Past Perfect and Reading

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• Aims :Understand an article about

Reading and Grammar vertical farming.

• Learn to tell a story .

Introduction :

What if you have 2 or more children but you don’t have much space
to put a bed for each of them?

In your opinion why do people build flats up words?

Look at the title and the picture then
Open your book tell me,
What is this picture for ?
Is it for a building ?

• What does the title tell you about our lesson

today ?
• “VERTICAL FARMING “The up-and-coming
solution .

• The title means “a successful solution that

technologically developed”. It is the future of
NOW, scan the
article quickly
and then answer
my question.
In your opinion ,Why do the
farmers should turn to the “Vertical
Farming” ?
Take turns ,Read the article then answer,
Do you think vertical farming is the solution for food problems?
Grammar :Past Perfect
It helps us to create a timeline to the events .It helps you to order the
actions in your story .

• Look at this example :

• I had just stepped out when it started to rain.

Xpast perfect X past simple x now

We use the past perfect to tell a story.

So, it helps us to declare when event had really

happened. To create suspense and drama .
So let’s talk about How to
make the past perfect

had + past participle

Auxiliary .v main v.
Past perfect ,past simple
Past simple ,past perfect
It doesn’t matter which one you put in the
sentence first but the one that happened first
comes in past perfect.
Let’s practice
using it

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