters the breathing circuit from the flow meter
 Either in circle or at CGO
 Low resistance vaporiser required
 High concentrations are possible →safer in spontaneous ventilation
(because respiration will decrease with excess agent and draw less
agent in)
 Vaporiser out of circle(VOC)
 Localized between flow meter and CGO
 Oxygen from the flow meter enters the vaporizers prior to entering the
breathing circuit
 Generally uses plenum vaporiser, but draw-over vaporisers can be used
 Concentration of volatile agent within the circle is less than that dialled on
the vaporiser output, due to dilution with exhaled gas
Concentration Calibration
 Nearly all the vaporizers in use today.
 Also called direct-reading, dial-controlled, automatic plenum,
percentage-type, and tec-type vaporizers.
 Vaporizer output is controlled by a single knob or dial that is
calibrated in volumes percent.
 Designed to be located between the flowmeters and the
common gas outlet on the anesthesia machine.
 They are not designed to be used between the common gas
outlet and the breathing system or in the breathing system,
because they are not calibrated for the high gas flows that
occur with the oxygen flush.
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Plenum vaporisers Vs draw-over vaporisers

Drawover vaporiser:
 gas is pulled through the vaporizer by negative or low
positive pressure.
 low resistance.

Plenum vaporiser:

 gas pass through vaporiser under pressure at the back bar.

 high resistance ; must be outside circuit.

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Plenum vaporisers
• Gas passes through vaporiser under pressure at the back bar
• High resistance; must be outside-circuit
• Generally two types:
– Simple plenum vaporizer
– Precision plenum vaporisers
Simple plenum vaporisers

 They consist of a glass vaporising chamber holding the

volatile agent
 A tap controls the proportion of gas passing through the
 The major advantage is their relatively low cost
 The vaporising chamber may contain a wick to improve
 Disadvantages of simple plenum vaporisers
 No compensation is made for changes in temperature:
 The concentration leaving the vaporising chamber is usually
 Also, higher gas flow rates will tend to lower the
concentration further,
 The variable output means these are generally not calibrated
 Adjustments are made according to the response of the patient
 The delivered concentration will also be reduced over time,

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Precision plenum vaporisers

 Channels and wicks inside ensure the gas is fully saturated

with volatile (at SVP)
 Compensatory mechanisms for temperature and gas flow
 The proportion of the total gas flow passing through the
vaporising chamber is controlled by a dial which accurately
indicates the concentration of the anaesthetic delivered by the

• Precision plenum vaporisers

• Precision plenum vaporisers
 Precision plenum vaporisers: temperature compensation
(1) A heavy copper construction acts as heat sink  minimises

temperature fluctuations.
(2)Compensation for temperature changes: a valve varies the
proportion of the gas that flows through the vaporising

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 Precision plenum vaporisers……..

 Other design and safety features:

 Stable mechanical mounting

 Clear liquid level gauge
 Safeguards against leakage if
 Interlock system
 Agent specific filling ports

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Advantages of precision plenum vaporizer:
 Highly accurate
 independent of time, gas flow rate
and temperature

 expensive
 built for use with specific agent
 high internal resistance prevents them from being
used in the breathing circuit.

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Briefly about Desflurane vaporisers
o Desflurane is extremely volatile (the boiling point of 22.8°C is only
slightly above room temperature)
o A desflurane vaporiser is totally different from others

o The desflurane is heated and then “injected” into the carrier gas as a
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• Vaporisers may be filled by a conventional funnel-fill mechanism or with a

key-filler system

• Isotec 4 vaporiser with funnel-filler

• Isotec 4 vaporiser with key-filler

• Key-filler vaporiser inlet Key-filler vaporiser bottles
 Incorrect agent

 Tipping

 Over/under filling

 Reversed flow

 Control dial in wrong position


 Leaks

 Contamination

 Physical damage

 No vapor output

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Ventilators (reading Assighement)
 provide mechanical ventilation of lungs during
anesthesia by creating a positive pressure gradient
between the upper airway and the alveoli.

Ventilation cycle consists of 4 phases:

-Inspiration- active phase - positive pressure
-Transitional phase => between inspiration and
-Expiration => passive phase
-Transitional phase -between expiration and
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=> How the tidal volume is delivered by producing gas
flow along a pressure gradient.
Either by ;
-Constant flow: Constant flow generator or
-Constant pressure: Constant pressure generator
Power source:
- compressed gas, electrical or both (bellows ventilators require
- piston ventilators do not require driving gas.
Drive mechanism :
– Bellow ventilators are classified as double-circuit,
pneumatically driven.

-Double-circuit means that a pneumatic force compresses a

bellows, which empties its contents (gas from flow meters
and vaporizer) into the patient.
-Driving gas is oxygen
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Bellow Ventilators

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Humidification and filtration

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Humidity: basic concepts

 Absolute humidity:
 Absolute humidity is defined as the weight of water
vapor in 1 L of gas (ie , mg/L).or mmHg (partial
 Relative humidity:
 Relative humidity is the ratio of the actual mass of
water present in a volume of gas to the maximum
amount of water possible at a particular temperature

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Normal physiological humidification:

Normal humidity in the airways

Mouth breathing
At carina;36 °C
=> 60% - 70% saturated with water

Nasal breathing
At nose; 30 °C

At carina;36 ° C
=> 80% - 90% saturated with water
largely due to nasal transfer

-If totally dry gases were inspired and fully saturated gases exhaled, the total water loss
from ventilation at rest would be about 300 ml/day in the average adult.
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Why humidify?

 For prevention of cilial damage and reduced drying of secretions

 Cilia paralysis and reduced rates of mucus flow occur below 50%
relative humidity at 37 °C.

 For microbial filtration

-Some heat moisture exchangers incorporate

viral/bacterial filters

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Disadvantages of humidification?

 Disconnection - Increase the component count

 Circuit resistance increases

 Dead-space increases

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Humidification and filtration
Types of humidifier:
(1) Anaesthetic circuits:
-There is some heat and water transfer in breathing circuits

(2) Nebulisers:
• Results in an inhaled aerosol of 100% relative humidity
• Lower than room temperature => increases heat loss rather than reducing it.
• Water uptake may be excessive

(3) Active heated humidifiers:

-Container with a thermostatically controlled heating element and tubing
with water traps;
-Expensive and complex to use
-Infection hazard
-Potential for burns and drowning

(4) HMEFs: -Heat & moisture exchange filter

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Humidification and filtration
 Heat and moisture exchange filters (HMEFs:)

 Cheap
 Disposable
 Modified hygroscopic paper filters encased in a plastic case
 50% to 80% moisture efficiency at best (depending on inspired humidity)
 Almost as effective as the human nose
 Provide enough humidification to maintain ciliary action and mucus flow and
to reduce heat and moisture losses during anaesthesia to insignificant levels
 Also act a microbiological filters

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Filters: function:
 Minimise transmission of bacteria or viruses
Note: 86% bleeding of after intubation; site of transmission

 They protect:
-breathing circuit
-anaesthetic machine

 Can also have a humidification role

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Filters: ideal characteristics:

-Efficient (99.99% removal or better)

-Minimal dead-space
-Minimum resistance to gas flow
-Unaffected by anaesthetic agents
-Effective if wet or dry
-Light weight
-Humidifies as well

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Safety Features of a Modern Anesthetic Machine
Color-coded pressure gauges

Color-coded flowmeters

An oxygen flowmeter controlled by a single touch-

coded knob

Oxygen is the last gas to be added to the mixture

Oxygen concentration monitor or analyzer

Nitrous oxide is cut off when the oxygen pressure is low

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 O2: N2O ratio monitor and controller

 Pin index safety system for cylinders and

noninterchangeable screw thread (NIST) for pipelines
 Alarm for failure of O2 supply

 Ventilator disconnection alarm

 At least one reserve O2 cylinder should be available

on machines that use pipeline supply
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 Check all equipment before use
 Never use less than 30% oxygen
 Always use oxygen analyzer
 Know your specific equipment
 Never leave the theatre while your patient is under

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