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Lecture Three

Electrical Safety

March, 2022

Fundamental of electricity
Electrical hazards
Control of electrical hazards
Battery charging and hazards
3.1 Fundamental of Electricity

• An understanding of the hazard and the safeguards of

electricity begins with an understanding of basic electric
• Ohm’s law: (Current is a function of electrical potential V,
between two points and the resistance between them)
I is current (amperes), V is Voltage (volts),
R is resistance (ohm’s)
 Resistance to electron flow dependents on the material
• Conductors – low resistance (e.g. copper)
• Insulators – high resistance (e.g. wood)
Note: If there is more than one path between two points that
differ in electrical energy level, the electrons will flow
primarily through the path of least resistance.
Resistance , R = ρL = 1/σ L ,
Where R is resistance,
L is length,
ρ is resistivity in ohms per unit length,
σ is conductivity in unit length per ohm
Current density (J):
The amount of current flowing through a
conductor per unit of cross sectional area.
 J = I/A where J is current density (Amperes per m2 )
If the area is large, the current density is low.
Current and current density are important for safety.
 (Heating) Joule’s Law:
The energy lost due to resistance changers to heat energy, a
process called Joule heating (E.g. resistance heater )
• Joule's law, of electric heating, which states that the amount
of heat produced each second in a conductor by a
current of electricity is proportional to the resistance
of the conductor and to the square of the current.
P= IV = I2R

P is power, I is current, R is resistance, V is Volt

• The temperature of a conductor will raise as the current flow
increase (i.e. current density increase),
• T (oC) depends on the amount of heat produced during joule
heating and how well the heat transfer to the surrounding
environment trough convection, conduction and radiation.
3.2 Arcing:

Arcing occurs when current flows

through air between two
conductors that are not in
direct contact.
 Arcing produce light :- electron
move across the gap between
the conductor.
 We observe it as a form of
 We see it when a switch or
other electrical contact is
opened and closed.
How Electricity Works

Example: A Garden Hose

Flow of W

To Low Pressure

Water Moves from

High Pressure

The same thing occurs in an Electrical Wire

Flow of Current
Current Moves
To Low Voltage
from High Voltage
3.3 Electrical hazards
• Electricity and electrical equipments creates or contributes a
number of hazards.
3.3.1 Types of Electrical Hazards
• The most common ones are :
Electrical Shock
Heat and fire
• Electricity may produce other hazards indirectly
Some electrically powered devices produce harmful levels of X-
rays, microwaves, or laser light
Certain equipments may created danger from magnetic fields.
Mechanical hazard because of electricity energized equipments.
Failure of electrical power can make other hazard
Failure of computer equipment and electronic sensor
1. Electrical Shocks
 Electricity travels in closed circuits, normally through
a conductor
 Shock results when the body becomes part of the
electrical circuit
 Current enters the body at one point and leaves at

• Note: Ground circuits provide a path for

stray current to pass directly to the
ground, and greatly reduce the amount
of current passing through the body of a
person in contact with a tool or machine
that has an electrical short.
• Properly installed, the grounding
conductor provides protection from
 Alternating current or AC is what comes out of wall outlets.
 Direct current or DC flows in one direction.
 Properties: Shocks involving AC tend to push the recipient away while shocks
involving DC tend to grab hold of the recipient making it difficult for them to get
away from the shock source.

Alternating Current (AC)

Volts •Lower levels of AC than DC will
- produce painful shocks in humans
Time (sec.)
while lower levels of DC than AC can
lead to fibrillation of the heart muscle.
Direct Current (DC)
•Women are more sensitive to the
0 effects of both AC and DC than are
- Time (sec.)
How Electrical Current Affects the Body

Current Human Reaction

0.001 Perception level. Just a faint tingle.
0.005 Slight shock felt; not painful but disturbing.
Average individual can let go.
0.006-0.025 Painful shock, muscular control is lost.
0.009-0.030 This is called the freezing current or "let-go" range.
0.050-0.150 Extreme pain, respiratory arrest, severe muscular
1 - 4.3 Ventricular fibrillation.
10 Cardiac arrest, severe burns and probable death.
Note: some smaller microwave ovens use 10.0 Amps (10,000
milliamps) and common florescent lights use 1 Amp (1,000 milliamps)
Water and Conduction

 Conductors- Substances with relatively little resistance to the

flow of electrical current (e.g., metals).

 Water- influences the conductive properties of some materials

Dry wood is a poor conductor
Wood saturated with water becomes a ready conductor

 NOTE:- Use extreme caution when working with electricity

where there is water in the environment or on the skin.
Human Skin & Resistance
 Dry Conditions Human Skin is Resistant
Current = Volts/Ohms = 120/100,000 = 1mA (0.001A)
- Barely perceptible level of current

 Wet Conditions Skin’s Resistance drops dramatically

Current = Volts/Ohms = 120/1,000 = 120mA (0.12A)

- Sufficient current to cause ventricular fibrillation

 A low voltage electrocution becomes much more hazardous in a wet

 High voltage electrical energy greatly reduces the body's resistance by
quickly breaking down human skin. Once the skin is punctured, the lowered
resistance results in massive current flow.
 Muscular contraction caused by stimulation does not
allow a victim to free himself from a circuit
 The degree of injury increases with the length of time
the body is in the circuit.
 Thus even relatively low voltages can be extremely


 An exposure of 100mA for 3 seconds can

cause the same amount of damage as an
exposure of 900mA for 0.03 seconds
2. Burns: (Heating and fire)
 The most common shock-related injury is a burn.

 Burns suffered in electrical incidents may be one or more of

the following three types: electrical burns, high temperature
and thermal contact
 Electrical Burns, are the result of heat generated by the flow
of electric current through the body, cause tissue damage.
 Electrical burns are one of the most serious injuries you can
receive and need to receive immediate medical attention.

High temperature, near the body produced by an

electric arc or explosion cause Arc or Flash Burns
(also need prompt medical attention)
Thermal Contact Burns occur when skin comes
in contact with overheated electric equipment, or
when clothing is ignited in an electrical incident.
1.Electrical Burns 2.Arc or Flash Burns 3.Thermal Contact Burns

 This man was near a

 Current flows through the  Current exited
power box when an
body from the entrance electrical explosion this man at his
point, until finally exiting occurred. knees, catching
where the body is closest  Though he did not touch his clothing on
to the ground. the box, electricity arced
 This foot suffered massive fire and
through the air and burning his
internal injuries, which entered his body.
weren't readily visible, upper leg.
 The current was drawn to
and had to be amputated his armpits because
a few days later perspiration is very
Source :OSHA
Internal Injuries

Our bodies use small electrical currents to transmit

signals through the nervous system and contract
Extra electrical current flowing through the body
can cause serious damage.
Medical problems can include internal bleeding,
tissue destruction, and nerve or muscle damage
Internal injuries may not be immediately apparent
to the victim or observers; however, left untreated,
they can result in death
Involuntary Muscle Contraction

Muscles violently contract when stimulated by

excessive amounts of electricity
These involuntary contractions can damage
muscles, tendons, and ligaments, and may even
cause broken bones.
If the victim is holding an electrocuting object,
hand muscles may contract, making it impossible
to drop the object

Note: injury or death may result from a fall due to muscle

• Internal injuries and muscle contraction

•This worker was •This worker fell and grabbed a

shocked by a tool he power line to catch himself.
was holding. •The resulting electric shock
•The entrance wound mummified his first two fingers,
and thermal burns from which had to be removed.
the overheated tool are •The acute angle of the wrist was
apparent caused by burning of the tendons,
which contracted, drawing the hand
with them.
Source :OSHA
3. Explosion
• Arcing in the presence of an atmosphere containing
combustible dust or static electricity can ignite major disaster .
• Since arcing occurs when current flows through air between
two conductors that are not in direct contact. (which is used as
an ignition source ).
• Most of industrial fires and explosions are facilitated by an
ignition source of electrical lines (Arcing)
• E.g. Textile industries having a massive amount of
combustible dust environment so that if an electrical
circuit forming a short or arcing, it may probably produce an
3.3.2 Control of Electrical hazards
• There are a variety of controls that can reduce or
eliminate hazards.
• These are categorized in to
Physical Controls
Over current Devices:
Switching Devices
Grounding and Bonding
Ground fault Circuit Interrupter and
1. Physical controls:-
 Refer to materials used, design of
components, and placement of
Shielding , enclosing, and positioning of
electrical devices can reduces contact
with human , other equipments, of
hazardous materials and environments.
Wire size and length
Location (where electrical equipments
should be placed, where people and
other equipment cannot come in to
contact to it.
E.g. Pole keep power distribution line
out of people’s reach and above most
vehicles and equipments

• Conduit and Protective Coverings: -One of the

reasons for placing electrical lines in metal conduits is
to prevent physical damage to them. Another reason is
to reduce the chance that people will contact.
Nonconductive materials cover most electrical wires
• Sealed Equipment: sealed to separate heat and
sparks from the hazardous environment and to reduce
the chance of physical damage.
• Proper Connections: - There are many ways to
connect electrical conductors: plugs, receptacles,
screw terminals, wire nuts, and other special

• Isolation and Double Insulation:-Another form of

physical control is separating energized portions of
electrical equipment from those components that
people can contact (isolation).
– Several means can accomplish this. Conductors
can be separated from contact by covering them
with nonconductive materials (insulation).
– Another method is to provide two layers of
enclosure for energized components. At least one
of the layers must be nonconductive, and the
nonconductive layer must separate a user from
possible contact with any energized component
(double insulation)
2. Over current Devices:

 Over current devices limit the current that can flow

through a circuit or electrical device.
 If current exceeds a given limit, the device shuts off
 Fuses and circuit breakers are two common over
current devices.
A. Fuses:
• When placed in a circuit and current in the circuit
exceeds some limiting value, the material in a fuse
(usually lead or a lead alloy) heats above its melting
point and separates, thereby stopping the flow of
B. Circuit breakers:
 Circuit breakers are a form of switch that opens when current passing through
them exceeds some designed limit
There are two kinds of breakers, each with a different principle of operation.
One type opens when the temperature of the breaker reaches a predetermined
level. The temperature of the environment around the breaker can affect its
The second type is magnetic, which opens when a predetermined current level is
reached. Environmental temperature has less affect on this type of breaker. There
are many different breaker designs. Codes specify what types to use in certain
3. Switching Devices
 In addition to over current devices, other switching
devices can reduce or eliminate electrical hazards.
 They include lockouts, interlocks, and thermal or over
speed switches.
• Lockouts: Some switching devices use lockout devices
and procedures. A lockout procedure involves placing
a lock on a switch or other device to prevent the
switch or equipment from being turned on or
energized. (simple Key)
• Interlocks: An interlock is a switch intended to
prevent access to an energized or dangerous location.
Interlocks are often attached to access doors, panels,
and gates. When a door opens or a panel is removed,
power to equipment is shut off by the interlock switch.
• Operator seats often have interlocks: When the
operator leaves the seat, power is cut off. In some
applications, interlocks that fail to work may not be
detected, which will leave equipment energized and in a
dangerous condition.
• Thermal and over speed Cutouts: The temperature of an
electric motor will rise during use. If the temperature
exceeds a certain value, a dangerous condition may exist.
A temperature-sensitive switch with a preset temperature
limit can interrupt power. Some electrical motors,
equipment with resistance heaters (such as hair dryers),
and other electrical equipment have thermal cutout
• Over speed switches: Senses when a motor or other
device operates too fast ,If a motor reaches excessive
speed, the switch interrupts power to the equipment.
4. Grounding and Bonding
• Grounding and bonding control the electrical potential
between two bodies. If there is a difference in potential
between two bodies, a conductor between them will allow
charge or current to flow. That flow may be dangerous,
particularly as a source of ignition.
Bonding :- In bonding, two bodies have a conductor
between them. Bonding equalizes charge between the two
bodies; it does not remove charge from them. Bonding often
controls static charge buildup.
Bonding is not a protection for electric shock, because a
person can still become a conductor between a charged
body and a ground.
Bonding Grounding
Strap Strap

Grounding: - In grounding, one or more charged
bodies have a conductor between them which is also
connected to an electrical ground. Grounding
removes charge from the bodies. Grounding is
usually accomplished by driving a conductive rod
(usually copper) into the ground and attaching
ground connections to it. Electrical codes specify size
and other requirements for ground rods and ground
• Grounding may protect people from electric shock.
Although energized parts could shock someone who
contacts them, the current most likely will flow
through the ground wire, not through the person, if
the parts connect to the ground wire.
5. Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter
• Another means to protect people from electric shock is a
ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI).
• AGFCI is a fast-acting circuit breaker that quickly
senses very low current levels. Some GFCIs sense as
little as 2mA and shut off current in as little as 0.02 s.
• A GFCI compares current normally flowing through the
power distribution wire and the grounded neutral wire of
a circuit.
• The current flowing through one must pass through the
other for the circuit to work.
• If current is not equal, some electrical energy is flowing
to ground through other than the normal route, perhaps
through a person.
• When the current is not equal, the GFCI detects this
current differential and shuts off the current
Function of GFCI

Switches Receptacle
Hot Line In
Neutral Line In

A GFCI or ground fault circuit interrupter shuts off the

flow of current upon sensing a fault condition such as
an electrical shock. Switches quickly open in the GFCI
device in order to prevent the shock victim from
receiving a lethal amount of electricity
6. Procedures
• Work procedures for installation, use of, and maintenance of
electrical systems and equipment can reduce risk. Procedures
differ for high-voltage power distribution, low voltage, and
safety low voltage. Workers must learn these procedures.
• Electrical equipment for consumers must have instructions that
explain electrical hazards and how to prevent electrical injury.
• First Aid anyone working with electrical circuits and
equipment should know rescue methods and first aid for
electrical accidents.
• Too often, attempts at rescue in electrical accidents result in a
rescuer becoming part of the circuit and an additional victim.

• Because respiratory arrest and fibrillation are common effects,

knowledge of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is essential
for those who work with electrical circuits and equipment.
• Without immediate treatment for these injuries, chances of
survival are minimal.
• Lightning is the sudden release of static buildup in clouds,
particularly during thunderstorms, which can produce very large
• Lightning has occurred at nearly every location on our globe.
However, there is a wide range in frequency of occurrence.

Lightening Arrestors:
• A system of lightning rods or air terminals connected to a special
ground rod is the normal method for providing external protection.
• Air terminals are placed strategically along roof lines, on protruding
building elements (chimneys, dormers, etc.), or in the form of a
protective grid.
• The air terminals intercept lightning discharges in their vicinity and
conduct the current to the ground.

• Automobiles, trucks, industrial vehicles, and other equipment

depend on lead-acid batteries.
These batteries can explode during charging operations,
causing battery acid and particles from the case to injure the
eyes or skin.
Two types of explosions are possible:
1. Related to flammability of hydrogen gas
2. The other electrical in nature.

 During charging, lead-acid batteries produce hydrogen gas

from the electrolytic fluid.
 If the hydrogen gas reaches a flammable concentration (4%–
75% by volume of air) in the air near the battery, a spark or
flame can ignite it and can produce an explosion.
 The arc may come from attaching or removing charging
cables. An external heat or flame can come from a variety
of sources.

 The second type of explosion can occur when making

connections. An explosion can occur if two batteries being
connected are of different voltage or when joining
terminals of differing polarities.

To prevent the first type of explosion, dilute the air around
the battery with uncontaminated air to keep hydrogen gas from
reaching an explosive concentration.
 In a closed battery charging room, an exhaust system is
needed. Charging rooms must have charging racks, and
special coatings on walls and floors are desirable to prevent
acid damage.
 Charging rooms should have an emergency eye wash fountain
and emergency shower. Workers must wear protective
eyewear and other protective clothing.
To prevent the second type of explosion, make sure batteries
being connected together have the same voltage.

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