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Take home investigation :experiment
involves the conversion of
gravitational potential energy into
thermal energy
1. Measurement of distance d to the cup moves before stopping
L1 =10 cm =0.1m
D1=28cm =0.28m

L2 =20 cm =0.2m
D2 =24 cm =0.24m

L3 =30cm =0.3m

H=4.4 cm=0.044m
2. the forces causes it to stop is :Friction , air resistance , tension

3. Once the marble is released the gravitational potential energy of the marble
transforms to kinetic energy . When the marble hits the cup at the bottom of the
ramp , energy is transferred from the marble to the cup to move
4 . This relationship is not linear because at the bottom the marble do not stop
but have a collision called momentum so we can not applied

5.Coefficient of kinetic friction µk of the cup on the table

The friction force = µk .N

µk=friction force divide by N or N=mg+M

So , µk = the friction force divide by mg+M

6-calculate its initial kinetic energy:

Friction stops the player by converting his kinetic energy into other
forms including thermal energy , the work done by friction , which is
negative is added to initial kinetic energy to reduce it is zero

7- no , because when a force is applied to an object and the force

causes the object to move a distance parallel to the direction of the

Refence of image:

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