Life of Holy Prophet (Saw) - Seerah

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Life of holy prophet

Seerat –un-nabi
3 Stages of Prophet (saw) life

• Main events of the Holy Prophet (saw) life from his birth to his call
to prophethood
• Main events of Prophet (saw) life in Makkah after his prophethood
and his experience with his opponents
• Main events of Prophet (saw) life in Madina, His leadership of the
Muslim Community there and his conflicts with the Makkans and
others till his demise
Life in Mecca – Birth and Upbringing

•The prophet (PBUH) was born on 12th Rabi-ul-Awal, 570 A.D. 

•His father Abdullah bin Abdul Muttalib died six months before his birth. 
•Abdul Muttalib was the chief of the Banu Hashim clan of the Quraish tribe.
•His mother named him Ahmad and his grand father named him Muhammad
•He was initially nursed by Thuwayba
•At his birth, he was given to his foster mother, Halima Saadia, who took him to a
village and he returned at the age of four
•As soon as she lifted that boy, her life changed and became filled with immense
good fortune and blessings. The old camel, which had not given a drop of milk,
was soon over flowing with milk. Although she was the last women leaving makkah
on her donkey, she passed her friends. This was indeed a great blessing for her
and for this poor Bedouin family.
Birth and upbringing (contd)

• When he came back, his mother, Aamnah, took him to Yasrib to

meet a few relatives and visit the grave of the Prophet’s father. 
• However, on their way back Hazrat Aamnah fell ill and died. 
• The Prophet was escorted back by a slave girl Umm-e-Aymen. 
• Back in Makkah, the Prophet’s grandfather, Abdul Mutalib took his
custody; but he too passed away two years later. 
• So, now, the prophet’s paternal uncle, Abu Talib, took care of him
and loved him very much preferring him over his own sons
Bahira the Monk

• Abu Talib trained him as a shepherd initially and then as a trader

• Once, at the age of 12 Prophet(saw) was accompanying his uncle on a trade
journey to Syria, when on their way they met a Christian Monk, Bahira. Bahira
recognized in the prophet, signs of prophet hood and said “This is the master of
all the humans. Allah will send him with a message which will be a mercy to all
human beings”. Abu Talib asked “How do you know that?” He replied “ When
you appeared from the direction of Aqabah, all stones and trees prostrated
themselves, which they never do except for a Prophet.
• Therefore, he advised Abu Talib not to take him to Syria for fear of the Romans
and Jews. Abu Talib obeyed him and sent Prophet (saw) back to Makkah with
some of his servants
Sacrilegious war – Battle of Fajar

• When the prophet was 15 years old, war broke out between
tribes. Quraish and Banu Kinanah were on one side and Qais ‘Ailan
tribe on the other
• This war is known as the sacrilegious because it was fought in the
prohibited months. Prophet (saw) participated in this battle but he
had no major role in them apart from collecting arrows thrown by
the enemy and handing them over to his uncles. 
• After this war, a committee was formed in Makkah to prevent
further bloodshed. 
Half ul Fudul

• In this confederacy an oath was taken by the Quraish men to

suppress violence and injustice and protect the rights of the weak
and the poor. This was called the Half-ul-Fazul, and the Prophet
was not only present but actively participated. 
• He is reported to have said: “I was present at the house of
Abdullah Bin Judan at so excellent a pact that if today in Islam I
were summoned unto it I would gladly respond”.
Title of Sadiq and Amin

• As a trader he soon earned the title of Al Sadiq (the truthful one)

and Al Ameen (the honest one)
• People trusted him blindly with their possessions.
Marriage with Khadija R.A.

• A widow trader, Hazrat Khadija, needed a trustworthy person to carry her goods to
• She heard of the good character of the prophet and decided to hire him. 
• She sent her slave girl Maisara along on the trade expedition, and when they
returned not just had the Prophet made huge profits, but Maisara spoke a lot good
about the Prophet. Hazrat Khadija was so impressed that she sent a marriage
proposal to the Prophet, which was accepted on his behalf by Abu Talib, his uncle., 
• Hazrat Khadija R.A. was 40 years old and Prophet (saw) was 25 years old when
they got married.
• Although Hz. Khadija was 15 years older than the Prophet, they had a successful
marriage and had 6 children, 2 of whom died in infancy.
Fixing of Black Stones

• Later, once, when the Ka’abah was being rebuilt, the issue of fixing the black stone
aroused. Everybody wanted to this prestigious task and none was willing to compromise;
so much so that bloodshed was feared. 
• In such a hostile situation, an elderly man Abu Umaiyah bin Mughirah suggested that
anybody who entered the Ka’abah first would make the decision. 
• By the will of Allah Prophet (saw) was the first one to enter the mosque 
• He laid the stone on a mantle and told the leaders of the tribes to hold the sheet from
each corner and lift it up. 
• When the stone reached the desired level, the Prophet picked the stone and placed it on
its position. Thus everyone was happy.
•  Gradually, when the Prophet was nearing the age of 40, he used to take dates and water
and meditate in the cave of Hira, pondering over the ill practices of Arabs.
Events of Awarding of the Prophethood

• Tahannuth
• Taḥannuth was a religious practice undertaken in pre- and early Islamic
Arabia, in which the participant spend time in isolation, turning away from
• At the age of 40 he began to have a certain spiritual experiences
• He would hear a voice calling his name and he would see events in his
dreams that would come true
• These things disturbed him and he began to pray even more spending more
time in cave of Hira in seclusion
• Allah was preparing him for a great mission
First Revelation

• At the age of 40, He (PBUH) finally received the first Revelation from Allah SWT sent through His Angel,
Gabriel (Jibrael A.S) on 27th of Ramadan. Muslims all over the globe worship the Almighty Lord in last Ashra
(10 Days of this Holy Month) to find Lailatul Qadr in association with discovery of the Sacred Book in it.
• The account of the first Revelation that Rasulullah ‫ ﷺ‬received in Ghar (Cave) e Hira was narrated as

• “The angel came to him and asked him to read. The Prophet replied ‘I do not know how to read’. The
Prophet added, ‘The angel caught me (forcibly) and pressed me so hard that I could not bear it any more.
He then released me and again asked me to read and I replied, “I do not know how to read”. Thereupon he
caught me again and pressed me a second time till I could not bear it any more. He then released me and
again asked me to read, but again I replied, “I do not know how to read” (or what shall I read?). Thereupon
he caught me for the third time and pressed me, and then released me and said: “Read, in the name of Your
Lord, who created, created man from a clot. Read! And Your Lord is the most bountiful” … (Bukhari)
First Revelation (contd…)

• Prophet (saw) repeated the verses of Surah Alaq and the angel disappeared
• He came back home frightened and shivering. He asked his wife Khadija (ra)
to cover him with something warm. He told the story to her and she pacified
him. Mohammad (saw) said that he was afraid someone would kill him.
Khadija (ra) said:
• “Never, by Allah! Allah will never disgrace you. You keep good relation
•   with your kith and kin, help the poor, serve your guests and assist those
•   who are in problems”.
Warqa Bin Naufal

• Khadija (ra) took Mohammad (saw) to her cousin Warqa Ibn Nawfal who was a Christian
scholor and a very old man. Khadija (ra) said: “Warqa, talk to your nepew, what has
happened with him?” Warqa heard the story and said: “It was the same angel who used to
communicate between Allah and the other prophets. It means that you are also a prophet
of Allah. Your people will expel you from this city (Makkah). If I remain alive until that time, I
will be with you”. By this statement Warqa indicated three important things. One that
Mohammad (sw) was the Prophet of Allah, two, that the one who came to him was angel
Jibail (as), three that he will be expelled from Makkah and migrate to some other place.
Warqa did not live long after this event. 
Early Converts

• Hazrat Khadija R.A.

• Hazrat Ali R.A.
• Hazrat Abu Bakr R.A.
• Hazrat Zayd bin Harith R.A.
• Hazrat Usman bin Affan R.A.
• Hazrat Talha R.A.
• Hazrat Zubair bin Awwam R.A.
• Hazrat Ubaidah bin Jarrah R.A.
• Hazrat Saad bin Abu Waqas R.A.
• Hazrat Abdur Rahman bin Auf R.A.
• Hazrat Abdullah bin Masud R.A.
Early Preaching

• After the Prophet (pbuh) received his first revelation, he told his wife Khadija and later her
cousin Waraqa bin Nawfal about the event. Khadija was the first to accept the message.
• One day while he was walking he heard a voice call him and surely it was the same angel.
He was sitting on a chair between the earth and the sky. He rushed back home and said
“Cover me … cover me…” Allah revealed sura Mudaththir to him “Arise and warn; And
magnify your lord”. After this the revelation came frequently and regularly. The main
message at this point was to reject idols and believe in one Allah.
• For three years the Prophet (pbuh) taught and practiced in secret. The first converts were
those who were close to him in his household, such as Khadija, Zayd bin Harith and Ali ibn
Abi Talib. After this Abu Bakr, the Prophet’s close friend, converted and many prominent
companions became Muslim through him. The Prophet (pbuh) would meet and teach these
new converts in secret from the revelations he was continuing to receive.
• The Muslims prayed twice a day and would retreat to the mountains to do so. After there
were more than 40 or so converts it could not be kept a secret any more. Then sura Shura
26:214 “Warn thy family who are thy nearest to kin” was revealed to preach the message
Early Preaching (contd…)

• He called his own clan to dinner; after the dinner before Prophet (saw) could speak Abu Lahab
interrupted/ The next day Prophet (saw) got a chance to invite them to the new religion but the elders
didn’t respond. Only Hazrat Ali and Abu Talib assured support. Hazrat Ali R.A. said “ I am the youngest of
you, I may be a boy, my feet may not be strong enough but Omuhammad I shall be your helper. Whoever
opposes you I shall fight him as a mortal enemy”.
• After 3 years Allah revealed “Therefore proclaim openly that which you are commanded”(15:94). Then the
Prophet (pbuh) called the people of Makka to the mount of Safa and asked them that if he were to tell
them there were some horsemen in the valley ready to attack them, would they believe him. They
responded “Yes we have only heard truth from you”
• However, when Prophet (saw) “I am a warner to you before a severe torment”.Abu Lahab promptly
replied “May you perish forever, did you call us for such a thing?”
• Prophet (saw) was shocked at this response, Allah comforted him by revealing “Perish the two hands of
Abu Lahab”
• After this persecutions started on the early converts but Makkans continued to convert to Islam.
Opposition and Persecution

• After three years of silent preaching, the Prophet (saw) invited people to Islam openly. Prophet gave
the message of Islam to Makkans at Safa hill. Makkans rejected him and Abu Lahab used insulting
language ad rejected the invitation to Islam. Persecution started since that day. The wife of Abu Lahb,
Ume Jamila used to throw rubbish and thorny bushes on the way of the Prophet (saw). Prophet’s two
daughters were in the Nikah of the two sons of Abu Lahab but he compelled his sons to divorce them.
• Once, the pagans put a stomach of camel on his back when he was in the prostration in Kaaba. Once
a pagan put a cloth around his neck and he could not breathe. The pagans tempted him to quit his
mission. They offered Abu Talib to give Mohammad (saw) wealth or marry any woman or the Lordship
of Makkah. The Insults, verbal abuses and whistling during the recitation of Quran was a routine
• When both of the Prophet’s (saw) sons died at infancy, they cslled him “Abtar” he who has no male
• A woman used to specially wait for the Prophet to pass by to throw rubbish on him. Once a Quraish
attempted to strangle the Prophet PBUH while praying
• They wrote poems to ridicule the Prophet (P.b.u.h) and called him a magician, madman.
Opposition and Persecution (Continued)

• The quairsh approached Abu Talib (prophets’ uncle) and asked him to restrain his nephew
from preaching otherwise they will resort to violence. Abu Talib asked Prophet Muhammad
(P.b.u.h) not to bring disaster on his family and his clan (Banu Hashim) He replied:

• “Oh uncle even if they place the sun on my right hand and the moon on my left to force me to
renounce my mission, I would not until Allah fulfills my mission or destroys me in the process ”

• The treatment with the other Muslims was also very bad. Once Saad bin Abi Waqas was
trying to protect the Prophet (sw) when he was struk by a sword. Haris Ibn Abi Hala was
killed when he was trying to protect the Prophet (sw). Bilal (ra) was laid on the hot sand and
rock and a heavy stone was put on his chest. At times a rope was tied around Hazrat Bilal
R.A. neck and was dragged by the street boys around the streets of Makkah Abu Bakr(ra)
and Talha(ra). both were also harassed and were once both tied up together by the
Opposition and Persecution (Continued)

• Uthman (ra) was wrapped in a mat of palm leaves by his pagan uncle who would set fire under him
• Yasir and his wife Summiyah (ra) were brutally killed by Abu Jahl and thus she became the first
women martyr in Islam..
• Hazrat Abu Bakr himself was tied with a rope along with Hazrat Talha.
• Hazrat Zinra was persecuted to an extent that she lost her eye sight.
• Hazrat Talha and Zubair were dragged in streets and suffocated.
Migration to Abyssinia

• When it became difficult for the Muslims of Mecca to bear the persecutions of Quraish, then our holy prophet
Muhammad (Peace be upon him) allowed them to move to Abyssinia where the King was from the Christian
religion. The king of Abyssinia was known as Nijashi (Negus). In the 5th year of prophet-hood, 16 people including
4 women migrated to Abyssinia. The third caliph, Hazrat Usman was also included in these 16 people along with
his wife, Ruqayya, who was the daughter of our holy prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him).

After some time, they heard the news that now the behavior of Quraish has been changed now and they are now
friendly with the Muslims and many of them have been accepted Islam as well. They decided to come back to
Mecca. When they came near to Mecca, they knew that this news was not more than a rumor. They went back to
Abyssinia. Later on, our holy prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) allowed some other people to go to
Abyssinia. This time the total number of Muslims reached about 101 including 18 women and children.
• This migration made the Quraish afraid of the Muslims as they had trade relations with Abyssinia. If Muslims
spread Islam over there in the Abyssinia, their relations with Abyssinia may come endanger.  They sent a
deputation under the leadership of Amr bin Al-Aas to Nijashi to get these Muslims back. Amr bin Al-Aas presented
gifts to Nijashi and informed him that they are Muslims and they have left our religion which is different from your
religion as well so return these people back to us. 
Migration to Abyssinia (contd…)

• Then Nijashi asked the Muslims about their religion. Hazrat Jaffar bin Abi Talib represented the teachings of Islam
in front of Nijashi. He said that we were ignorant, corrupt and cruel to each other. Then our Prophet Muhammad
(Peace be upon him) informed about only one God, ALLAH. He told us about right and wrong, legal and illegal
and taught us about equality between rich and poor. Then Nijashi asked him about to recite some of the Ayaat
from the Holy Quran. Then Hazrat Jaffar recited some ayat from Surah Maryam where Hazrat Isa was discussed.
After listening to this ayat, the king along with the bishops of his kingdom was moved down to tears that rolled
down his cheek and even wet his beard. Negus exclaimed “ It seems as if these words and those which were
revealed to Jesus are the rays of the light which have radiated from the same source”. He refused to return the
Muslims and returned back the gifts of Quraish.

The main reason behind the migration to Abyssinia was the persecution of the Quraish. When these persecutions
became unbearable, our holy prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) allowed Muslims to migrate to Abyssinia
as the King of the Abyssinia was kind-hearted and their religion was close to the Islam. It was possible for
Muslims to practice Islam freely over there in Abyssinia. They could live there free from the persecutions of
Quraish. Most of the Muslims joined our holy prophet Muhammad (Peace e upon him) after the migration to
Medina while the rest of them called to join the Muslims in 7th Hijri.
Social Boycott

• After all the failed efforts, the Quraysh decided that it was time for them to take a definitive
step, thus they decided to boycott- which meant that no one from the other tribes of Makka
was allowed to have any dealings with them. Even food had to be bought in secretly.
• Banu Hashim was forced to live in a secluded valley, known as Shib Abi Talib, in the
outskirts of Makkah – a property of Abu Talib. Their condition became so bad that children
cried with hunger, adults fed on boiled leather and leaves of trees and the valley echoed with
the cries of helpless people.
• These conditions continued for three years, until a few kind hearted men among the
unbelievers argued to lift the ban but Abu Jahal insisted to continue the boycott. Meanwhile,
Prophet (saw) received a revelation that the document has been eaten up by the ants except
for the name of Allah. Abu Talib informed the disbelievers about it and Abu Talib proposed
them if this is not true he will handover Prophet (saw) to them but if it is true they should lift
the ban. When it was discovered that the document on which the treaty was written was
eaten up by the ants and only the name of Allah was left on it, the boycott was discontinued
and Prophet (saw) and others were permitted to go back to their home.
The Year of Grief

• At the end of the boycott prophet’s wife Hazrat Khadija died. In the same year his uncle Abu
Talib also died.
• This year was known as “Am- al- Huzn” (Year Of Greif).
• These were very difficult times for Prophet Muhammad (P.b.u.h) as both of these people had
provided him with help and support during the early times of the revelation and the period
of preaching.
• With the death of his dearest uncle Abu Talib, prophet (saw) lost his clan protection.
• Hazrat Khadija too was a great support for him. She supported him morally and financialy
by handing over her business to him. She stood by him in all his difficulties in this great
mission to spread Islam
Event of Taif

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Event of Taif (continued)

•  Both of them stayed in a garden which belonged to a Christian. He offered them water and
grapes. Having taken some rest, they started their journey to Makkah. An angel also came
to the Prophet (saw) and said that he had permission from Allah that he had the authority
to destroy the city by crashing mountains. The prophet (saw) answered that he has come to
humanity as a blessing and not as a curse. He also said that it could be possible that one
day, the coming generations of this city would accept Islam. He was right. In 630 AD, Taif
was conquered and all of them became Muslim.

Isra and Ma’iraj

• The journey of Prophet Muhammad ( ‫ )ص لىهللا عليه وسلم‬from Makkah to Jerusalem (Al-Isra) and
from Jerusalem to the heavens (Mi’raj) is a very important event in the history of Islam.
• Isra Wal Mi’raj was the night journey when angel Jibrael accompanied Prophet Muhammad
( ‫ )ص لىهللا عليه وسلم‬to his journey to the heavens.
• Al-Isra:
• This event is mentioned in the Holy Quran in Surah Isra in the following words:

• Glory to the One Who took his servant from the Sacred Mosque (in Makkah) to the Farthest
Mosque (in Jerusalem) whose precincts We blessed in order that We might show him some
of Our signs: for He is the one Who hears and sees.

• Al-Quran (Surah Isra 17:1) 

Isra and Ma’iraj -contd

• It is reported by Anas bin Malik that the Prophet Muhammad ( ‫ )ص لىهللا عليه وسلم‬was asleep in al-
Hateem (the semi-circular wall also known as al-Hijr and Hijr Ismail) when the angel Jibrael
appeared before him.
• The Prophet Muhammad ( ‫ )ص لىهللا عليه وسلم‬was awakened by the wings of angel Jibrael. It is
reported in Sahih Bukhari that angel Jibrael cut open the chest of Prophet Muhammad (‫ص لى‬
‫ )هللا عليه وسلم‬and he washed it with a tray “full of belief”. 
• After that, angel Jibrael asked the Prophet Muhammad ( ‫ )ص لىهللا عليه وسلم‬to ride a white beast, a mule-like
animal known as the “Buraq”. It is said that Buraq was smaller than a donkey but bigger than a mule and
its speed can be imagined by the fact that it reached the farthest point in one glimpse.
• From Makkah (Masjid al Haram), he was taken to Jerusalem (Masjid Al Aqsa) on Burraq.
There he met the prophets who came before him. He also led the prayer of these prophets.
This is a clear indication that Mohammad (sw) is the leader of all prophets and he is also the
last prophet of Allah. 
• This event is called ‘Isra’.
Isra and Ma’iraj -contd

• After that, angel Jibrael presented two vessels to the Prophet Muhammad ( ‫)ص لىهللا عليه وسلم‬. One
contained wine and the other containing milk. The Prophet selected the vessel that contained milk
upon which angel Jibrael said:
• “You have been guided to the Fitrah”.
• Al-Mi’raj:
• With this, the Prophet’s ( ‫ )ص لىهللا عليه وسلم‬journey of Al-Isra ended. After this, he was to ascend to the
heavens along with angel Jibrael. The doors of the heavens were opened to the Prophet Muhammad
( ‫ )ص لىهللا عليه وسلم‬and he was greeted with “Marhaba”.
• On the different heavens, Hazrat Muhammad ( ‫ )ص لىهللا عليه وسلم‬saw different messengers. The earlier
Prophets whom the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) saw were:
1. Hazrat Adam ( ‫ )عليه ا لسالم‬on the first heaven.
When he looked towards the right he laughed and when he looked towards the left he wept. The Prophet
Muhammad ( ‫ )ص لىهللا عليه وسلم‬encountered about this and he was told that the people on the right were
from the heavens and the people from the left were from hell.
Isra and Ma’iraj -contd

2. Hazrat Isa ( ‫ )عليه ا لسالم‬and Hazrat Yahya ( ‫ )عليه ا لسالم‬on the second heaven.
3. Hazrat Yusuf ( ‫ )عليه ا لسالم‬on the third heaven.
4. Hazrat Idrees ( ‫ )عليه ا لسالم‬on the fourth heaven.
5. Hazrat Haroon ( ‫ )عليه ا لسالم‬on the fifth heaven.
6. Hazrat Musa ( ‫ )عليه ا لسالم‬on the sixth heaven.
7. Hazrat Ibrahim ( ‫ )عليه ا لسالم‬on the seventh heaven.
• Hazrat Muhammad ( ‫ )ص لىهللا عليه وسلم‬then reached to Bait-ul-Mamoor where 70,000 angels
perform tawaf and they never return again.
• After this, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) reached the point from where
Hazrat Jibrael could not move forward or else his wings were to burn. This was the
point, “Sidratul Muntaha” (the lote tree).
Isra and Ma’iraj -contd

• the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was bestowed with three gifts from his lord. The
gifts were:
• 50 prayers (reduced to five on the insistence of Hazrat Musa)
• The last two verses of Surah Baqarah (the largest Surah of the Holy Quran)
• Forgiveness of all sins except shirk (associating partners with Allah)
• Finally, the Prophet Muhammad ( ‫ )ص لىهللا عليه وسلم‬was shown the heaven and hell where he
witnessed different types of communities. He heard the footsteps of someone in paradise.
Upon encountering, it was told that he was Hazrat Bilal ( ‫)رضيهللا عنه‬.
• The Prophet Muhammad ( ‫ )ص لىهللا عليه وسلم‬then travelled back to Jerusalem and from there to
Makkah. He narrated the entire incident to the citizens of Makkah who rejected to believe him.
• It was only Hazrat Abu Bakr who accepted the Prophet Muhammad ( ‫ )ص لىهللا عليه وسلم‬and
therefore, he was given the title of “Siddique”, the testifier of truth.
Isra and Ma’iraj - importance

• This journey of Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) was vital for him.
• This is because he was constantly persecuted by the Quraish of Makkah and after the loss of Hazrat Khadija (his
wife) and Abu Talib (his uncle), he was distressed.
• The journey, however, calmed the Prophet Muhammad ( ‫ )ص لىهللا عليه وسلم‬and the support of Allah Almighty was
shown to him.
• This boosted his confidence to carry out his prophetic mission.
• Moreover, Hazrat Muhammad ( ‫ )ص لىهللا عليه وسلم‬was shown the city of Yathrib, indicating about his future journey to Madinah.
• Prophet Muhammad ( ‫ )ص لىهللا عليه وسلم‬led other prophets in prayer in Jerusalem which shows his highlighted status.
• He witnessed the heaven and the hell and the seven heavens.
• All of this show that Muhammad ( ‫ )ص لىهللا عليه وسلم‬was given a special elevated status by Allah among all the chosen people of
• Lastly, the journey of Isra Wal Mi’raj was also significant because Muslims were given five daily prayers in order to connect
with Allah and the assurance of the forgiveness of all sins except shirk motivate Muslims for constantly seeking refugee from
Pledges of Aqaba

• In the 11th year of prophet hood, six pilgrims from the tribe of Khazraj in Yathrib came to
Makkah. The prophet called them to Islam and they embraced faith.
• First Pledge Of Al – Aqabah:
• Next year 12 people from Yathrib met the Prophet at Aqabah, near Makkah and accepted
faith, agreed to abstain from idol worship, cruelity and false hood, lead a righteous life and
believe in one Allah.
• This was called the first pledge of Al- Aqabah.
• These newly converts promised to spread islam in Yathrib. Prophet (P.b.u.h) sent Masab bin
Omair to preach Islam to the residents of Yathrib.
Pledges of Aqaba - contd

• Second Pledge Of Al – Aqabah:

• In the 13th year of prophet hood, a delegation consisting of about 70 people including 2
women came from yathrib to take the same pledge which was now called the 2 nd pledge of Al
– Aqabah.
• They also invited the prophet to Yathrib and pledged full support for him and his followers
and also invited him to come to Yathrib as their leader.
Importance of Pledges of Aqaba

• Importance:
• Prophet’s  attempt to gain support from other places (e.g. in Al Taif) failed earlier, so this
was a new hope for Muslims.
• Tribal system within this time and difficulties he faced without protection within the
• The pledges of Al Aqabah gave hope to the Muslims and the prophet as they found support
and protection from a different but willing source.
• New life for Islam and Muslims and boosted the Morales of Muslims.
• Muslim community can be established that can have its own laws.
Migration to Medina

• After the pledges of Aqabah family after family left for Medina. When the Quraish came to
know about this, they increased their persecutions on Prophet( PBUH) and his followers.
Meanwhile all the companions of Holy Prophet(PBUH) except Hazrat Abu Bakr(R.A) and
Hazrat Ali(R.A) succeeded in migration to Medina.

• The Quraish held a meeting in which they decided that one person from each tribe would be
selected and that they would simultaneously attack the Holy Prophet(PBUH) and (God
forbid) kill him. The Holy Prophet(PBUH) was informed of this plan by Allah and was told to
leave Makkah that same night:
• ”Remember how the unbeliever plotted against thee, to keep you in bonds, or slay you, or to
get out of your home. They plot and plan and Allah too plans, but the best of planners is
Continuation of migration

•The Holy Prophet(PBUH) asked Hazrat Ali(R.A) to sleep on his bed and to return valueables
entrusted to Prophet (PBUH) by various people. Prophet (PBUH) came out from the house with
Allah’s protection at his side, cast a handful of dust at the disbelievers and made his way
through them while reciting the verses of Surah Yasin:
•“And We have put a barrier before them and barrier behind them and We have covered them
up so that can not see.”

• In the morning when the assassins realized that Hazrat Ali was on Prophet (saw) bed and he
has escaped they were shocked and the Makkan leaders were furious and gathered together
shouting and cursing. They announced “whoever captured Muhammad would receive the
reward of 100 camels”
• On the other hand Prophet (saw) and Hazrat Abu Bakr were guided to a small cave called
Cave of Thawr/Saur

• Cave of Thawr is the cave where the Prophet (pbuh) and his companion Abu Bakr (RA)
sought refuge for three days and nights from the Quraysh after leaving Makkah and
emigrating to Madinah. 
• When the Prophet (pbuh) and Abu Bakr (RA) arrived in the cave, Abu Bakr entered first
to ensure its safety and clear away anything that might injure the Prophet (pbuh). He
found some holes in the cave and filled them with clothes. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
entered after him and went to sleep on his lap. Suddenly, a poisonous insect stung Abu
Bakr (RA) but he did not twitch fearing that he might wake up the Prophet (pbuh). The
pain was so intense that tears began to run down his eyes and onto the Prophet’s (pbuh)
face. Prophet (pbuh) woke up and saw Abu Bakr (RA) in pain. He applied his saliva to Abu
Bakr’s injury and the pain disappeared.
• Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and Abu Bakr (RA) remained hidden in the cave for three
consecutive days. Abu Bakr’s son would also spend the night nearby and walk to Makkah
early in the morning to collect information about the activities of Quraysh, returning
back to the cave to inform them in the evening. Abu Bakr’s slave Amir bin Fuhairah
would graze his goats near the cave so that both men could drink fresh milk. 
Cave of Thawr/Saur (contd)

• Allah (SWT) sent a spider to spin a web across the entrance of the cave and two doves to build a
nest and lay eggs. Meanwhile the Quraysh search party scoured the area close to the cave and
would have found them hiding if looked in the cave but they went back after seeing the spider’s
web and dove’s nest concluding that a person could not have entered the place. Finding Quraysh so
close to the cave, Abu Bakr (RA) became very anxious about Prophet’s (pbuh) safety. The Prophet
(pbuh) reassured him,
•  “How can you be apprehensive about two with whom is a third, especially when the third one
is Allah?”
•  The above scene is also mentioned in the Quran in Surah Taubah:
•  “If ye help not (your leader), (it is no matter): for Allah did indeed help him, when the
Unbelievers drove him out: he had no more than one companion; they two were in the cave,
and he said to his companion, “Have no fear, for Allah is with us”: then Allah sent down His
peace upon him, and strengthened him with forces which ye saw not, and humbled to the
depths the word of the Unbelievers. But the word of Allah is exalted to the heights: for Allah is
Exalted in might, Wise.” [9:40]
•  After three days on learning that Quraysh has returned back to Makkah, Prophet (pbuh) and Abu
Bakr (RA) left the cave and headed to Madinah.
Continuation of migration

• After 3 days in the cave when it was safe they continued their journey guided by Abdullah
bin Uraiqit who had not yet accepted Islam but was trusted by Hazrat Abu Bakr R.A.
• They continued their journey until they reached two isolated tents. There lived an old
woman Umm Ma’bad, she belonged to Khuza’a tribe. She used to serve travelers water and
milk. Prophet (saw) and his companions halted there for some refresh themselves with food
and some milk. The goat she had was dry, didn’t have any milk. Prophet (PBUH) touched its
udder and it begun to provide milk. The party then refreshed by drinking milk and set to
their journey to Medina
• On 8th Rabi ul-Awal, 14th year of Prophethood, Prophet (PBUH) reached Quba few miles
away from Medina. They established the first Islamic mosque and also met Hazrat Ali (R.A)
• After his rest in Quba , he halted at a place in the valley of Bani Salim bin Awf, there he
performed the Friday prayers with a hundred others
Continuation of migration
• When the people of madinah heard of their arrival, they were anxiously waiting. 
• Upon their arrival, they publicly welcomed them wholeheartedly and young girls
even sang songs for the Prophet. 
• Everybody wanted the Prophet to stay with them but the Prophet said that his
camel was under divine instructions so he would stay where the camel stopped. 
• The camel stopped at an open ground which belonged to two orphans Sahal and
Sohail, and the Prophet decided to build a mosque on that place after paying the
orphans its price. 
• Meanwhile, the Prophet stayed at Hazrat Abu Ayub Ansari’s residence.

• Our holy prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) lived 40 years in Mecca before the
announcement of his prophet-hood. He was titled as truthful and trustworthy (Sadiq and
Amin) in Mecca but when he started the preach of Islam, all of a sudden he started to face
difficulties. Then after a few years of the persecutions of the people of Mecca, he allowed
some of his followers to migrate to Abyssinia where Negus, a kind person was the ruler.
After some time, our holy prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) allowed some more
people to migrate to Abyssinia. The Quraish sent a delegation to Negus to get these people
back but he refused.
• After that, the people of Mecca boycotted Banu Hashim and holy prophet Muhammad (Peace
be upon him). They were enemies of Islam and all the followers of our holy prophet
Muhammad (Peace be upon him). There was no discrimination between rich and poor in
their enmity. On one side there was Bilal who was a very poor while, on the other hand,
there was Usman who was from a very rich family of Mecca was also tortured by his uncle.
• The main aim of this boycott was to stop all of their preaching activities. Our holy prophet
Muhammad (Peace be upon him) lived out of Mecca with his companions. They lived there
for three years. When the boycott ended, they came back to their houses but the behavior of
the people was the same. Our holy prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) visited Taif as
well to preach but the people of Taif were also very cruel against Islam. They refused to
accept Islam even set the hooligans after prophet to throw the stones on our holy prophet
Muhammad (Peace be upon him).
While in between 620 AD to 622 AD, our holy prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him)
conveyed his message to the pilgrims of Medina. Their reply was positive and their behavior
was encouraging. In 622 AD, about 75 men and 2 women accepted Islam and offer refuge
our holy prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) in Medina. That was very encouraging to
him. They assured their complete protection in case of any conflict with the people of Mecca.
That is called the second pledge of Aqba. After that many Muslims migrated to Medina. After
sometime Our holy prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) also migrated to Medina by the
order of ALLAH Almighty to set up an Islamic state.

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