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• Some of the concepts that will be useful in our upcoming assignment are as follows:

• Team Norms
• Norms are basically the informal rules and expectations that are shared between the groups which dictate the behavior of the group or teams
in the organization. The norms around the team guide the behavior of the team. Team members often confirm to these norms as they see
themselves associating with some group and want to often match their behavior and norms to the teams. Norms are usually developed slowly
during team formation where people anticipate and predict how others will act. An organization that doesn’t clearly state its norms from the
beginning or select leaders with appropriate values can have teams that are dysfunctional which will lead to loss of productivity as well as
operational inefficiency (Hung, Lai, Yen, & Chen , 2017). This concept will be useful in my upcoming assignment as we deal with the norms of a
lack of motivation, a lack of respect for office time, and effort seen in the organization. This concept will be useful in deciphering how such
norms that have been seen and set in the organization have been a large part of the organization’s recent failings.
• Self-Directed Teams
• Self-directed teams are a cross-functional group of people that are more organized around the processes of work and are more efficient in
getting things done that require other several interdependent tasks. These groups of people have more autonomy in their decisions and over
the execution of such tasks. Self-directed teams are more productive as well as more satisfied in their jobs (McShane & Von Gilnow, 2018). The
concept of self-directed teams will be useful in my upcoming assignment as we see that the teams don’t desire and have a lack of motivation
and effort to go the extra mile. While maybe the organization having self-directed teams full of motivated individuals with a degree of
autonomy and decision making can bring the organization a solution to its problems.
• The Challenges of Teams
• Teams help to perform a task more efficiently and effectively while also remaining productive. However, that is not always the case in
comparison to the individuals that work alone. Teams require more time to gel up to be productive which are also called processes losses.
There can be many disagreements between a multi-cultured and diverse set of people as they have multiple viewpoints and their own
personal goals. Social loafing is also one of the major challenges in a team as a team can also suffer from motivational process loss whereby
people and the team members can be seen to exerting and giving less effort in teams. As the individual works are hard to get recognized in a
typical setting, team members will not seek to put more effort as they know that their works aren’t differentiated and awarded (McShane &
Von Gilnow, 2018). This topic will be relevant in our upcoming assignment as we come along with the challenges that we see that is seen in the
teams and departments formed in the organization of our case study.

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