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Nursing terminology

(at the hospital)

and Instruments
 A syringe. A syringe is used for giving injections. Insert the
needle to the vein.
 A stethoscope
 Rectal thermometer
 Oral thermometer
 Catheters
 Scissors
 Dressing trolley
 Tray
 Kidney dish
Exercises: Reading and understanding
 Last week, Joan tasted on instruments. They had a pile of pictures in front of
them. Sometime Joan held up the picture and asked Jane to name it. Sometimes
Joan said the name of an instrument and Jane had to find the correct picture.
This was the first picture
 And Jane said, “Easy, they’re scissors”.
 “But what shape are they ?” asked Joan.
 “Well, they’re straight.” “Now look at the blades.” “They’re sharp-ended.”
Answered Jane.
 “Good,” said Joan,
 “they’re straight, sharp-ended scissors. What about these, then?”. And Joan
helps up this picture:
 Jane . “Those, my dear Joan, are a pair of straight, sharp -and bluntended
A visit to the Hospital
 Hadi: Hello, Joni, How are you? You look fine?
 Joni: Hello, Hadi! I’m much better, thanks. I’m
allowed to sit up now.
 Hadi: I’m glad to hear that! What was it?
 Joni: Yes, I had a bad cold and cough, but I was so
busy, I just kept on working. Then the cough got
worse, and my temperature went up, and I nearly
 Hadi: How long did you have to stay in the hospital?
 Joni: Two more weeks, I think.

The last X-ray was better, but I’m not well enough to go
home yet. I still feel weak
 Hadi: I think you’re in goods hands here
 Joni: Yes, indeed. The doctors and nurses are wonderful
 Hadi: There’s the bell. I have to leave now
 Joni: Thanks so much for your visit
 What’s the matter?
 What’s wrong with you?

(ada apa?, mengapa anda?

I have a headache
 a stomach-ache
 a toothache
 an earache
(saya sakit kepala, ..sakit perut,….sakit gigi…sakit telinga)
 I have a cold
 I’ve caught a cold

(masuk angin)
 I’ve been sneezing and sniffling and blowing my nose all
(Dari pagi saya bersin-bersin dan mendengus, dan
membersihkan hidung)
 I have a cough
 ………..Cold

(saya batuk, saya pilek)

 I have a fever

(saya demam)
 (Kadang-kadang “temperatur”/suhu badan dipakai untuk “fever”)
 He has a high fever
 He has a high temperature (Suhu badannya tinggi)
 He has temperature of 38,9

 His temperature has gone down

(Suhu badannya turun )
 His temperature is normal

(Suhu badannya normal )

 Take his temperature

(Ukurlah suhu badnnya)

 How do you feel? (Bagaimana rasanya? )
 I don’t feel very well (Saya merasa tidak begitu enak badan )
 I feel sick (Saya merasa sakit)
Hurt, Pain, Sore
 Ouch! I cut myself (Aduh! Terpotong! Terluka! )
 Does is hurt? (Sakitkah )
 Yes, it hurts a lot (Ya, sakit sekali )
 No, it doesn’t hurt (Tidak, tidak sakit )
 What’s the matter? Did you hurt yourself? (Mengapa?)
Ada apa? Ada sakit? Cedera, luka?
 Yes I think I broke my arm atau my arm’s broken (Ya,
saya kira tangan saya patah )
 Don’t hurt me (Jangan menyakiti saya)
 You hurt me (Anda saya menyakiti saya )
 You hurt his feelings (Anda menyakiti hatinya )
 He feels hurt (Dia merasa sakit hati )
 Does it hurt? = Is it painful? (Sakitkah? )
 Yes, it hurts = Yes, it’s very painful (Ya, terasa sakit sekali )
 He is seriously ill, but he doesn’t feel any pain ( Ia sakit keras,
tetapi tidak merasa sakit )
 My arm hurts = I have pain in my arm (Lengan saya sakit)

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