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Dr. Dario Vasquez Estela

  . is used to talk about repeated - You live in Lima - You do not live in Lima - Do you live in Lima?
activities, such as habits, - He plays the piano - She doesn’t play the piano - Does he play the piano?
PRESENT routines, or scheduled events. - They have a house - They don’t have a house - Do they have a house?
SIMPLE Adverbs of frequency and time Routines: | usually drink two cups of    
  expressions (such as usually and coffee in the morning. Schedules: The bus
every hour) often occur with the comes every hour.
simple present. -describe factual information, such as
- general truths or definitions. General

  Indica una acción que se está      

realizando en un momento
PRESENT específico.
- He is studying today -He isn’t studying today -Is he studying today?
  Este tiempo conecta el pasado      
con el presente para hablar de
PRESENT una acción pasada se usa “have” - You have read this book - You haven’t read this book - Have you read this book?
PERFECT “has”      
  Sirve para hablar de acciones      
que han comenzado en el
PRESENT pasado, pero continúan en el
- He has been working - He hasn’t been working hard - Has he been working hard?
PERFECT presente hard    

  Indica una acción que se realizó - I went to Lima yesterday - You didn’t go to Lima yesterday - Did you go to lima yesterday?
PAST SIMPLE en el pasado. - They watched a film - They didn´t watch a film - Did they watch a film?
  - He read the book - She did not read the book - Did she read the book?

  Aquello que ya aconteció forma      

PAST CONTINUOUS parte del pasado. - It was raining - It wasn´t raining - Was it raining?

  Se utiliza para referirse a una      

PAST acción que tuvo lugar en un - She had eaten sushi - She hadn´t eaten sushi - Had she eaten sushi?
PERFECT momento anterior a otra acción.      

  Es el tiempo verbal del pasado que      

  nos indica que una acción estaba - She had been waiting for us - She hadn´t been waiting for us - Had he been waiting for us?
PAST PERFECT realizándose hasta que otra acción      
CONTINUOUS ocurrió. Se forma conjugando los
  verbos auxiliares "had", "been"
con el verbo principal
acompañado del gerundio "-ing".

  Se utiliza para describir acciones      

FUTURE SIMPLE que se van a desarrollar en un - He will go to the office - He won´t go to the office - will he go to the office ?
  futuro, se usa - She will travel to Spain - she will not travel to Spain - Will she travel to Spain?

  Es un tiempo verbal del idioma      

FUTURE inglés que expresa que una acción - We will be travelling - We won´t be travelling - Will We be travelling?
CONTINUOUS tendrá lugar en el futuro y seguirá
  desarrollándose por un periodo de
tiempo determinado.

  Denota una acción futura ocurrida      

FUTURE con anterioridad a otra también - He will have arrived - He won´t have arrived - Will he have arrived?
PERFECT futura.      
  Se usa para expresar cuánto      
  tiempo habrá durado una acción - You will have been working - You won´t have been working - Will you have been working?
  en un determinado momento      
FUTURE PERFECT del futuro. Este tiempo verbal
CONTINUOUS enfatiza la continuidad de un
  acontecimiento en un momento

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