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Stress management

Marishka Khobakhidze
Mariam Gabunia
Salome Tushishvili
Stress is a major individual and public health issue that are linked to
a variety of physical and mental health issues. Stress is defined as a
person's physical, mental, and emotional reaction to a certain stimuli,
often known as a "stressor." Stress is our bodies' way of responding
to any type of demand.

Stress is a natural reaction to the demands of our ever-changing world. Although we are
constantly confronted with change and demands, how we interpret these internal and
external changes has a direct impact on how much stress we experience
 Learn how to say "no“
 Attitude
 Laugh

Stress management  Avoid alcohol and smoking

 Healthy eating
 Exercise
 Sleep
 Time management
 Organization
 Budget
 Spirituality
 Locate a support system
 Slow down
 Make changes to your environment
 Delegate obligations
Although this techniques may assist a person who is struggling with these sorts of stress, It
may be important to refer these persons to resources such as a psychologist or other health
care experts who may assist them in dealing with their pressures
Thank you for your attention !!!

Lakshmi, M. (2022). Stress and Stress Management: A Review. Indian Journal of Natural
Sciences, 13(73), 1-15. file:///C:/Users/User/Downloads/DOC-20220827-

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