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Conservation of Linear Momentum

Momentum and collisions

Momentum, denoted p, is mass times velocity
p = m·v [mass in kg, velocity in

Momentum is a conserved quantity (and a

vector), its conservation can be derived from
Conservation of momentum 2nd and 3rd Law
If NO external force acts on a system momentum
in any given direction is conserved.
Momentum of both balls
BEFORE collision = momentum
of both balls AFTER collision

[by Newton’s 3rd law]


Two types of collisions

– Elastic: kinetic energy of system conserved.
– Inelastic: Some energy dissipated to other
forms such as heat and sound.
Kinetic Energy – energy of motion

K.E. = ½mv 2
Kinetic Energy
• The kinetic energy for a mass in motion is
• K.E. = ½mv2
Example: 50 kg person running at 10 m/s has
2500 J of kinetic energy (energy needed to boil
a teaspoon of water!)
Law of conservation of energy
This law means that energy can
neither be created nor destroyed;
rather, it can only be transformed or
transferred from one form to another.

Inelastic collisions convert some

energy to heat and sound
Elastic collision
Kinetic energy IS conserved
[particle collisions are perfectly elastic]
Inelastic collision
kinetic energy dissipated as heat and sound
majority of collisions are inelastic
Momentum conservation
Elastic collisions conserve kinetic energy
AND momentum.
Inelastic collisions only conserve
Only if no external force acts along the chosen coordinate.

Only if no external force acts along the chosen coordinate.

Only if no external force acts along the chosen coordinate.

Inelastic collision
sticking together –
some kinetic energy of first
car converted to heat, sound
Rear end collision mpeg and crumpling of car.

Total momentum BEFORE collision =

total momentum after collision
Momentum before = m1vinitial
Momentum after = (m1 + m2)vfinal = m1vinitial (because conserved)
Try this one yourself….
Example 1 – masses move off together
A 2000 kg car traveling at 20 m/s collides head
on with a car of mass 1000kg traveling in the
opposite direction at 30m/s.
Calculate the velocity of the car wreckage if both
cars remain stuck together.

Make sure you have a

positive direction
Conservation of momentum simulation

Also on the school server under

Topic 2
Example 2 – masses move off separately

A ball of mass 2 kg moving at 1 m/s collides

ELASTICALLY (kinetic energy also conserved) with a
stationary ball of 2 kg.
Calculate the velocity of EACH of the balls after the

Use conservation of momentum AND conservation of kinetic energy

Check your answer with Phet simulation…..
Momentum and 3rd law past paper question
with markscheme and examiners comments
Page 109
Questions: 72 to 74
76, 77a,b
Recoil – no external force applied

Video clips – next slide

Recoil – newton’s 3rd law example
Momentum conservation
If NO external force acts on a system momentum is
Momentum before firing = momentum after firing
…..but how?
Recoil – momentum is a vector

- Mv


Momentum before firing = 0

Momentum before firing = momentum after firing

0 = -Mv +mV
A cannon of mass 100 kg fires a cannon ball of
mass 5 kg at 300 m/s. Calculate the recoil velocity
of the cannon.
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