Presentation Applied Physics

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Team Name: Elite Warriors.

SAP ID’s : 3 9 7 3 6

Rain Detector Alarm
Rain water detector is a simple circuit
which detects the rain and makes an alert
It can be used in several areas and places
where the user wants to be alerted the
moment a single raindrop falls.

Why this project
This circuit enables you to manage your outside
settings when it rains. You can close your windows
or get ready for rain water harvesting after hearing
the alarm. With some small modification the circuit
can also be used as water level indicator, agriculture
field irrigation system etc. The biggest advantage of
this circuit is that it’s simple, reliable and consumes
less power and it’s less costly.

Active buzzer Breadboard Led light Rain sensor

List of components
Battery (9V) Jumping wires Transistor Resistor

⩥ It is a simple circuit in which positive terminal of battery is connect in
series with a NPN transistor. Buzzer and led are connected in series
with the transistor.
⩥ Positive side of rain sensor is connected with emitter of transistor and
negative side is connect with the base of the transistor.
⩥ So In this circuit. When the rain drop falls on sensor. As the water is
good conductor, it completes the circuit and turns on the buzzer and
led light.

Circuit Diagram

Thank You
Presented By:
Anas Ehtisham
Syed Qaisar Abbas
Umair Azam

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