The Titanic Case Study, Mohit Khosla

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The Titanic Case study

Basic Information about Titanic

The Royal Mail Ship (RMS) Titanic, a British passenger ship run by the White
Star Line, met an iceberg on her inaugural trip from Southampton, England, to
New York City, she perished in the North Atlantic Ocean on April 15, 1912.More
than 1,500 people died out of the estimated 2,224 passengers and crew on board,
making the disaster conceivably one of the bloodiest for a single ship up to that

The second of three Olympic-class ocean liners run by the White Star Line, the
RMS Titanic was the largest ship in existence when she started service. The disaster
claimed the life of Thomas Andrews, the shipyard's senior naval architect. Captain
Edward Smith, who was in charge of the Titanic, perished along with the vessel.
Survival chart

% survived % did not survive

No of people survived people survived


The total Number of people survived is 59% and 41%

of people were not able to survive 59%
No of passengers survived
Does gender have any impact on survival? 400



Gender has an impact on survival as we can see in the chart that survival of
women is significantly greater than men. 200

There were total 453 Male Passengers and 261 felmale Passengers on the
Titanic boat.
Form which 93 male passengers were able to survive and 360 male 100
passengers were not able to survive.
In the case of felame passengers 197 Female passengers survived and 64
female passengers did not survived 0
Men Women

Survival rate
Class wise survival in %

Does passenger class have any

impact on survival? 24%


Passenger class does have an impact on survival rate as we

can see in the pie chart that class 1 has an greater number of
survival rate of 66%,As compared to class 2 and class 3 that 48%

has the survival percentage of 48% and 24%.

Class 1 Class 2 Class 3

Survival rate according to age class


24% 59%

Does passenger age have any

impact on survival? Age class 1
Age class 2
40% Age class 3
Age class 4
Age class 5
Age class 6
The Age class has a great impact on 38%
Age class 7
Age class 8
survival as we can see in the pie
chart Age class 1 has the highest 38%

survival rate which is 59%,And

Age class 8 has the lowest survival
rate which is only 20% 45%
Because of its large impact, the Titanic will never be forgotten. It changed sea safety
and ship building, forever correcting centuries of error and saving lives. As first
international disaster, Titanic will be immortalized in the hearts of its victims.

Mohit khosla

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