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Business English Phrases for

Hi everyone. Welcome. And thanks for joining us.

Hello everybody. Thanks for joining the meeting.

If you are the Let’s get the meeting started.

Why don’t we start, if everybody is ready.

We’ve got a lot to cover.

We’ve got a lot to get through.

How to Ask a
• Can you give me some more details?
• And I really need some more
• There are some issues, some things
that we have heard.
• Can you find out a little bit more
• Does that mean…?
• Do you mean…?
• If I understand right…
• I am not sure I understand. Does that
• Can you explain it again?
• Can I say something?
• I would also like to say…
• I have something to add.
• I think I’ve got some information that might
• I’d like to add that.
How to Interrupt • If you don’t mind, I would like to say
• Do you mind if I include something?
• May I have a word?
• If I may, I think…
• Excuse me for interrupting
• I really feel that…

Giving • In my opinion…
• The way I see things..
Opinions • I think that…
• We could try…
• Exactly!
• I see your point.
Agreeing • I think the same way.
• I have to agree with (name)
• That makes sense.
• We should…
• Why don’t you…
Advising and • How about…

suggesting • What about…

• What do you think about…
• Good idea!
• I get your point
Commenting • I hear what you are trying to say

on opinions • I see what you mean.

• I understand.
Clarifying – Checking someone
has understood you

• Have I made that clear?

• Do you understand me, okay?
• Do you see what I am getting
• Does it make sense now?
• Do you see my point?
• I hope that’s clear.
• Are you with me?
• Do you get it?
• Do you see what I mean?
• Uh, uh.
• I see
• Oh, really?
• Oh, yes
Showing you are • How interesting?
interested • I know what you mean.
• Yes, good.
• Oh, I see.
• That sound’s great.
• I didn’t catch that/ I didn’t hear
what you said
• Could you repeat that, please?
• I am sorry I missed that last part.
Asking for • There was a connection problem for
repetition a minute, could you repeat that?
• Pardon?
• I’m sorry, what did you say?
• What was that again?
• In other words…
• That means…
• What I mean is…
Saying • That’s to say…
Something • What I’m trying to say is…
• What I’m getting at is…
another way
• It was great to see you all.
• It was a pleasure to meet with
• I look forward to seeing you
• Let’s keep in touch.
Close the • Have a great day.
Let’s practice
• With a partner, you will role play, talk about, and use some of the phrases
• Practice with your partner as if you were in the situations. What would you say, what phrases will you
1. You are in a meeting about a new project and you daydream. You missed something important what
will you say?
2. You need to interrupt the meeting to add something important regarding the software. What do you
3. You just finished telling everyone what their roles are for the new project. Now you want to make sure
everyone understood you clearly. What can you ask or say to check people understood?
4. A co-worker is doing an excellent presentation. How can you show that you are listening and
5. You want to make a suggestion during the meeting. You have an idea that will be helpful. How do you
share your idea during the meeting? How can you give advice?

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