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In this 6th Weeks' PA 2 assignment, we are requested to investigate the case study of Conifer Corp.

and write about the symptoms of the problems, their

causes, and the steps to take to remedy the problem that has developed in Conifer Corp. So, to support my PA 2 assignment answer, I used six peer-
reviewed articles, which are briefly explained below.
Article 1
The role of packaging within marketing and value creation (Rundh, 2016)
Summary of the article 
This article discusses the importance of packaging and how it aids in attracting customers to a market. According to this article, packaging serves a variety of
purposes, including convenience, product protection, transportation comfort, and often environmental responsibility. According to this article, well packaged
protection attracts customers since it conveys a high-quality image to the client, helping the company to preserve its brand image. When the packaging is
done well, the product stands out among its competition.
Use in the assignment
As a result, this article will be used in my forthcoming assignment to demonstrate how Conifer Corp. can get the importance of packaging and how it affects
consumers' buying patterns, hence increasing value creation and controlling the company's brand image.
Article 2
Boredom in the Workplace (Cummings, 2015)
Summary of the article 
According to this article, it is normal for people to become complacent at work, which leads to increased errors, lower productivity, and irrelevant
consequences. The objective of this article is to discuss how boredom is caused in the job by feelings of being overworked, a lack of supervision, or not
understanding what duties to perform. This article also addresses the issue of boredom and offers suggestions for how to keep people focused on their task.
Use in the assignment
As a result, this article will be used in my PA 2 assignment to demonstrate how staff at Conifer's packaging department are likely to feel complacent since no
person in authority is present, resulting in lower productivity and reckless behavior.
Article 3
Identity, Supervision, and Work Groups (Akerlof & Kranton, 2008)
Summary of the article 
The relevance of individual monitoring in the workplace is discussed in this article. The role of the supervisor, according to this article, is to monitor employee
actions, develop communication norms for the team, and keep the team organized, resulting in higher production. Employees are more motivated to work
ethically and are focused on the work when supervisors maintain track of them.

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