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Romanian winter

Here is where our presentations begins!
A project created by
1. Radu Alexandra
2. Lupu Alexandra
3. Bejan Maria – Teodora
4. Hîngu Roberta
5. Prisecaru Mihnea
6. Oglan Ioana
7. Cotac Tiberiu
8. Ivan Roberta
9. Lorenț Miruna
10. Dogaru Alexandra
01 02
carols superstitions
The spirit of Cristmas The bright side and the
dark side

03 04 05
The star traditions
National Dishes and Symbol and Meaning The bear & The Goat
How to Butchere a Pig & Walking With The
The bear
In Romania, the tradition of the Christmas bear is
relatively new and is not as widespread as in
other countries. The Christmas bear is often seen
as a symbol of warmth and comfort during the
winter season, and is often depicted as a friendly
and cheerful character. Some people in Romania
may have a small stuffed bear or figurine as a
decoration in their home during the Christmas
season, but the tradition is not as prevalent as in
other countries.
Romania is a beautiful country with lots
of traditions. One of them is Goat Dance,
which is performed around Christmas. It's
executed by a young man dressed with a
special costume, which is different
depending on the region. The 'goat' and
his companions go from house to house,
dancing at each door on New Year's Eve.
It is believed that this tradition dance can predict the
year's weather and also bring fertility to
families. This is an authentic show because of
the unique costume and choreography. The goat
is made of a carved wood in the form of a goat’s
head (or deer). Besides that, the goat is dressed
in fur or crepe red paper. Once the head of the
goat has been made, a blanket with popular
motifs is attached to it.
The star
Symbol and Meaning & Walking With The Star
The star placed at the The twinkling of the In Christian beliefs, stars are
The star at the top of the Christmas tree | Symbol
top of the
Christmas tree is,
stars is therefore also identified with angels.
associated with the The North Star was once
and meaning
first of all, a
symbol of that of
light of Christ, considered the navel of the
which dispels universe and the gateway to
Bethlehem, which darkness, and heaven. Some even
guided the Magi to guides us to the believed it to be the throne
the place of best way of life. of God, offering hope and
Christ's birth. guidance to those lost in the
And when they came into the house,
they saw the child with Mary his darkness of this world.
As the Bible says in Matthew mother, and fell down and worshipped
2:9-11, “after hearing the him, and opened their treasures, and The light radiated by the star at
king, the magi departed. offered him gifts, gold, frankincense, the top of the Christmas
And behold, the star which and myrrh. tree is also a symbol of
they had seen in the east As a result, the star placed on the top spiritual enlightenment and
went before them, until it of the Christmas tree has come to the victory of good over
came and stood over the signify to many Christians a sign of evil. Its location directs us
place where the child was. prophecy and bright hope for to heaven, from where
When they saw the star, humanity. Moreover, she embodies Jesus watches us and is
they could not rejoice. Jesus, who describes himself, “I am ready to help us!
the root and seed of David, the bright
morning star.” (Revelation 22:16)
• According to tradition, walking with the Star is done from the
evening of Christmas Eve until the end of Christmas days.
Walking with
the star
Children of different ages go with the Star to bring to the
world the birth of Jesus Christ. For example, in Bucovina,
one walks with the Star from the evening of Ajun until the
day of St. Basil.
• On the eve of the winter holidays, both the little ones and the
big ones start on the road with the Carol, with the Star, with
the Capra or the Bear, reminding of the scene of the Savior’s
birth on the eve of Christmas. Carolers are made up of
children, girls, boys.
• In some areas, walking with Steaua is done according to the
age, but also the organization of the carolers.

• Children start with the Star on Christmas Eve and go dressed

in folk costumes or in clothes depicting biblical characters
who are related or participated in the event of the birth of the
child Jesus. The stars will hold in their hands an icon of the
Nativity of the Dome or the Virgin Mary. The star is made of
paper or cardboard, is bright and has an icon attached.
National Dishes and How to Butchere a Pig
National dishes
National dishes

A culinary dish from the group A traditional Romanian sweet bread

This dessert is a kind of pie made made with flour, eggs, sugar, and A traditional Romanian dish made
of cold starter. It is prepared of leavened dough and filled with
from meat, bones and cartilage milk. It is often filled with nuts, of minced meat and rice wrapped in
cheese (salty or sweet). The raisins, and/or cocoa powder and is fermented cabbage leaves. It is
(pork or chicken), boiled for a Moldovian name “poale-n-brâu” a popular dessert during the typically served as a main course
long time in a broth(with comes from the way of packing holiday season. The dough is rolled during special occasions such as
garlic).After it has boiled during their preparation: from the and shaped into a spiral before holidays. Sarmale is often served
enough the meat must be side to the center of the pie. baking, giving the bread a with sour cream and can be
chosen, put in forms and then Folding the dough over the distinctive twisted appearance. accompanied by polenta. It is a
pour the broth and let it cool composition, make it not come Cozonac is typically enjoyed with a hearty and flavorful dish that is
several hours, until it becomes out of the dough during the heat cup of tea or coffee and is a loved by many in Romania and
gelatinous and it is ready to be treatment. beloved treat among Romanian beyond.
served. families.
Racitura placinta cozonac Sarmale
National dishes
National dishes
How to butchere a pig

i ii
Jump and catch the pig, lay it on its During the slaughter, no one from
side, and one who is more skilled, among those who are merciful by
sticks the knife in its throat, in so nature should stand around,
that the skin is only split as far as because it is believed that the pig
the width of the knife. Inside, the dies with great difficulty; the meat
tip of the knife goes about a palm of such a pig will not be good.
width, so that the veins are cut
well and the blood drains

iii iv
After the pig has died, underneath it According to a tradition often found in
are placed the straws that are Romanian villages, children pose
set on fire to destroy the hair. astride a pig, so that they will be
as fat as him all year long and
have a good year.
Dear santa...
● Christmas in Romania is a major annual celebration, celebrated on 24/25 of
December, as in most countries of the Christian world. The observance of
Christmas was introduced once with the Christianization of Romania but public
observance was discouraged during the Communist period (1948—1989). In
the post-communist Romania, Christmas started being celebrated again more
● The Nativity of the Lord is also the first royal holiday with a fixed date, in the
chronological order of the Savior's life. This seems to be the first specifically
Christian celebration, among those of the Savior, although it is not as old as
Easter or Pentecost, whose origins are related to the corresponding Jewish

holidays. In some writings about the Birth of the Savior, it is shown that the
Virgin Mary was supposed to give birth to the son of God and walked,
accompanied by Joseph, from house to house in Bethlehem of Judea, eight
kilometers from Jerusalem, asking people to give her shelter. Arriving at the
house of the elderly Crăciun and Crăciunoaie, they did not receive her, and Maria
entered the cattle manger, where the pains of childbirth seized her. Crăciunoaia
heard her and took pity on her, so she helped her. Christmas, angry, cut off the old
woman's hands. Crăciunoaia, however, filled a cauldron with water as best she
could, heated it and took it to wash the child. Maria told him to try the water, and
when he put in the stumps of his hands, they grew back.
● Christmas is a word of Latin origin that would mean, according to some
philologists, "creation", i.e. born at the beginning of the Christian era. At the

Nativity of Jesus Christ, the Magi from the East bring him gifts like a king: gold,
incense and myrrh. Today, children and young people announce the Savior's Birth
through carols, and people, like the Magi from the East, offer them gifts. In
Romania, Christmas is one of the biggest Christian holidays, along with Easter
and Pentecost. On Christmas Eve, children go caroling to announce the birth of
Jesus. Starting from the first day of Christmas, children walk with the Star,
singing carols announcing the birth of Jesus Christ.

Elves of Romanian Christmas.
As in the evening of Saint Andrew, in order to banish the charms and
evil spirits, garlic cloves are placed on the table and at the windows, and
in many Romanian villages it is customary to anoint with garlic the
cattle and stables.

Women are rewarded with carols, so that the dwelling is abundant and
the fruits rich. At the same time, he who does not receive carolers and
does not reward them, will have no good harvest or abundance in the

At midnight, strange things happen. Animals get on their knees and start
speaking people’s tongues. The fruit trees are filled with flowers, the
hazeles adorn themselves with golden branches. if you cut them off, you
will secure eternal wealth. if you find a hole in the cemetery, it is said
that there you will find a lot of gold.
Probably the reason we all go so
haywire at Christmas time with the
endless unrestrained and often
silly buying of gifts is that we
don’t quite know how to put our
love into words.
-Harlan milller
Christmas boys
and girls!
Does anyone have any questions?

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