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Resources, Ecotourism

Potentials and Sustainability

of Buhisan Watershed Forest


Resource Potentials and Sustainability of BWFR

 BWFR is very near to
Cebu City and proclaimed
in the year 1911 covering
7 barangays with an area
of 630.89 hectares
 It has diverse plant and
animal species

 Rich ecotourism potentials due to its unique ecological

 It has “Dam” built during the American occupation
 Its rugged terrain and human occupation and interventions
make it fragile and highly critical
Resource Potentials and Sustainability of BWFR

Proclaimed on 13 July 1911 under

Executive Order No. 36

Total Area = 630.89 has

= 610 has
(GIS generated)

Total length of the river/creek/

stream channel : 12,567meters

Riparian zone = 108 has.

Sustainable Use zone = 502 has.

Number of Barangays Covered

Buhisan, Kinasang-an,
Toong, Pamutan, Pardo
Poblacion, Quiot Pardo,
Sapangdaku (all under
the jurisdiction of Cebu

Resource Potentials and Sustainability of BWFR

• Massive reforestation efforts (done by
administration under CCRP)
• Continuous forest protection even with very
meager financial resources, equipments and
• Establishment of “gabions” and other soil and
water conservation measures
• Video-CD production showing resources and
initiatives conducted at BWFR.

Resource Potentials and Sustainability of BWFR

Reforestation Efforts through the CCRP

Resource Potentials and Sustainability of BWFR

DENR Nursery for BWFR Rehabilitation

Resource Potentials and Sustainability of BWFR

Existing Gabions established in the Buhisan watershed
Resource Potentials and Sustainability of BWFR
Resource Potentials and Sustainability of BWFR

Biological diversity
• term given to the variety of life on
Earth and the natural patterns it

Resource Potentials and Sustainability of BWFR

Species and ecosystems
are inter-dependent
 Scientific investigation
revealed that the loss of one
species can lead to the
disappearance of many
others, thereby upsetting the
delicate balance of nature

Resource Potentials and Sustainability of BWFR

Importance of Biodiversity?

 Ecological
 Economic
 Aesthetic and recreation

Resource Potentials and Sustainability of BWFR

Floristic composition of BWFR
• There are about 127 species of plants and trees
• Based on the valuation of existing stock, a total of 190,768 trees were
inventoried with a total volume of 91,298.72 cu.m.
• Stumpage value is estimated as P15,172,014.52

Resource Potentials and Sustainability of BWFR

Faunal composition in BWFR
• There are about 30 species of faunal species found in the watershed.

Resource Potentials and Sustainability of BWFR

• A butterfly sanctuary has been proposed.

Resource Potentials and Sustainability of BWFR

• These are some
of the
camp sites
within BWFR
• It is prohibited to
just camp
anywhere in the

Camp Sites

Resource Potentials and Sustainability of BWFR


Resource Potentials and Sustainability of BWFR

Picnic Grounds

Resource Potentials and Sustainability of BWFR

Serenity within the Buhisan Dam Reservoir

Resource Potentials and Sustainability of BWFR

• Some guided hikes and
treks have been
organized and
facilitated. This is
participated in by
students, professionals
and corporate entities.

Trails for Mountain Trekking along the Slopes of BWFR

Resource Potentials and Sustainability of BWFR

Cycling trail

• BWFR is also ideal for

mountain biking.
• During the celebration
of Environment Month
in 2000, BWFR was
the venue of DENR-7
Bike for the
Environment in which
over 300 mountain
bikers participated.

Resource Potentials and Sustainability of BWFR

Topographic Divide at the Peak of BWFR

Resource Potentials and Sustainability of BWFR

Views of Central Cebu Hillylands and Cebu
City from the Peak of BWFR
Resource Potentials and Sustainability of BWFR
Historical Sites (World War Tunnels)

Resource Potentials and Sustainability of BWFR

• Cebu’s first dam and
MCWD’s first surface
water source.
• It discharge water to
Tisa Filter Plant at a
rate 600 cu.m./hr
• In 1998, it produced
1,054,261 cu.m. that
generated P21 M
while in 1999 for the
first 7 months, it
generated 1,094253
• Constructed in 1912
but still is as strong as
when it was first
Buhisan Dam (1912)

Resource Potentials and Sustainability of BWFR

Creeks and Mini-waterfalls

• Buhisan river is a complex river system with its main headwater

located in Buhisan, it has tributaries from Tisa and Guadalupe and the
river empties to the sea via Mambaling.
• However, it is heavily polluted by liquid effluents and solid wastes

Resource Potentials and Sustainability of BWFR

Potential Interventions
1. Ecotourism – this involves the construction of
appropriate facilities for outdoor recreation
facilities within the Multiple–use zone consistent
with the natural characteristics and biodiversity
of the area (e.g. BWFR information and
management center, view deck, camping site,
picnic area, butterfly sanctuary, wildlife viewing,
cycling and trekking trail, arboretum, grassetum
including bamboo and palmetum)
2. Sustainable Livelihood – shall involve the
identification, formulation and implementation
of viable livelihood projects/activities. This shall
depend on the result of a livelihood needs
Resource Potentials and Sustainability of BWFR
Potential Interventions
3. Biodiversity Management – this involves
implementation of community-based
biodiversity conservation and management to
enhance and protect the flora and fauna that
are endemic or migratory to the watershed .
4. Watershed Community-Based Protection – this
will be spearheaded by the PASu in partnership
with the community and the other

Resource Potentials and Sustainability of BWFR

Potential Interventions
5. Ecological Solid Waste Management (ESWM)-
this is design to address the problems of
environmental sanitation and soil and water
contamination. This shall be done under the
leadership of the LGUs, community with strong
support of the partners.
6. PAMB Strengthening – is a program design to
build or improve the capability of PAMB
members to effectively manage the Protected

Resource Potentials and Sustainability of BWFR

Resource Potentials and Sustainability of BWFR
 Ecotourism is a low-impact, environmentally sound
and community-participatory tourism activity of a
certain locality that enhances protection and
conservation of biophysical and cultural diversity,
promotes environmental understanding, and yields
socio-economic benefits to communities.
 It also seeks to put in place mechanisms that are
environmentally-sustainable, economically-viable and
socially-equitable in order to bring about
development in the country that would redound to the
benefit of local communities, especially the poor and
marginalized sectors of society.

Resource Potentials and Sustainability of BWFR

Criteria in the Development and
Implementation of Ecotourism

Site Considerations

Resource Potentials and Sustainability of BWFR

Site Considerations
 Through the National Ecotourism
Certification Program (NECP), six
(6) criteria will be considered for
assessment which serves as the
basis for monitoring and

Resource Potentials and Sustainability of BWFR

Criteria for Selection
 The site should have a
proven visitation or have
the potential to attract
 Provide visitor/client
experience with nature and
 If case of NIPAS areas, site
should be in recreational
and other appropriate

Resource Potentials and Sustainability of BWFR

Criteria for Selection


 Stable political condition

 Low risk factor for
crime; insurgency
 Vital to smooth project
 Free from drug addicts

Resource Potentials and Sustainability of BWFR

Criteria for Selection
 Presence of political will to organize and adopt
proposed plan
 Close consultation between the community,
private sector and non-government organization
 Presence of ordinance/resolutions
 Active participation of LGU official in the
planning/ implementation stage
 Taking the initiative to make things happen and
enforcing standards and good governance

Resource Potentials and Sustainability of BWFR

Criteria for Selection
 Availability of water
 Presence of electricity
 Accommodation
 Communication
 Social infrastructures
(health services,
sports and recreation,
security services, etc)

Resource Potentials and Sustainability of BWFR

Criteria for Selection
 Presence of good road
network that gain access to
 distance from the main
highway (km/time)
 distance from airport/seaport
 distance from major tourist

Resource Potentials and Sustainability of BWFR

Criteria for Selection
 Uniqueness of the product
 Richness and significance of its resources
 Answers to current market demands
 Provide opportunities for development of variety
ecotourism activities

Resource Potentials and Sustainability of BWFR

Criteria for Selection
 Community participation
 LGU cooperation
 Employment and livelihood opportunities
 Provide benefits to communities at large
 Develop a sense of responsibility and accountability for
a clean, safe, secure and friendly environment

Resource Potentials and Sustainability of BWFR

Development Considerations
 Environment-friendly
and low-impact
 With educational value
 Have community
acceptance and
 Provide social and
economic benefits to
the concerned
community thru
livelihood alternatives

Resource Potentials and Sustainability of BWFR

Four (4) As of Ecotourism
 Asset/Attraction
 Access
 Accommodations
 Activities

Resource Potentials and Sustainability of BWFR

Resource Potentials and Sustainability of BWFR
Sustainable Development (SD) Framework

Social Equity
Preferred Access
for the Poor Quality Habitat


Economic Environmental
Growth Integrity

Responsible Use
Resource Potentials and Sustainability of BWFR
1. Develop policies that are oriented
towards SD
• Update environment and natural resource
policies through legislation
• Influence other agencies to develop
legislative and/or administrative policies
that are oriented towards sustainable

Resource Potentials and Sustainability of BWFR

2. Build competencies
internally towards:
• Understanding individual and
institutional roles and
• Expanding skills of DENR
personnel towards
understanding the requirements
of other sectors

Resource Potentials and Sustainability of BWFR

3. Pursue science and technology-
based processes balanced with
consideration of equity through:
• Knowledge management
• Knowledge processing
• Knowledge sharing

Resource Potentials and Sustainability of BWFR

4. Pursue areas of
convergence with other
agencies and

Resource Potentials and Sustainability of BWFR

Resource Potentials and Sustainability of BWFR

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