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Microwave Filters
Zubair Mehmood
Presented by
Sikandar Shoukat 19013122-041
Sabih Haider 19013122-042

Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Gujrat, PAKISTAN

Table of Contents
■ Introduction
■ Periodic Structures
■ Filter Design by the Image Parameter Method
■ Filter Design by the Insertion Loss Method
■ Filter Transformations
■ Stepped-Impedance Low-Pass Filters
■ Coupled Line Filters
■ Filters Using Coupled Resonators
■ Gantt Chart
■ References

Semester Presentation (Group No 10) RF & Microwave Engineering (EE-468) Instructor : Zubair 2
A filter is a two-port network used to control the frequency
response at a certain point in an RF or microwave system by
providing transmission at frequencies within the passband of
the filter and attenuation in the stopband of the filter.
Typical frequency responses include low-pass, high-pass,
bandpass, and band-reject characteristics.
Applications can be found in virtually any type of RF or
microwave communication, radar, or test and measurement

Semester Presentation (Group No 10) RF & Microwave Engineering (EE-468) Instructor : Zubair 3
Periodic Structure:
Periodic structures support slow-wave propagation (slower
than the phase velocity of the unloaded line), Periodic
structures have pass band and stop band characteristics
similar to those of filters.
Periodic structures find application in traveling-wave tubes,
masers,phase shifters, and antennas.

Semester Presentation (Group No 10) RF & Microwave Engineering (EE-468) Instructor : Zubair 4
Analysis of Infinite Periodic Structures
Consider the infinite line as being composed of a cascade of identical
two-port networks, we can relate the voltages and currents on either side
of the nth unit cell using the ABCD matrix:

For a wave propagating in the +z direction, we must have

V(z) = ,I (z)
where was used for the values of A and D. Now, if γ = α + jβ, we have
cosh γ d = cosh αd cos βd + j sinh αd sin βd = cos θ − b/2sin θ
Since the right-hand side of (8.8) is purely real, we must have either α =
0 or β = 0.

Semester Presentation (Group No 10) RF & Microwave Engineering (EE-468) Instructor : Zubair 5
Case2 :

For symmetric unit cells (as assumed in Figure 8.2) we will

always have A = D. In this

± − 2 𝐵 𝑧0
𝑍 𝐵=
𝐴 − 𝐷 ± √( 𝐴 + 𝐷 ) − 4

The ± solutions correspond to the characteristic impedance for

positively and negatively traveling waves, respectively. For
symmetric networks these impedances are the same except
for the sign; the characteristic impedance for a negatively
traveling wave is negative because we have defined In in as
always being in the positive direction.
Semester Presentation (Group No 10) RF & Microwave Engineering (EE-468) Instructor : Zubair 6
Terminated Periodic Structures:
Next consider a truncated periodic structure terminated in a load
impedance ZL, as shown in Figure 8.3. At the terminals of an arbitrary
unit cell, the incident and reflected voltages and current :

After Derive and the reflection coefficient at the load can be found as:

Semester Presentation (Group No 10) RF & Microwave Engineering (EE-468) Instructor : Zubair 7
k -β Diagrams and Wave Velocities
k-B Diagram is used to study the dispersion characteristics
of microwave components and transmission lines.
For a waveguide mode:
k =,

vp = ω/ β = c( k/ β)
vg = dω /dβ = c dk/ dβ

Semester Presentation (Group No 10) RF & Microwave Engineering (EE-468) Instructor : Zubair 8
The image parameter method of filter design
involves the specification of passband and stopband
characteristics for a cascade of simple two-port
networks, and so is related in concept to the
periodic structures .
The image parameter method is useful for simple
filters, and it provides a link between infinite
periodic structures and practical filter design.
 The image parameter method also finds
application in solid-state traveling-wave amplifier

Semester Presentation (Group No 10) RF & Microwave Engineering (EE-468) Instructor : Zubair 9
Image Impedances and Transfer Functions for
Two-Port Network

Zi1 = input impedance at port 1 when port 2 is terminated with Zi2

Zi2 = input impedance at port 2 when port 1 is terminated with Zi1.
Solving for Zi1 and Zi2 gives:
Zi1 = , Zi2 =
Now consider the voltage transfer function for a two-port network
terminated in its image impedances ,the output voltage at port 2 can be
expressed as V2 = DV1 − B I1
After solving:
cosh γ = √AD

Semester Presentation (Group No 10) RF & Microwave Engineering (EE-468) Instructor : Zubair 10
Constant-k Filter Sections
k is a real constant, that is the resistance. k is often termed as design
impedance or nominal impedance of the constant k-filter.
 The constant k, T or \[\pi\] type filter is also known as the
prototype because other more complex networks can be derived from it.
Constant k filters are easy to design - simple equations can normally be

Semester Presentation (Group No 10) RF & Microwave Engineering (EE-468) Instructor : Zubair 11
m-Derived Filter Sections
m-derived filters or m-type filters are a type of electronic filter designed
using the image method.
They were invented by Otto Zobel in the early 1920s.
This filter type was originally intended for use with telephone
multiplexing and was an improvement on the existing constant k type

Semester Presentation (Group No 10) RF & Microwave Engineering (EE-468) Instructor : Zubair 12
Composite Filters
A composite image filter is an electronic filter consisting of multiple
image filter sections of two or more different types.
The image method of filter design determines the properties of filter
sections by calculating the properties they have in an infinite chain of
such sections.

Semester Presentation (Group No 10) RF & Microwave Engineering (EE-468) Instructor : Zubair 13
A perfect filter would have zero insertion loss in the
passband, infinite
attenuation in the stopband, and a linear phase response in
The insertion loss method, allows a high degree of control
over the
passband and stopband amplitude and phase
characteristics, with a
 systematic way to synthesize a desired response.

Semester Presentation (Group No 10) RF & Microwave Engineering (EE-468) Instructor : Zubair 14
Characterization by Power Loss Ratio
In the insertion loss method a filter response is defined by its
insertion loss, or power loss ratio, PLR:
PLR = Power available from source /Power delivered to
Observe that this quantity is the reciprocal of |S12| 2 if both
load and source are matched. The insertion loss (IL) in dB is
IL = 10 log PLR.

Semester Presentation (Group No 10) RF & Microwave Engineering (EE-468) Instructor : Zubair 15
Maximally Flat Low-Pass Filter Prototype
Butterworth filters are called maximally flat filters because, for a given
order, they have the sharpest roll-off possible without inducing peaking
in the Bode plot.
The two-pole filter with a damping ratio of 0.707 is the second-order
Butterworth filter.
Plr= 1 + 1/ 4R + + − 2(LC) + ].

Semester Presentation (Group No 10) RF & Microwave Engineering (EE-468) Instructor : Zubair 16
Equal-Ripple Low-Pass Filter Prototype
It gives a sharper cut-off than Butterworth filter in the
It has a ripple response in the passband and flat response in
the stopband. it is also known as an equal-ripple response.
Equating coefficients of ω2 and ω4 yields the additional relations

Semester Presentation (Group No 10) RF & Microwave Engineering (EE-468) Instructor : Zubair 17
Linear Phase Low-Pass Filter Prototypes
Linear phase is a property of a filter where the phase
response of the filter is a linear function of frequency.
The result is that all frequency components of the input
signal are shifted in time (usually delayed) by the same
constant amount (the slope of the linear function), which is
referred to as the group delay.

Semester Presentation (Group No 10) RF & Microwave Engineering (EE-468) Instructor : Zubair 18
Filter design technology has developed so
that the design of a corresponding lowpass
filter is the essential first step, and this is
used as a prototype to derive a filter with
other characteristics.
Impedance scaling
Frequency Scaling
Bandpass and Bandstop

Semester Presentation (Group No 10) RF & Microwave Engineering (EE-468) Instructor : Zubair 19
Filter design is the process of creating the filter coefficients to meet
specific filtering requirements.
Filter implementation involves choosing and applying a particular filter
structure to those coefficients. Only after both design and
implementation have been performed can data be filtered.
Richards’ Transformation:
Richards's transformation is a remarkable scheme that takes into account
the actual properties of transmission lines, yielding broadband
transmission line-based implementations of lumped-element filter
Ohm= 1 = tan βl ,

Semester Presentation (Group No 10) RF & Microwave Engineering (EE-468) Instructor : Zubair 20
Kuroda’s Identities:
Kuroda's identities are a set of four equivalent circuits that
overcome certain difficulties with applying Richards'
transformations directly. The four basic transformations are
shown in the figure. Here the symbols for capacitors and
inductors are used to represent open-circuit and short-circuit

Semester Presentation (Group No 10) RF & Microwave Engineering (EE-468) Instructor : Zubair 21
Impedance and Admittance Inverters
Inverters are two-port networks used in many RF and microwave filters.
The input impedance of an inverter terminated in an impedance ZL is
Impedance and admittance inverters are the same network, with the
distinction being whether siemens or ohms are used to define them.
 An inverter is sometimes called a unit element (UE).

Semester Presentation (Group No 10) RF & Microwave Engineering (EE-468) Instructor : Zubair 22
The stepped impedance low-pass microstrip filters is a cascaded
structure of alternating high and low impedance transmission
 These lines act as semi lumped elements as they are much shorter
than the associated guided wavelength.
Approximate Equivalent Circuits for Short Transmission Line

Semester Presentation (Group No 10) RF & Microwave Engineering (EE-468) Instructor : Zubair 23
A Coupled-Line Microstrip Filter is designed for center frequency
2.4GHz and it is made up of FR-4 material having permittivity r=4.4.
Coupled line filter demonstrate the fourth order of the Chebyshev
elements and its response corresponds to bandpass filter.

Semester Presentation (Group No 10) RF & Microwave Engineering (EE-468) Instructor : Zubair 24
Filter Properties of a Coupled Line Section:
Filter Properties of a Coupled Line Section A
parallel coupled line section, with port voltage and
current definitions. We will derive the open-circuit
impedance matrix for this four-port network by
considering the superposition of even- and odd-
mode excitations].

Semester Presentation (Group No 10) RF & Microwave Engineering (EE-468) Instructor : Zubair 25
Design of Coupled Line Bandpass Filters:
Narrowband bandpass filters can be made with cascaded coupled line
sections of the form. To derive the design equations for filters of this
type, we first show that a single coupled line section can be
approximately modeled by the equivalent circuit.

The design equations for a bandpass filter with N + 1 coupled line

sections are:

Semester Presentation (Group No 10) RF & Microwave Engineering (EE-468) Instructor : Zubair 26
Bandpass and bandstop filters require elements that behave
as series or parallel resonant circuits.
Consider several other types of microwave filters that use
transmission line or cavity resonators.
1.Bandstop and Bandpass Filters Using Quarter-Wave
2.Bandpass Filters Using Capacitively Coupled Series
3. Bandpass Filters Using Capacitively Coupled
Shunt Resonators

Semester Presentation (Group No 10) RF & Microwave Engineering (EE-468) Instructor : Zubair 27
Bandstop and Bandpass Filters Using Quarter-Wave

Consider a bandstop filter using N open-circuited

stubs. The design equations for the required stub
characteristic impedances, Z0n, will be derived in
terms of the element values of a low-pass prototype
through the use of an equivalent circuit. The
analysis of the bandpass version, using short-
circuited stubs, follows the same procedure so the
design equations for this case are presented without
detailed derivation.

Semester Presentation (Group No 10) RF & Microwave Engineering (EE-468) Instructor : Zubair 28
Bandpass Filters Using Capacitively
Coupled Series Resonator
A bandpass filter which lends itself to
applications in the 500 megahertz to 1
gigahertz region.
The filter utillizes the capacitively coupled
bandpass filter as a model in the design
process, but replaces the lumped element
inductor/capacitor resonators with distributed
stepped impedance resonators.

Semester Presentation (Group No 10) RF & Microwave Engineering (EE-468) Instructor : Zubair 29
Bandpass Filters Using Capacitively
Coupled Shunt Resonators
The short-circuited stub resonators can be made
from sections of coaxial line using ceramic
materials having a very high dielectric constant and
low loss, resulting in a very compact design even at
UHF frequencies .Such filters are often referred to
as ceramic resonator filters.

Semester Presentation (Group No 10) RF & Microwave Engineering (EE-468) Instructor : Zubair 30
Topics divide Members Start Date Duration End Date
Gantt Chart:
Sabih 2-Dec-2022 9 days 10-Dec-2022


Sikandar 4-Dec-2022 9days 11-Dec-222


Addition, Sabih 12-Dec-2022 2 Days 14-Dec-2022
Finalize ppt & & Sikandar

Submission Sabih 14-Dec-2022 1 Day 14Dec-2022

Semester Presentation (Group No 10) RF & Microwave Engineering (EE-468) Instructor : Zubair 31

Semester Presentation (Group No 10) RF & Microwave Engineering (EE-468) Instructor : Zubair 32
Thank you

Semester Presentation (Group No 10) RF & Microwave Engineering (EE-468) Instructor : Zubair 33

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