Intro To Javascript

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Introduction to JavaScript

What is JavaScript
• Object-based scripting language
• Developed by Sun Microsystems
• Syntax is similar to C++
• HTML is static, JavaScript adds
• JavaScript can store information as cookies.
• Programming languages developed to serve
a particular purpose.
• JAVA SCRIPT was developed to add
interactivity to Web pages
• Interpreted rather than compiled
• Interpreter is built into the web browsers
• First made available as part of Netscape 2.0
Flavors of Java Script
• Core
– Basic Java script language. It includes the
operators control structures and built-in
• Client side
• Server side
Client side javascript
– Extends the core to provide access to browser and
documents via DOM (document Object Model). Runs
on the client’s (visitor) computer.
– Example an image on the web page can be manipulated
by JavaScript, we can change its source property (src)
to display a different image in response to something
the user is doing such as moving the mouse.
– Javascript can be used to create cookies and read from
– Also can be used for form validation saving time for a
response from the server.
Popular Uses for JavaScript
• Rollovers, status bar messages, browser
detection, redirecting the visitor, random
images and quotes, pop-up windows, form
validations, loading multiple frames at
once, cookies, slide shows, calculations,
plug-in detection, random sounds, cycling
banners, displaying current date, displaying
last modified date, etc.
Server side
• Provides access to databases and converts
results into HTML format and delivers to
the browser.
Other approaches to making web
• Common Gateway Interface, CGI
• Java applets,
• Client pull (eg <meta http-equiv=“refresh” content
= “7”> reload every 7 sec.
• Server push. (server maintains the connection and
delivers additional data over a period of time)
• Plug-ins (adds animation and interactivity)
• Various other scripting languages
JavaScript and HTML
• HTML tag attributes can be accessed as
object properties with javaScript.
• Document.write(“Hello”)
<title>Script 1.1: Using the Write Method</title>
<body bgcolor="white" text="black">
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
Example 2
• <html>
• <head>
• <title>Script 1.3: Changing Background &amp; Foreground
• </head>
• <body bgcolor="white" text="black">
• <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
• document.write("<h1 align=center>Hello</h1>")
• document.bgColor = "blue"
• document.fgColor = "white"
• </script>
• </body>
• </html>
Script in HTML head
<script type = “text/javascript”> says it a text
file and the scripting language is javaScript
<!— Those browsers that do not support script
will consider this as comments and ignore
// 
Document Object
• The most import object in JavaScript is the
document object
• To refer to a method for this object we
• document.write(“hello”)
• document.write(“<h1 align=center>
• document.bgColor = “blue”
Obtaining user input with prompt
• After <script – declare variables
• Var visitorName
• Read it this way:
– vistorName=window.prompt(“Please enter your
• Display it
– Document.writeln(“Hello, “ + name)
Examine properties
• Document.write (“appName: “,
– Microsoft explorer
• Document.write(“Window location:
– File:///A:/script.html
• Document.write(“history: “,
– Length: 1
Netscape Navigator
• Can execute javascript directly by typing
(in the browser area)
– javascript: location.href
• Shows the url
The Event Model
• Most popularly capture events
– Load – finishes loading a page
– Unload – loads a new one
– Mouseover – mouse moved
– Mouseout – move mouse off of object
– Click
– Focus – make active an object
– Change – changes data selected
– Submit – submits a form
– Reset – resets a form
• Event handlers are onLoad, onClick, onChange,
First JavaScript program
<title>Reporting Browser Information</title>
<h1>Your Browser</h1>
<script language = "JavaScript" type ="text/javascript">
document.write("<b>appCodeName:</b> ", navigator.appCodeName, "<br>")
document.write("<b>appName:</b> ", navigator.appName, "<br>")
document.write("<b>appVerson:</b> ", navigator.appVersion, "<br>")
document.write("<b>Platform:</b> ", navigator.platform, "<br>")

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