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Marketing Analytics

Dr Garima Srivastav
Ph.D (Full-Time with Research Fellowship) BIRLA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY –
MESRA RANCHI, Executive Programme (Marketing Analytics)-IIM-KASHIPUR
• Marketing analytics is the study of data to evaluate the performance
of a marketing activity. By applying technology and analytical
processes to marketing-related data, businesses can understand what
drives consumer actions, refine their marketing campaigns and
optimize their return on investment.

• basics of
marketing Analytics
History of marketing analytics
• It didn’t take long after the printing press was invented for marketing ads to appear. But it wasn’t
until 1865, when the banker Sir Henry Furnese described beating his competitors by analyzing
his own marketing and promotional techniques, that the term business intelligence entered the
public domain. Fifty years later, the University of Pennsylvania introduced the world’s first
marketing course. In 1942, when television ads began running, businesses knew there was value
in determining which ads were converting viewers into customers.
• The advent of the internet sped up the evolution of marketing analytics. Marketers began using
digital attribution models to examine consumer behavior on a more granular level. These models
measured the value of each consumer touch point to determine where and when a person
engaged most meaningfully with a brand. Multi-touch attribution soon followed, allowing
marketers to analyze a consumer's path along multiple devices and channels.
• Today, marketing analytics is a common practice at most businesses. In fact, more than 80% of
marketers say most of their decisions today are data driven. The abundance of data combined
with the accessibility of powerful analytics tools has made it possible for marketing teams to
evaluate every aspect of their digital marketing campaigns, giving businesses what is commonly
described as a 360-degree view of the customer.
What can you do with Marketing analytics?

• With analytics, you can answer questions like these:

• How are our marketing activities performing today? How about in the
long run? What can we do to improve them?
• How do our marketing activities compare with our competitors?
Where are they spending their marketing dollars? Are they using
channels that we aren’t using?
• What should we do next? Are our marketing resources properly
allocated? Are we devoting time and money to the right channels?
How should we prioritize our investments over a certain time period?
How marketing analytics works

• 1.  Identify what you want to measure

• Define exactly what you’re hoping to accomplish through your
marketing. Start with the overall goal of your marketing strategy, then
start drilling down into specific campaigns and marketing channels.
Metrics can include return on investment, conversion rate, click rate
or brand recognition. You also want to define benchmarks and
milestones along the way that will help you evaluate and adapt your
marketing techniques.
2.  Use a balanced assortment of analytic
techniques and tools

To get the most benefit from marketing analytics, you’ll want a balanced assortment of techniques
and tools. Use analytics to:
• Report on the past. By using techniques that look at the past, you can answer questions such as:
What campaign elements generated the most revenue last quarter? How did social media campaign A
perform against direct mail campaign B? How many leads did we generate from this webinar series vs.
that podcast season?
• Analyze the present. Determine how your marketing initiatives are performing right now. How are
customers engaging with us? Which channels do our most profitable customers prefer? Who is talking
about us and where?
• Predict or influence the future. Marketing analytics can deliver data-driven predictions that help you
shape the future. You can answer questions such as: How can short-term wins be molded into loyalty?
How will adding more sales representatives in underperforming regions affect revenue? Which cities
should we target next? 
3.  Assess your analytic capabilities, and fill in the gaps

Marketing analytics technology is abundant so it can be hard to know
which tools you really need. But don’t start there; start with your
overall capability. Assess your current capabilities to determine where
you are along the analytics spectrum. Then start identifying where the
gaps are and develop a strategy for filling them in.
4.  Act on what you learn

Using data is one of the greatest challenges facing marketing professionals

these days. There’s just so. Much. Data! That’s why Step 1 is so important: If
you know that what you’re currently doing isn’t helping you reach your goals,
then you know it’s time to test and iterate.

Applied holistically, marketing analytics allows for more successful marketing

campaigns and a better overall customer experience. Specifically, when acted
upon, marketing analytics can lead to better supply and demand planning,
price optimization, and robust lead nurturing and management – all of which
leads to greater profitability.
Components of Market Analysis
• Customer description depicts the people in the company’s market, known as the demographic or target
market. Demographics could be categorized any number of ways including income, buying habits,
geographic location or age. Knowing the size of the market is important because that figure is the basis
for projected income and overall business goals. Market researchers may also analyze factors such as the
values that drive individuals in the demographic, how they make their decisions and their purchase
• How the target demographic perceives the business and the product is also an important aspect to
market analysis. The research for this analysis is often primary and in the form of surveys and focus
groups. The analysis of the gathered information lets the business know about consumer attitudes, how
likely they are to buy and their brand awareness and recognition.
• Market trends bring contextual relevance to the business and the market by describing current
tendencies and optional progression of those tendencies. Researchers can perform something called a
PEST (Political, Economic, Social and Technological) analysis to fulfill this component of a market analysis.
This helps researchers describe the current environment that business functions in while bringing
awareness to the cultural trends that effect the demographic.
• Market projections combine the information from the customer description, perception and
market trends and forecasts the future of the target market, as well as the business’ place in the
future of the market. This analysis helps businesses strategize by identifying critical areas needing
focus. Market projections help researchers and analysts make important recommendations to help
the business succeed in the future.
• Most market analyses also include a portion that describes the business’ competition with the
same examination that was applied to the researching company. For example, a competitor
analysis might include research into how the target demographic perceives the competitor's
brand, how the current trends effect competitors or how the competition could effect the
business in the future.
Case study


The Research
• Research begins when we want to know something. Research is concerned
with increasing our understanding. Research helps us to identify GAP, gives
us information and knowledge to prove /discard/add the existing theory.
• Marketing (Business) Research is the function that links the consumer,
customer and public to the marketer through information used to
identify and define marketing opportunities and problems, generate,
refine and evaluate marketing actions; monitor marketing
performance; and improve understanding of marketing as a process
-Pampers video case 1
Types of Research
• Shameem had been with the organization for a fortnight now and was due to meet Raghu. He opened the door
and walked in. Raghu asked him to be seated and said, ‘So doctor, what is the diagnosis?’ Shameem Naqib had
been recently hired as the company counsellor at Danish International, as Raghu Narang, the CEO, felt that he was
fed up with his team of non-performers. He had hand-picked the Band II decision makers from the most
prestigious and growing enterprises. Each one came with a proven track record of strategic turnarounds they had
managed in their respective roles. So why this inertia at DI? The salaries and perks were competitive, reasonable
autonomy was permitted in decision-making and yet nothing was moving. There had been two major mergers and
the responsibilities had increased somewhat. When Shameem went to meet Sid Malhotra, the bright star who had
joined six months back, he was reported absent and seemed to be suffering from hypertension and angina pain.
His colleague in the next cabin was not aware that Sid had not come for the past four days. As he was talking to
Raghu’s secretary, he could hear Kamini Bansal, the HR head, yelling at the top of her voice at a new recruit, who
after six weeks of joining had come to ask her about her job role. The Band III executives had been with the
company for a tenure of 5–15 years and yet had not been able to make it to the Band II position (except two lady
employees). They were laidback, extremely critical and yet surprisingly were not moving. Raghu also seemed a
peculiar guy, he had hired him as the counsellor and was also making some structural changes as suggested by a
Vastu expert, to nullify the effect of ‘evil spirits’. He had a history of hiring the best brains, and then trying to fit
them into some role in the organization. And in case someone did not fit in, firing him without any remorse. He
had changed his nature of business thrice and on the personal front, he was on the verge of his second divorce The
company had a great infrastructure, attractive compensation packages and yet the place reeked of apathy. It was
like a stagnant pool of the best talent. Was it possible to undertake-operation clean up?
• What is the management decision problem that Shameem is likely to
narrate to Raghu Narang?
• 2. Convert and formulate it into a research problem and state the
objectives of your study. Can you suggest a theoretical framework
about what you propose to study?
• 3. Develop the working hypothesis for your study
Research design
• “Research design” as a detailed plan of attack.  In this step we will first
determine our market research method (will it be a survey, focus
group, etc.?). 
• We will also think through specifics about how we will identify and
choose our sample (who are we going after? 
• where will we find them?  how will we incentivize them?, etc.). 
• This is also the time to plan where we will conduct our research
(telephone, in-person, mail, internet, etc.).
Research Design Details-classification
• Exploratory Research – This form of research is used when the topic is not well defined or
understood, your hypothesis is not well defined, and your knowledge of a topic is vague.
 Exploratory research will help you gain broad insights, narrow your focus, and learn the
basics necessary to go deeper.  Common exploratory market research techniques include
secondary research, focus groups and interviews.  Exploratory research is a qualitative form of
• Descriptive Research – If research objective calls for more detailed data on a specific topic,
you’ll be conducting quantitative descriptive research.  The goal of this form of market
research is to measure specific topics of interest, usually in a quantitative way.  Surveys are
the most common research instrument for descriptive research.
• Causal Research – The most specific type of research is causal research, which usually comes
in the form of a field test or experiment.  In this case, you are trying to determine a causal
relationship between variables.  For example, does the music I play in my restaurant increase
dessert sales (i.e. is there a causal relationship between music and sales?).
Process of Research
Market research Process
• Step 1. Define the Objective & Your “Problem”-key business problem
(or opportunity) “How should we price this new widget?” or “Which
features should we prioritize?”
• Step 2. Determine Your “Research Design”
Primary Vs Secondary
Focus Group
Experiments and Field Trials
• Experiments and field trials can be a hairy topic with lots of jargon, but here’s a
simple example that demonstrates an effective online experiment:
• In his first presidential campaign, Obama used “A/B testing” to optimize his
campaign donation page.  Some website visitors would see one image and
others (at random) would see a different image.  
• The webpage team was able to measure which image was resulting in more
donations, and they could quickly decide to use the more favorable image for
all users.  
• By employing this simple market research experiment on which website images
performed better, Obama was able to maximize contributions in a major way. 
• cereal company making two different packaging styles and delivering each one
to limited test market stores where their individual sales can be measured.
• Usability testing – Watching a subject use a prototype device is one form of observational research.
 Again, this can be done with or without intervention.
• Eye Tracking – Let’s say you have come up with a website.  You might ask people to navigate your
website, and you will use eye tracking technology to create a “heat map” of where their eyes go on the
website.  This information can be used to re-design and optimize the page elements.
• Contextual Inquiry – This is a hybrid form of research that involves interviewing subjects as the researcher
watches them work or play in their natural environment.
• In-Home Observation – Watching a family member go through the morning routine in their home might
turn up useful insights into pain-points that need solving.
• In-Store Observation – Simply watching shoppers in action is another form of observational research.
 What do shoppers notice? How do they go through a store? etc.
• Mystery Shoppers – This involves hiring a regular person to go into a store and pretend to be an everyday
shopper.  They will then report on aspects of their experience, such as store cleanliness, politeness of
staff, etc.  In the case, the mystery shopper is the researcher and the store is the subject being observed.
Eye tracking heat Map
Details of difference
Detailed difference
Management problems
• Mr Anil Mehra, a senior executive with a leading newspaper published from Delhi, was frustrated with his job. His idea of
launching an exclusive sports daily was not warmly received by the top management. Anil Mehra had written a few notes
explaining the need for launching such a daily. However, he was not able to convince his superior, Mr Ashok Kapoor. Mr Kapoor
had specifically asked him the estimates of demand for such a paper in the first year of the launch and for which Mehra had no
answers based on any scientific research. Kapoor had told him clearly that unless he convinced him about the need for such a
paper with the help of an empirical study, he would not be able to help him out. Anil Mehra was a graduate in English (Hons)
from Delhi University and had obtained a diploma in journalism in 1982. For the last 12–13 years he had worked with many
newspapers and business magazines and it was his knowledge which was inducing him to go for this type of a venture. He was
regretting not having a business background, which would have helped him to carry out an MR study for which his boss had
assured him sponsorship from the newspaper. However, the amount for the research study was too small for him to contact any
MR agency for help. The total budget for the study was `50,000. Just as Anil thought of putting in his papers and starting a sports
daily on his own, he received a phone call from his friend Prof. Ravi Sharma, who was working with one of the leading
management institutions of India. Prof. Sharma was on a visit to Delhi for a consulting assignment and thought of calling Anil.
Anil was thrilled to receive the phone call and fixed up a meeting with him for the next evening. Prof. Sharma was accompanied
by one of his colleagues, Prof. Singh. The conversation which went between Anil, Prof. Sharma, and Prof. Singh is as follows:
• Prof. Sharma: Anil, Why do you look so upset? What is wrong with you? Any problem with the job?
• Anil: I feel I shouldn’t have gone for journalism and should have opted for management as career, like you.
• Prof. Singh: Mr Mehra, I do not think yours is a bad line. However, please tell us if we could be of any help to you.
• Anil: Prof. Singh, I want that we should come up with an exclusive sports daily (in English). I gave this idea to my boss. However, I
am not able to convince him as he feels that it is only my hunch that there exists a demand for such a daily. He wants me to give
specific estimates through a scientifically conducted research and I find myself totally at a loss.
• Prof. Sharma: Anil, suppose you bring out such a daily, who will be the buyers?
• Anil: What do you mean by this? Prof. Sharma: I mean who are the people you think would be interested in reading such a sports
daily, what are their age groups, education, profession, income, etc.?
• Prof. Singh: Further, how much do you think people would be ready to pay for such a sports daily?
• Anil: Well, Prof. Singh, let me tell you one thing that in this business, the price of a newspaper is immaterial for us. In fact, things like the cost
of printing is much higher than the price charged from the customer.
• Prof. Singh: How will it be a viable proposition? Anil: It becomes viable just because the money is recovered through advertisements and if the
circulation is high, more and more companies advertise their products in the newspapers.
• Prof. Sharma: Anil, there is a sports section in all the newspapers. Why would people go for another one?
• Anil: Ravi, you are right that all the newspapers have a sports section but I do not think that sports lovers are satisfied with the material
covered there.
• Prof. Singh: I think there would be variations in the amount of satisfaction the readers derive depending upon which newspapers they read.
Further, I feel that they can satisfy there love for sports by going through general magazines, sports coverage on TV, sports videos, sports
coverage on radio, and sports magazines and if that be the case, I have my doubts that there would be enough readership for such a sports
• Anil: Well, Prof. Singh, you are right. The programmes on TV and coverage on radio is on a specific time and the sports lovers may not have
time to spare during those hours. Further, general magazines and sports magazines are usually quarterly or monthly and as such would be
providing only stale material on sports.
• Prof. Sharma: Prof. Singh, I think Anil has a point. However, it would be interesting to know the interests of the sports lovers for specific games
so that one could know which games the sports daily should emphasize. Further, what is the profile of the people who like some specific
• Prof. Singh: I have another question. At what time should the sports daily be brought out. That is to say should we bring it out in the morning
or in the afternoon or in the late evening hours.
• Anil: Look, Prof. Singh, these are all my problems and I have to convince my boss on all these issues. Please help me get a study conducted
with the help of your students. I am sorry we have limited funds. We would be able to reimburse their travelling expenses plus give them a
token honorarium for their efforts.
• Prof. Singh: Mr Mehra, you do not have to worry about it. We would send two of our intelligent, hardworking and dedicated students to your
organization for their summer job when they would conduct the study for you. Meanwhile, please tell me where would you like to launch this
exclusive sports daily? Further, if you have any information you think would be relevant to this study, kindly hand it over to us.
• Anil: Naturally, the sports daily has to be launched in Delhi on a trial basis. We have no idea what other information you are looking for. If you
could spell out the same, I will try to supply it.
• What is the management decision problem in this case?
Objective /Research Problem- Case 3: MALLS FOR ALL

1. A research was undertaken to ascertain the attitude of the Delhi

shopper towards the mall shopping experience, For the study.

Research Question (problem)-How to find out the typical Delhiites’

shopping behavior .

What would be the possible objectives…??


• To understand the parameters that influence his/her selection of a

• To understand the respondents’ spending pattern in a mall
• To understand consumer awareness about specific malls in Delhi/NCR
• To understand the consumer’s evaluation and satisfaction with
respect to the malls that he/she has shopped in
• To adequately profile the typical Delhi mall shopper .
Types of Data Collection
• Primary Data- Survey, Focus group, Experiments/Field Trials (A/B
Testing), observation.
• Secondary Data- News Papers,magazine,Internet,Journals.
Why Questionnaire.? An Experience of buying Toyota Corolla

• ‘Madam, can you please fill in this feedback questionnaire about your experience of buying Toyota Corolla from Star
Motors.’ Chetan Singh, sales executive at Toyota Motors, made a request to Shalini Singh as her husband sat filling in the
various forms and receiving the car papers. ‘Oh, it was very satisfying and you were very prompt in helping us out with
our doubts. You fill in whatever you want and I am ok with it.’ ‘No Ma’am, we need the feedback in your words.
• Shalini reluctantly took the form that Chetan handed out. She took a pen and started filling in the information required.
Good heavens, there was not a thing that was missing. Each question had five response options and very smartly, there
was no ‘very bad’ and the response options began with ‘not satisfactory’. She did not think this was correct as the
responses were very obviously skewed towards average or above average and the consumer did not have an option of
communicating that their experience was not happy. She decided that she would definitely write this in the suggestion
box at the end of the questionnaire.
• A month after their purchase, Shalini got a parcel from Toyota Motors. She wonderingly opened it and found a beautiful
keychain and a letter. The letter thanked her for her feedback on the form she had filled in at Toyota Motors. It went on
to explain the reason why the questionnaire that she had filled in had only ‘not satisfactory’ and then ‘average’ as the
response. Shalini realized that Toyota took the feedback process really seriously and worked on it; probably that was the
reason why they had been able to earn so much goodwill.
• When she discussed the idea with Ravi, he said, ‘You do not need to make so much effort, just see whether your client is
smiling or complaining .’ ‘But that only tells me that he/she is happy or unhappy, not the WHY?
Scaling Technique
Scales Basic Characteristics Examples

Nominal Numbers are used to label and Caste, religion, marital status,
classify objects brands, category high salary,
moderate salary
ordinal Numbers indicate the relative Ranking, order of preference, rank
positions of the objects the restaurant for dinner,
comparative income, Likert scale
Interval the difference between the two Income level, Age level
variables is meaningful and equal, 

Ratio A ratio scale is a quantitative scale Income $200,Weight ,sales, cost,

where there is a true zero . distance travelled, how many
chemist shop in the locality
Types of Likert Scale
What is the Semantic Differential Scale?
• Semantic Differential Scale is a survey or questionnaire rating scale that asks people to rate a product,
company, brand or any "entity" within the frames of a multi-point rating options. These survey
answering options are grammatically on opposite adjectives at each end. For example, love / hate,
satisfied / unsatisfied and likely to return / unlikely to return with intermediate options in between.
• Surveys or questionnaires using Semantic Differential Scale is the most reliable way to get information
on people’s emotional attitude towards a topic of interest.
• Charles Egerton Osgood, a famous American psychologist, invented the semantic differential scale so
that this “connotative meaning” of emotional attitude towards entities can be recorded and put to
good use.
• This research was conducted on a large database and Osgood found that there are 3 scales that were
commonly effective, irrespective of race or culture or difference in language:
• Estimate: Combination similar to “good-bad”
• Authority: Pairs on the lines of “powerful-weak’
• Activeness: Combos like “active-passive”
• A wide variation of subjects can be measured using these combinations like customers’ outlook about
an upcoming product launch or employee satisfaction.
Where to use Semantic Differential Scale?

• The ease-of-understanding and the popularity it comes with it, makes

it extremely reliable. Due to the versatility that these survey questions
come with, make the data collected very accurate.
• Semantic differential scale questions are used to ask respondents to
rate your products, organization or services with multi-point
questions with polar adjectives at the extremes of this scale like
likely/ unlikely, happy/sad, loved the service/ hated the service.
Semantic Differential Scale Examples & Question Types

• Slider Rating Scale

• Questions that feature a graphical slider give the respondent a more
interactive way to answer the semantic differential scale question.
SDS contd…..
• Non-slider Rating Scale
• The non-slider question uses typical radio buttons for a more
traditional survey look and feel that people are more used to
SDS contd….
• Ordering
• The ordering questions offer the scope to rate the parameters that
the respondents feel are best or worst according to their personal
• Satisfaction Rating
• The most easy and eye catchy semantic differential scale questions
are the satisfaction rating questions.
Brain Storming-A Indicate the type of scale

1.Rank the following soft drinks in order of your preference, the most preferred soft drink should be ranked one, the
second most preferred should be ranked two and so on.
2. (a) How large is the market size for shampoos?
(b) In which of the following functional areas of management do you wish to specialize in the second year?
(i) Marketing
(ii) Finance
(iii) HR
(iv) IT
3. Was the research session course difficult to understand?
• Yes_________ No___________
4 How do you rate the quality of food at the Haldiram’s restaurant?
• 1 = Very poor, 2 = Poor, 3 = Neither good nor poor, 4 = Good, 5 = Very good
5 your Age (yrs)- 1-10;11-20;21-30;31-40.
Common Types of Variables
• Categorical variable: variables than can be put into categories. For example, the category “Toothpaste Brands” might contain the variables
Colgate and Aquafresh.
• Confounding variable: extra variables that have a hidden effect on your experimental results.
• Continuous variable: a variable with infinite number of values, like “time” or “weight”.
• Control variable: a factor in an experiment which must be held constant. For example, in an experiment to determine whether light makes
plants grow faster, you would have to control for soil quality and water.
• Dependent variable: the outcome of an experiment. As you change the independent variable, you watch what happens to the dependent
• Discrete variable: a variable that can only take on a certain number of values. For example, “number of cars in a parking lot” is discrete
because a car park can only hold so many cars.
• Independent variable: a variable that is not affected by anything that you, the researcher, does. Usually plotted on the x-axis.
• A measurement variable has a number associated with it. It’s an “amount” of something, or a”number” of something.
• Nominal variable: another name for categorical variable.
• Ordinal variable: similar to a categorical variable, but there is a clear order. For example, income levels of low, middle, and high could be
considered ordinal.
• Qualitative variable: a broad category for any variable that can’t be counted (i.e. has no numerical value). Nominal and ordinal variables fall
under this umbrella term.
• Quantitative variable: A broad category that includes any variable that can be counted, or has a numerical value associated with it.
Examples of variables that fall into this category include discrete variables and ratio variables.
• Random variables are associated with random processes and give numbers to outcomes of random events.
• A Ranked variable is an ordinal variable; a variable where every data point can be put in order (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.).
Designing Questionnaire Case 3: MALLS FOR ALL

1.Name: 2. Mailing Address: (optional)

3.Age(in Yrs):
• 10-20 ;21-30 ;31-40 ;>40
• Student ; Housewife ;Professional/Service ;Self employed/Own Business ; Others (Please specify_______________)
5.Do you shop? Yes/No
a) Frequency of your shopping ? – Never, Rarely, Sometimes, Often, Always
b) When do you prefer to shop ?
• Weekdays morning ;Weekend morning ;Weekdays afternoon ;Weekend afternoon ;Weekdays evening ;Weekend
evening, Sundays only.
6. Where do you shop normally?
• A local area market (Could you please specify the market _____________)
• A shopping mall
• Both of the above
• To understand the parameters that influence his/her selection of a
mall (9)
• To understand the respondents’ spending pattern and Behavior in a
• To understand consumer awareness about specific malls in Delhi/NCR.
• To understand the consumer’s evaluation and satisfaction with
respect to the malls that he/she has shopped in .(10)
• To adequately profile the typical Delhi mall shopper . (1,2,3,4,5,6)
7.Please tell us about your awareness and number of visits to the following malls?
Awareness (Tick) Number of visit (No. of times in a month)

Ansal Plaza

Great India Place Noida

Waves Ghaziabad

Select city walk Delhi

Ansals Faridabad

Shipra Mall Ghaziabad

8.Please specify your spending for the following with respect to a mall.
Spending 0-10% 10-20% >20%

For eating and drinking

For entertainment
For shopping
9. Please give your views on malls for the following aspects.
Strongly Agree5 Agree4 Neutral3 Disagree 2 Strongly Disagree 1
Malls are convenient
Malls offer more variety
Malls are hygienic
Malls offer value for money
Malls are more expensive
The atmosphere in malls is very congenital
Malls are good for outing with family/friends

10. Please rate the mall w.r.t the following. Please specify the name of the Mall…………………………………..
1 (highly dissatisfied) 2 (dissatisfied) 3 (Neutral) 4 (Satisfied) 5 (Highly Satisfied)

Availability of products 1 2 3 4 5

Eating joints 1 2 3 4 5

Multiplex/entrainment 1 2 3 4 5

Facilities 1 2 3 4 5

Overall experience 1 2 3 4 5

11.Please Specify your spending Behaviour:

On the spot mood; planned purchase; Linked spending (eating +shopping)
The process of selecting the right individuals, objects or events for the study is known as sampling.
Sampling involves the study of a small number of individuals, objects chosen from a larger group.
• Random Sampling-
• Systematic Sampling -
2.Non probability
• Convenience Sampling-
• Snowball Sampling-
• Quota Sampling-
• Judgement (or Purposive) Sampling-
Brainstorming B Sampling

• There is a residential locality where the residents comprise Hindus, Sikhs, Muslim, Jains and
Christians. A survey is conducted to understand the food habits of the residents. Every 7th house is
selected as the sample. Critically examine the sampling scheme.
• A HR of PNB Bank wanted to evaluate a Satisfaction level of retail banking facilities that they can
identify the gap, They only seek response from the Customer who visits branch at least thrice a

•  For the new project in a company, the names of 25 employees being chosen out of a hat from a
company of 250 employees.
• Reena was a researcher who was currently studying the Grocery Shopping experience of the
customers in Delhi NCR, She decided to collect the response from the nearby grocery store and
asking people to answer questions in the structured questionnaire. 
Brain Storming C

1. The administrators of Parents’ Pride, one of the city’s largest chain of pre-nursery schools, are
concerned with the attitude parents have towards the various aspects of the school and whether
they would recommend the school to their friends and colleagues. They have authorized the
undertaking of a marketing research study to gather this information, and have directed that it
cover the following areas—all the functions with which the parents and the child come into contact
(such as admissions, school infrastructure, teachers, teachers’ attitude, meals, fee structure,
parent-teacher interaction, hygienic conditions and so on). Design a questionnaire that can be
used for this study. Would your design change if this was a schedule? How?
2. The management of Outlook magazine finds that despite changes in the publication frequency, the
magazine is still facing a stiff competition from the rival India Today. Thus, the management
wanted to conduct a comparative survey for the two magazines and assess whether they had a
distinct positioning. Who was the reader of Outlook? How did he/ she rate the magazine, and so
on? The specific study objectives were to:
Brain Storming D Case- Danish International

• Shameem had been with the organization for a fortnight now and was due to meet Raghu. He opened the door
and walked in. Raghu asked him to be seated and said, ‘So doctor, what is the diagnosis?’
• Shameem Naqib had been recently hired as the company counsellor at Danish International, as Raghu Narang,
the CEO, felt that he was fed up with his team of non-performers. He had hand-picked the Band II decision
makers from the most prestigious and growing enterprises. Each one came with a proven track record of
strategic turnarounds they had managed in their respective roles. So why this inertia at DI? The salaries and
perks were competitive, reasonable autonomy was permitted in decision-making and yet nothing was moving.
• There had been two major mergers and the responsibilities had increased somewhat. When Shameem went to
meet Sid Malhotra, the bright star who had joined six months back, he was reported absent and seemed to be
suffering from hypertension and angina pain. His colleague in the next cabin was not aware that Sid had not
come for the past four days. As he was talking to Raghu’s secretary, he could hear Kamini Bansal, the HR head,
yelling at the top of her voice at a new recruit, who after six weeks of joining had come to ask her about her job
• The Band III executives had been with the company for a tenure of 5–15 years and yet had not been able to
make it to the Band II position (except two lady employees). They were laidback, extremely critical and yet
surprisingly were not moving.
• Raghu also seemed a peculiar guy, he had hired him as the counsellor and was also making some structural
changes as suggested by a Vastu expert, to nullify the effect of ‘evil spirits’. He had a history of hiring the best
brains, and then trying to fit them into some role in the organization. And in case someone did not fit in, firing him
without any remorse. He had changed his nature of business thrice and on the personal front, he was on the
verge of his second divorce.
• What is the management decision problem that Shameem is likely to
narrate to Raghu Narang.

• State the objective of your study.

• The company had a great infrastructure, attractive
compensation packages and yet the place reeked of apathy. It
was like a stagnant pool of the best talent.

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