Aviation Legislation JAR OPS

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JAR OPS Commercial Air

Transportation (Aeroplanes)
PROGRAM:             BS-AMT                  SEMESTER:  7 T H
COURSE:                 AVIATION LEGISLATION         
PRESENTED BY:   OMER ISHFAQ                 REG NO:     70074041

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Joint Aviation Requirements - Operations
JAR-OPS means “Joint Aviation Requirements - Operations” and consists of two Parts - JAR-OPS Part
1 refers to Aeroplanes and JAR-OPS Part 3 to Helicopters

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JAR-OPS 1 Amendment 14 – 16.07.2008

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EU-OPS Part 1

EU-OPS 1 is the Joint Aviation Requirement for the operation of commercial air transport
An operator shall not operate an aeroplane for the purpose of commercial air transportation
other than in accordance with JAR-OPS Part 1.

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Operator’s Responsibilities
An operator must ensure that:

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Minimum Equipment List

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Documents to be carried

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Manuals to be carried
An operator shall ensure that:
 The current parts of the Operations Manual relevant to the duties of the crew are carried on each flight;
 Those parts of the Operations Manual which are required for the conduct of a flight are easily accessible
to the crew on board the aeroplane; and
 The current Aeroplane Flight Manual is carried in the aeroplane unless the Authority has accepted that
the Operations Manual prescribed in OPS 1.1045, Appendix 1, Part B contains relevant information for
that aeroplane.

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Forms to be carried

There are different documents, information that should be carried with each flight. This will be ensure by
operator. List of documents are:

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Information retained on ground
This have two sections “a” and “b”.

a) An operator shall ensure that:

At least for the duration of each flight or series of flights;
 information relevant to the flight and appropriate for the type of operation is preserved on the ground;
 the information is retained until it has been duplicated at the place at which it will be stored in
accordance with OPS 1.1065; or, if this is impracticable,
 the same information is carried in a fireproof container in the aeroplane.

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Contents and condition of AOC

 Name and location (principal place of business) of the operator.

 Date of issue and period of validity.

 Description of the type of operations authorized.

 Type(s) of aeroplane(s) authorized for use.

 Registration markings of the authorized aeroplane(s) except that operators may obtain approval for a
system to inform the Authority about the registration markings for aeroplanes operated under its AOC.
 Authorized areas of operation.

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Sub Part M

 An operator shall not operate an aeroplane unless it is maintained and released to service by an
organization appropriately approved/accepted in accordance with Part 145 except that pre-flight
inspections need not necessarily be carried out by the Part 145 organization.
 Aeroplane continuing airworthiness requirements needed to comply with the operator certification
requirements in OPS 1.180 are those set up in Part M

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