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• Learned Concept - 2

• Choosing the Best Conflict-Handling Style

• Purpose of the Content
• Organizational conflict occurs when the aims, beliefs, and preferences of diverse people or teams are contrary, and those people or teams
prevent or hinder each other's efforts to accomplish their goals. However, there are several ways an organization can handle conflicts.
According to the book, Organizational Behavior by Steven Lattimore McShane and Mary Ann Young Von Glinow (2018), some of the methods
are avoiding, forcing, yielding, problem-solving, and compromising. These methods can be used according to the situation at hand, for
example, problem-solving can be used when the employees involved in the conflict are not absolutely contradictory, and compromise can be
used where there is a time pressure to solve the conflict, and both the employees have an equal amount of power.
• Use in my Assignment
• In my assignment, too, there are conflicts arising in the organization named Conifer Corp. It is because people from the packaging department
are not doing their tasks properly and misusing the fact that they have no proper supervision, while other employees from the other
departments are exceeding in their job. When people from these departments see that employees from the packaging unit are not working
correctly and leaving early, there may be organizational conflicts. They may feel they are the only ones working hard while others are not
doing their work diligently. So, they may also follow in their footsteps. Hence, in my assignment, I will also mention ways an organization can
handle various types of corporate conflicts. For this, I am going to refer to the mentioned learned concept.
• Learned Concept - 3
• Improving Communication and Mutual Understanding
• Purpose of the Content
• Communication is crucial to the survival and durability of humans and also cooperations. It is a means of producing and sharing opinions,
experiences, beliefs, truths, emotions, etc., amongst the people to attain a mutual understanding. A supervisor may be extremely proficient
and experienced, but all his skill becomes trivial if he lacks good communication abilities. He must communicate his commands efficiently to
other employees to get the job completed from them properly. The book Organizational Behavior by Steven Lattimore McShane and Mary
Ann Young Von Glinow (2018) also talks about how having a proper communication channel is very important for any organization. It is also
one of the ways to solve dysfunctional disputes in organizations. The book has suggested two ways to improve communication. One of them
is employees reveal more further about themselves, so other employees have a more solid knowledge of the underlying reasons for their
actions. Another is meaningful interaction, which suggests acquiring a more individual-specific and proper comprehension of other people by
operating closely with them.
• Use in my Assignment
• One of the principal causes of conflict and employees not properly doing their job in the organization Conifer Corp. is because of the lack of
communication. If the supervisor allocated to them had communicated adequately with them and talked about their lack of diligence directly
to them, the employees would have understood and done their tasks properly. I am also going to suggest the same suggestion in my
assignment. I will refer to the mentioned learned concept while talking about communication in my assignment and will also use the two ways
mentioned above to make my suggestion more robust and helpful.

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