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Geometric sequences

Sequences are patterns where it is possible to guess any number in the
sequence if you have enough numbers. Individual elements in a
sequence are called terms. (Minimum number of terms may vary based
on the complexity of the sequence)
The definition of a sequence is: A chain of numbers or other objects
that follow a particular pattern.
For example, in 5,9,13,17,21, each individual number, like 5 and 13 are
terms and since 4 is added to each term, this is a sequence.
Uses of sequences
In real life, many  professions that use mathematics are interested in
one specific aspect – finding patterns, and being able to predict a
possible future. For example:
• Geologists find patterns in the scale and timing of past volcanic
eruptions and earthquakes to predict when and where they are most
likely to occur in the future.
• Bankers and Investors also use patterns, by looking at historical data
of stock prices, interest rates, and currency exchange rates
Geometric Sequences
Geometric sequences are sequences where each term is multiplied by a
certain number. For example, 4,8,16,32,64 is a geometric sequence
because each term is being multiplied by 2 to get the next term.
Common Ratio(r)
Common ratio is the number that multiplies each term to give the next.
It can be calculated by dividing any term with it’s previous term.
• r of 1,2,4,8,16 = 8/4
• r of 1,3,9,27,81, = 81/27
Graphical representation
Y-Values = term values
X-Values = term number (discrete)







0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Using Common ratio to predict terms
We can predict any required term by starting with the first term and
multiplying with the common ratio.
E.g. = 3
r =2
= 3*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2
Since exponents are nothing but a number multiplied by itself several
times, this can be written as:
Value of term():
= *
Common ratio(r):
The game of chess
There is a story, that says that a Mughal king, extremely pleased with
the game of chess, asked it’s inventor to ask any reasonable reward of
the king. The master game-maker thought and said, “put a grain of rice
on the first square of a chessboard, and multiply by 2 to give the
number of grains to put on the next square. This will mean 2 grains on
the 2nd square, 4 on the 3rd, and so forth.” The king immediately agreed
to the demand, but soon found that even if he emptied all his
granaries, it wouldn’t meet the game-makers demands. Just how much
rice did he want?
Sum of geometric sequences
Since, starting at a number and multiplying by a number is a geometric
sequence, what we need to find is the sum of all the terms of a
geometric sequence. Let’s try to do this with algebra
Till 2nd = + * r
Till 3rd = + * +
If we take the sum as “S” ,and the first term as “a”, we can form this
S = a+ ar +a + a …… - Equation 1
We know that an equation still remains true if we multiply both sides
with the same number, (r in this case), so let’s do that.
Sr = ar + a + a ……… a
If we subtract an equation with the same thing, then we get another
true equation, so let’s do that here
S(r-1) = a( -1)
S = a( -1)/(r-1)
Sum of grains
If we use this formula, we find that the total number of grains the king
owed the game-maker are ( Keep in mind : S = sum, A = 1, r = 2, n = 64):
S = a( -1)/(r-1)
S = 1*(
S = 1*(1,84,46,74,40,73,70,95,51,616 -1) / 2-1
S = 1,84,46,74,40,73,70,95,51,615 / 1
S = 1,84,46,74,40,73,70,95,51,615
Sum of Geometric sequence with r = .5 and n
If the first number in a geometric sequence is 1, the ratio is .5, what is
the sum of all the terms up to ∞ ? If there are an infinite number of
terms, than will the answer be infinite? Or since the numbers keep
getting smaller, will it? Let’s find out.
Let’s input our formula:
S = a( -1)/(r-1)
S = 1( - 1)/(.5 – 1)
S = -1 / -.5
To find out the answer we need to find the value of .5 powered by
infinity, or we have to find the sum some other way.
Value of 0
If we take 0 we get .25
0 = .125
0 = .0625
As we can see, the higher the power is, the lower the value. So by the time
we reach infinity, we will get a number almost equal to 0.
If we take it as zero for now, the sum is :
S = ( -1) / -.5
S = -1/-.5
Pictorial Method
Let’s draw it out, by representing each big rectangle as 1. If we
complete a rectangle, we can move on to the next one. As
seen over here, no matter how many new terms you have, you
can never even complete the second box! At first, you need .5
of a box to complete the second one, but you only get .25.
Then you need .25, but you get .125! No matter how many
terms you add up, you will only keep getting half of what you
need to complete the second box. So, an infinitely long
number will get you as close to 1 as possible, but will not be
able to complete the second box. However, the remainder is
so negligible, that it can be considered as a full box. So sum of
Geometric sequence with the first term = 1, r = .5 and n = ∞ is
• Human Sources

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