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• Influencing Others

• Purpose of the Content

• The capability to influence is fundamental leadership ability. To influence is to hold an influence on the actions, attitudes, views, and
preferences of others. It’s not about manipulating other people to make your path. It’s about seeing what drives employee commitment and
applying that learning to leverage achievement and concrete outcomes. According to the book, Organizational Behavior by Steven Lattimore
McShane and Mary Ann Young Von Glinow (2018), there are several effective tactics that organizations can use to influence their employees.
Some of them are silent authority, persuasion, assertiveness, impression management, information control, upward appeal, etc. Some of
these tactics, like silent authority, assertiveness, information control, etc., rely on power and authority, whereas some of the tactics like
persuasion, impression management, etc., are dependent upon the individual sources of power such as expertise.
• Use in my Assignment
• For my PA 2 assignment this week, I have to study a case about an organization named Conifer Corp. and suggest if something has gone
wrong over there. I think one thing that is not going on okay is the fact that there is no permanent supervisor in the packaging department.
That is why employees are taking benefit of the situation and not doing their work properly. If a proper supervisor had been allocated to them,
they would have persuaded those employees to perform their tasks diligently and correctly. Hence, to answer my questions from the
assignment, I am going to suggest that lack of supervision is what went wrong there. I am also going to provide suggestions like how
appointing a leader can help the situation and how the leader can use the various influential tactics to persuade these employees. I will take
the help of the mentioned learned concept to write about influential tactics.
• Impact of unwanted work pressure among employees
The workplace must be supportive and friendly as per healthy work standards for increasing work satisfaction and productive outcomes. The
unnecessary work pressure and inappropriate working conditions can directly impact the employee working capacity and increase fatigue,
especially in industries where the workers are doing similar repetitive tasks(Macdonald, 2003). The overtime added by the company in the
case study might have increased the physical stress and anxiety among workers because of which the ability to monitor and manage the
workers by supervisors have affected. I can use this article to explore on how the senior management is also responsible for adding
unnecessary working difficulty and low productivity in their company.
Factors supporting work productivity and positive workplace in the industry
The management teams are responsible to create a healthy workplace. A research study concluded by Kumar et al. (2016) talked about the
factors responsible for supporting work productivity and presented in hierarchical orders in an Indian manufacturing industry. I would use
this article to provide recommendations for Conifer Corp. Manufacturing team in terms of developing positive employees’ behavior, improving
their attitude, increasing active engagement among employees, and promote a good working environment.
Ways of Time Management in the Manufacturing Industry
One of the important aspects of the manufacturing industry is proper time management. The manufacturing industry requires proper time
management in better customer service, quality products, proper packaging, machinery management, workforce management, and reducing
costs from inventory management (Finch & Cox, 1986). I can use this article to provide ways for proper management of time in Conifer Corp
so that unwanted overtime can be reduced or eliminated from the workplace.

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