19 Z Test 1 2 Sample Mean

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Testing the Difference

Z test
• used when the samples are equal or greater than 30.
• a parametric test that is used when normal distribution is
• It uses two population parameters, the mu and sigma.
• This is used to compare the two means – the sample mean
and the perceived population mean.
• It is also used in comparing two sample means taken from the
same population.
Testing the Difference
Z-Test One Sample Mean
• This is used when the sample is being compared to the
perceived population mean, if the population standard
deviation is NOT known the sample standard deviation can be
used as a substitute.
• The Z-Test one sample group is used to compare perceived
population mean against the sample mean ( ̅ or simply to test
their significant difference.
Testing the Difference
Z-Test One Sample Mean
In an instance a certain car company asserts that the lifespan of
their breakpads will last 43,000 kilometers. To check the claim
sample breakpads were tested by getting their sample mean.

To solve this we use the Z-Test for one sample mean using the
formula below:
Testing the Difference
Z-Test One Sample Mean

Level of Significance
Z-Test One Sample Mean
Example: FML company asserts that the average life span of their break pads is at least
43,000 km. To ascertain the accuracy of the assertion, a jeepney operator
puts these break pads to their 50 jeepneys which got an average lifespan of
break pads at 41,00o km. With the standard deviation of 2,580 km. Use the Z
test at 0.05 level of significant to determine if the claim is true.
1. What is the problem Statement?
2. Null Hypothesis
Alternative Hypotheses
3. Level of significance and the tabled value
4. What is the computed value
5. Decision: If the computed value is > the tabular value reject the null hypothesis;
otherwise failed to reject the null.
6. Conclusion: Since the computed z is _____(> or <) than the tabled value of ______
at ____level of significance the null hypothesis is _____which means that _______ .
Z-Test One Sample Mean
Example: A Pschometrician review center claims that the reading comprehension test
of their reviewee has an average of 87.6 with the standard of 8.9. Forty are
randomly selected reviewees and have an average of 85.8. Use .05 sig level
to determine if the claim of the review center is true.

1. What is the problem Statement?

2. Null Hypothesis
Alternative Hypotheses
3. Level of significance and the tabled value
4. What is the computed value
5. Decision: If the computed value is > the tabular value reject the null hypothesis;
otherwise failed to reject the null.
6. Conclusion: Since the computed z is _____(> or <) than the tabled value of ______
at ____level of significance the null hypothesis is _____which means that _______ .
Testing the Difference
Z-Test for two Sample Mean
• This is used to compare the means of two independent groups
of samples drawn from a normal population.

• This is used if there are more than 30 samples for every group.
Testing the Difference
Z-Test for two Sample Mean
• Formula in Computing the Test Statistic Using Z Test (Two
Sample Mean Test) when the given means are sample means.
Testing the Difference
Z-Test for two Sample Mean
Steps in Solving for the Z-Test for two sample means

• Compute for the sample mean of group 1 and group 2.

• Get the standard deviation of group 1 and 2.
• Square the deviation of both groups.
• Determine the number of observation or participants.
• Compare the z computed value to z tabular value.
Testing the Difference
Z-Test for two Sample Mean
Example: Steps in Solving for the Z-Test for two sample means

• Compute for the sample mean of group 1 and group 2.

• Get the standard deviation of group 1 and 2.
• Square the deviation of both groups.
• Determine the number of observation or participants.
• Compare the z computed value to z tabular value.
Testing the Difference
Z-Test for two Sample Mean

Level of Significance
  0.01 0.05
  ±2.33 1.645
Two tailed
  ±2.575 1.96

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