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• In the case, we can see that the packaging department is quite neglected.

They don’t have any supervisor assigned to them and are being
observed by the supervisors of other teams. Now the issues here are as follows.
• Leadership and supervision:
• Without anybody to guide and supervise them, the packaging team can lose focus. It is mentioned in the case that the team is likely to take
lunch breaks for 10 mins longer and coffee breaks also extend 5 minutes longer than the allocated time. This gives way to social loafing and
insincerity towards work.
• Team norms:
• We see that even those from other sections who join the packaging team are likely to fall into their informal styles of doing things. It is
because of the influence of the team’s norms. Whatever practices are normalized in the workplace are internalized by the workers and they
start behaving accordingly (McShane & Glinow, 2018). So, it is important for Conifer Corp. to set appropriate and relevant rules to guide team
behavior and also to communicate their expectations from employees.
• Impact of employee inefficiency:
• Due to social loafing and negligence from the packaging team, the whole team suffered as their clients were backing off. This goes to show
how important it is not to maintain team dynamics within one’s own team but also with other teams.
• Alignment of goals:
• We also saw there wasn’t proper alignment of personal goals with the organizational goals. It could also be due to inconsistent supervision.
Where there are multiple people supervising you, there can be lack of unity of command causing confusion and communications gaps among
the worker (McShane & Glinow, 2018). Similarly, it can be unclear as to whose instructions they are to prioritize, hence, resulting in an
unorganized and messy workspace and culture.
• Accountability:
• There are people working on packaging unit at different shifts. If the work is not finished in one shift, it is transferred to the other shift
workers. This takes off the pressure of responsibility and accountability from workers and makes them lax more on work. If one shift is doing
their job sincerely, but the other isn’t, even then their productivity and efficiency is affected due to pending works and more work piling up. If
employees do not feel accountable for their work then they will start taking their work lightly (Cohen, 2006). So, it is important to implement
some kind of discipline in workplace so that everyone takes accountability for their actions.
• Attention and training:
• Since the packaging team is lagging behind and suffering unproductivity, it is important for management to pay attention to their problems,
what are the causes for the deficiency and how they can be overcome. If required, management should be willing to provide necessary
trainings to the packaging team because without proper packaging, their products are indistinguishable in the market and cannot perform
very well.

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