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• Organizational Behavior Modification

• The organizational behavior modification concept is detailed by McShane and Von Glinow (2018) as an explanation of how antecedents or
actions that lead up to certain specific behavior being displayed by the employees in an organization as well as the consequences of enacting
such behavior in an organization affects what kind of behavior employees choose to partake in. Understanding the preconditions that
motivate employees to behave in a certain manner and having the knowledge about the various kinds of consequences that might spur
employees to enact or refrain from conducting certain kinds of behavior can allow managers at organizations to motivate employees towards
a desirable pattern of behavior. 
• For the assignment regarding Conifer Corp, since the organization needs to find a way to correct the inefficiency in productivity of the
employees working in the packaging department, I will be using the concept of organizational behavior modification in order to suggest
changes in the antecedents or precursors for the dysfunctional behavior at the department such as a lack of supervision and consequences
from taking part in such dysfunctional behavior be modified to discourage employees from taking part in unproductive behavior.
• Besides the six concepts from the book, this week’s assignment will also take references from the following two peer-reviewed articles.
• The relationship between quality and productivity: A new perspective (Shahin, 2008)
• The article by Arash Shahin explores the connection between the increasing level of concern in businesses about the lack of focus in the
improvement of quality efforts put in by employees in organizations and the resulting lack of quality seen in products due to the rising focus
on the escalating only the productivity of the business. This has led to the misallocation of resources towards increasing output but not as
much emphasis on the quality of the product as the need to be competitive in terms of quantity has increased greatly in the current day and
age. The paper goes in-depth about suggesting how companies should try to take an increase in productivity hand in hand with an increase in
quality of product and not let either of the factors be decreased by the other.
• The article will be referenced in this week’s assignment to highlight the various ways in which Conifer Corp’s productivity and quality can be
improved such as increasing supervision and managing training for supervisors to better be able to ensure the productivity of their
subordinates are retained while maintaining the desired standard of products as well as taking the reference of the article to mention how the
weak supervision from the assigned supervisors to maintain quality of the products and productivity of the assigned departments initially
caused the unwanted situation the company finds itself in.

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