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Human Behavior
Almost all behavior is learned
Behaviors continue to occur because they are effective
Behaviors stop occurring when they are ineffective.
What is human Behavior?
 Human behavior refers to the way humans act and interact.
 It is based on and influenced by several factors, such as genetic
make-up, culture and individual values and attitudes.
Fortunately, most human behavior is learned observationally from
others.-Albert Bandura
What are the 6 functions of behavior?
-The Six Most Common Functions for Behaviors are:
To obtain a preferred item or activity.
Escape or avoidance.
To get attention, either from significant adults or peers.
To communicate.
Self-stimulation, when the behavior itself provides
Control or power.
What are the two basic types of behavior?
Behavior are learned and also imitate from social surroundings,
1. Classical Conditioning
2. Operant Conditioning
3. Observational Learning.
Psychology categorizes behavior as:

• Overt & Covert,

• Conscious, sub-conscious & Unconscious,
• Rational & Irrational,
• Voluntary & Involuntary
Does Personality has relation with Human behavior?
Yes, there is.
-There are different categories of personality and has
direct impact on human behavior.
-They are:
1. Introvert
2. Extrovert

3. Ambivalent
What are different types of human behavior?
-An important research study in human behavior has
classified human personality into four types

1. Optimistic
2. Pessimistic,
3. Trusting and
4. Envious (jealous)

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